Long-Term Aquatic Faunal Sampling via Throw Trap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida, USA, 1978 – 2021
At a Glance
Authors: Peter Flood, William Loftus, Jeffrey Kline, Nathan Dorn, Joel Trexler
Time period: 1978-01-01 to 2021-12-31
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1258.2
Flood, P., W. Loftus, J. Kline, N. Dorn, J. Trexler. 2024. Long-Term Aquatic Faunal Sampling via Throw Trap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida, USA, 1978 – 2021. Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/91ccf52d9b3c4530736775f7923eb71f. Dataset accessed 2025-03-07.
Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon.
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Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.
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Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.
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Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots.
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Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA.
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Rmd file for analyses performed on these data for the associated manuscript.
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Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Peter Flood
- Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Organization: University of Michigan
- Email: pjfloodecology@gmail.com
- URL: https://sites.google.com/view/peterjflood-ecology/home
- Name: Dr. William Loftus
- Organization: Aquatic Research & Communication LLC
- Email: arc_wfl@bellsouth.net
- Name: Jeffrey Kline
- Position: Aquatic Ecologist
- Organization: South Florida Natural Resource Center
- Email: Jeff_Kline@nps.gov
- Name: Dr. Nathan Dorn
- Position: Associate Professor
- Organization: Florida International University
- Email: ndorn@fiu.edu
- Name: Dr. Joel Trexler
- Position: Director of the Coastal and Marine Laboratory and Professor of Biological Science
- Organization: Florida State University
- Email: jtrexler@fsu.edu
- URL: https://trexlerlab.wordpress.com/
Dataset AbstractLong-term monitoring of fish communities in the Everglades using 1-m2 throw traps started in 1978 and is ongoing. Data represent the number of individuals per species collected per throw trap (i.e., individuals per square meter). From 1978-1995 sampling occurred five times per year, referred to as periods, at one plot per site and the number of throws was determined by estimates of inter-sample variance. In 1996, the spatial extent of monitoring was expanded to include additional sites and multiple plots per site. At each plot 5-7 throw trap samples were collected with sampling location within a plot being drawn from a random number table. Days since dry (DSD) are calculated as the number of days since depth was last < 5 cm using the Everglades Depth Estimation Network and in situ depth measurements. Statistical comparisons of community composition can be found in FCE1258_community_change.Rmd
Geographic CoverageBounding Coordinates
Dataset covers long-term monitoring sites in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida, USA.
N: 25.691, S: 25.26, E: -80.62, W: -80.85
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 1978
End Date: 2021
Data Table: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon.Attribute Name:Species_abbreviationAttribute Label:Species_abbreviationAttribute Definition:6 letter code used in the throwtrap data file. This is usually the first three letters of the genus followed by the first three letters of the species. For taxa identified at a more coarse taxonomic resolution (e.g., Family) the first six letters of the name of that group are used (e.g., COLEOA = Coleoptera)Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:Scientific_nameAttribute Label:Scientific_nameAttribute Definition:Scientific name for that taxon, usually genus and species but is occasionally a higher order taxonomic group.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:NA (Scientific name not applicable)Attribute Name:Common_nameAttribute Label:Common_nameAttribute Definition:Common name for that taxonStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Attribute Name:REGIONAttribute Label:REGIONAttribute Definition:Region in EvergladesStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:SITEAttribute Label:SITEAttribute Definition:Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PLOTAttribute Label:PLOTAttribute Definition:Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:A= Plot A
B= Plot B
C= Plot C
D= Plot D
E= Plot E
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:THROWAttribute Label:THROWAttribute Definition:7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:CUMAttribute Label:CUMAttribute Definition:Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:YEARAttribute Label:YEARAttribute Definition:Year in study.Storage Type:dateTimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:PERIODAttribute Label:PERIODAttribute Definition:Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:MONTHAttribute Label:MONTHAttribute Definition:Month of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DAYAttribute Label:DAYAttribute Definition:Day of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DSLDDAttribute Label:DSLDDAttribute Definition:Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dayNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:AMENATAttribute Label:AMENATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:AMENEBAttribute Label:AMENEBAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:AMICALAttribute Label:AMICALAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ANGROSAttribute Label:ANGROSAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:APHSAYAttribute Label:APHSAYAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ASTOCEAttribute Label:ASTOCEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BELBELAttribute Label:BELBELAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICBIMAttribute Label:CICBIMAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICMANAttribute Label:CICMANAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICSPPAttribute Label:CICSPPAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICUROAttribute Label:CICUROAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CLABATAttribute Label:CLABATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CYPVARAttribute Label:CYPVARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ELAEVEAttribute Label:ELAEVEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ENNGLOAttribute Label:ENNGLOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERISUCAttribute Label:ERISUCAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYUMBAttribute Label:ERYUMBAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ESOAMEAttribute Label:ESOAMEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ESONIGAttribute Label:ESONIGAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FLOCARAttribute Label:FLOCARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNCHRAttribute Label:FUNCHRAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNCONAttribute Label:FUNCONAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNGRAAttribute Label:FUNGRAAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNSEMAttribute Label:FUNSEMAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNSPPAttribute Label:FUNSPPAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GAMHOLAttribute Label:GAMHOLAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HEMLETAttribute Label:HEMLETAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HETFORAttribute Label:HETFORAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HOPLITAttribute Label:HOPLITAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ICTPUNAttribute Label:ICTPUNAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:JORFLOAttribute Label:JORFLOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LABSICAttribute Label:LABSICAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPGULAttribute Label:LEPGULAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMACAttribute Label:LEPMACAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMARAttribute Label:LEPMARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMICAttribute Label:LEPMICAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPOMMAttribute Label:LEPOMMAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPPLAAttribute Label:LEPPLAAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPPUNAttribute Label:LEPPUNAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPSPPAttribute Label:LEPSPPAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LUCGOOAttribute Label:LUCGOOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LUCPARAttribute Label:LUCPARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MENBERAttribute Label:MENBERAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MICGULAttribute Label:MICGULAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MICSALAttribute Label:MICSALAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MONALBAttribute Label:MONALBAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTGYRAttribute Label:NOTGYRAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTMACAttribute Label:NOTMACAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTPETAttribute Label:NOTPETAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:OREAURAttribute Label:OREAURAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:POELATAttribute Label:POELATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TILMARAttribute Label:TILMARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TRIMACAttribute Label:TRIMACAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:UNIFISAttribute Label:UNIFISAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOFISHAttribute Label:NOFISHAttribute Definition:Denotes if no fish(es) were collected, 0 = fish caught and 1 = no fish caughtStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:0= Site was not dry
1= Site was dry so no fish
Missing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:DRNFISAttribute Label:DRNFISAttribute Definition:Denotes if site was dry leading to no fish being collected, 0 = site was not dry and 1 = site was dry so no fishStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:0= Site was not dry
1= Site was dry so no fish
Missing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TOTFISHAttribute Label:TOTFISHAttribute Definition:Count of total fish collected per meter square.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)
Data Table: Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Attribute Name:REGIONAttribute Label:REGIONAttribute Definition:Region in EvergladesStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:SITEAttribute Label:SITEAttribute Definition:Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PLOTAttribute Label:PLOTAttribute Definition:Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:A= Plot A
B= Plot B
C= Plot C
D= Plot D
E= Plot E
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:YEARAttribute Label:YEARAttribute Definition:Year in study.Storage Type:dateTimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:MONTHAttribute Label:MONTHAttribute Definition:Month of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DAYAttribute Label:DAYAttribute Definition:Day of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:THROWAttribute Label:THROWAttribute Definition:7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PERIODAttribute Label:PERIODAttribute Definition:Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:CUMAttribute Label:CUMAttribute Definition:Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DSLDDAttribute Label:DSLDDAttribute Definition:Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dayNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:ABEIMMAttribute Label:ABEIMMAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ACARINAttribute Label:ACARINAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ANAJUNAttribute Label:ANAJUNAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ANISOPAttribute Label:ANISOPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:APHPACAttribute Label:APHPACAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:APHWILAttribute Label:APHWILAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ARIPALAttribute Label:ARIPALAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BELNYMAttribute Label:BELNYMAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BELSPPAttribute Label:BELSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BIVALVAttribute Label:BIVALVAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BRAGRAAttribute Label:BRAGRAAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CELBERAttribute Label:CELBERAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CELEPOAttribute Label:CELEPOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CELFASAttribute Label:CELFASAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CELSPPAttribute Label:CELSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CERATOAttribute Label:CERATOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CHIRONAttribute Label:CHIRONAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:COENAGAttribute Label:COENAGAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:COLEOAAttribute Label:COLEOAAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:COLEOLAttribute Label:COLEOLAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:COLEOPAttribute Label:COLEOPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CORINGAttribute Label:CORINGAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CORIXIAttribute Label:CORIXIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CURCULAttribute Label:CURCULAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CYBFIMAttribute Label:CYBFIMAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CYBSPPAttribute Label:CYBSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:DINSPPAttribute Label:DINSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:DIPTERAttribute Label:DIPTERAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:DYTSPPAttribute Label:DYTSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ELLBUCAttribute Label:ELLBUCAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:EPHEMEAttribute Label:EPHEMEAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:EPIPRIAttribute Label:EPIPRIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:EPISTEAttribute Label:EPISTEAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYMINAttribute Label:ERYMINAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYPLEAttribute Label:ERYPLEAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYSIMAttribute Label:ERYSIMAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYSPPAttribute Label:ERYSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERYVESAttribute Label:ERYVESAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GASTROAttribute Label:GASTROAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GERRIDAttribute Label:GERRIDAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GYRELEAttribute Label:GYRELEAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GYRSPPAttribute Label:GYRSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HAISPPAttribute Label:HAISPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HETEROAttribute Label:HETEROAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HIRUDIAttribute Label:HIRUDIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HYDOBLAttribute Label:HYDOBLAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HYDROBAttribute Label:HYDROBAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HYDSPPAttribute Label:HYDSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPIDOAttribute Label:LEPIDOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LETSPPAttribute Label:LETSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LETUHLAttribute Label:LETUHLAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LIBAURAttribute Label:LIBAURAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LIBINCAttribute Label:LIBINCAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LIBNEEAttribute Label:LIBNEEAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LIBSPPAttribute Label:LIBSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LIMFRAAttribute Label:LIMFRAAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LITMONAttribute Label:LITMONAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MARCORAttribute Label:MARCORAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MELTUBAttribute Label:MELTUBAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MICDILAttribute Label:MICDILAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NEMATOAttribute Label:NEMATOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NEOHESAttribute Label:NEOHESAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NEOUNIAttribute Label:NEOUNIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NEUROPAttribute Label:NEUROPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTVIRAttribute Label:NOTVIRAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:OLIGOCAttribute Label:OLIGOCAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PACLONAttribute Label:PACLONAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PALPALAttribute Label:PALPALAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PANSPPAttribute Label:PANSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PELBALAttribute Label:PELBALAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PELFEMAttribute Label:PELFEMAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PLASPPAttribute Label:PLASPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PLATYHAttribute Label:PLATYHAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:POMCANAttribute Label:POMCANAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:POMMACAttribute Label:POMMACAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:POMPALAttribute Label:POMPALAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:PSECOLAttribute Label:PSECOLAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:RANATPAttribute Label:RANATPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:SPHAERAttribute Label:SPHAERAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:SPOLACAttribute Label:SPOLACAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:STRATIAttribute Label:STRATIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TABANIAttribute Label:TABANIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TANSPPAttribute Label:TANSPPAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TANYPOAttribute Label:TANYPOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TAPLOUAttribute Label:TAPLOUAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TIPULIAttribute Label:TIPULIAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TRACARAttribute Label:TRACARAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TREFLOAttribute Label:TREFLOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TRICHOAttribute Label:TRICHOAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:UNIDENAttribute Label:UNIDENAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:VELIIDAttribute Label:VELIIDAttribute Definition:Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOINVTAttribute Label:NOINVTAttribute Definition:Indicates if no invertebrates were in the sample, 0 = inverts collected and 1 = no inverts collectedStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:0= Inverts collected
1= No inverts collected
Missing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:INVTOTAttribute Label:INVTOTAttribute Definition:Total count of collected invertebrates per meter squareStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)
Data Table: Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots.Attribute Name:YEARAttribute Label:YEARAttribute Definition:Year in study.Storage Type:dateTimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:NA (No year recorded)Attribute Name:MONTHAttribute Label:MONTHAttribute Definition:Month of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:NA (No month recorded)Attribute Name:DAYAttribute Label:DAYAttribute Definition:Day of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:NA (No day recorded)Attribute Name:SITEAttribute Label:SITEAttribute Definition:Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Site was not recorded)Attribute Name:PLOTAttribute Label:PLOTAttribute Definition:Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:A= Plot A
B= Plot B
C= Plot C
D= Plot D
E= Plot E
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:THROWAttribute Label:THROWAttribute Definition:7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:NA (Throw was not recorded)Attribute Name:REGIONAttribute Label:REGIONAttribute Definition:Region in EvergladesStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA
Missing Value Code:NA (Region not recorded)Attribute Name:CUMAttribute Label:CUMAttribute Definition:Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PERIODAttribute Label:PERIODAttribute Definition:Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Period not recorded)Attribute Name:DSLDDAttribute Label:DSLDDAttribute Definition:Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dayNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:NA (DSLDD not calculated for this sample)Attribute Name:AMENATAttribute Label:AMENATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:APHSAYAttribute Label:APHSAYAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ASTOCEAttribute Label:ASTOCEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:BELBELAttribute Label:BELBELAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICBIMAttribute Label:CICBIMAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CICUROAttribute Label:CICUROAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CLABATAttribute Label:CLABATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:CYPVARAttribute Label:CYPVARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ELAEVEAttribute Label:ELAEVEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ENNGLOAttribute Label:ENNGLOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ERISUCAttribute Label:ERISUCAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ESOAMEAttribute Label:ESOAMEAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:ETHFUSAttribute Label:ETHFUSAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNCHRAttribute Label:FUNCHRAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNCONAttribute Label:FUNCONAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:FUNSEMAttribute Label:FUNSEMAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:GAMHOLAttribute Label:GAMHOLAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HEMLETAttribute Label:HEMLETAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HETFORAttribute Label:HETFORAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:HOPLITAttribute Label:HOPLITAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:JORFLOAttribute Label:JORFLOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LABSICAttribute Label:LABSICAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPGULAttribute Label:LEPGULAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMACAttribute Label:LEPMACAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMARAttribute Label:LEPMARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPMICAttribute Label:LEPMICAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPPLAAttribute Label:LEPPLAAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPPUNAttribute Label:LEPPUNAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LEPSPPAttribute Label:LEPSPPAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:LUCGOOAttribute Label:LUCGOOAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MICGULAttribute Label:MICGULAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:MICSALAttribute Label:MICSALAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTCRYAttribute Label:NOTCRYAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTGYRAttribute Label:NOTGYRAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTMACAttribute Label:NOTMACAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOTPETAttribute Label:NOTPETAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:OREAURAttribute Label:OREAURAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:POELATAttribute Label:POELATAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TILMARAttribute Label:TILMARAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:UNIFISAttribute Label:UNIFISAttribute Definition:Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:TOTFISHAttribute Label:TOTFISHAttribute Definition:Count of total fish collected per meter square.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:NOFISHAttribute Label:NOFISHAttribute Definition:Denotes if no fish(es) were collected, 0 = fish caught and 1 = no fish caughtStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:0= Fish caught
1= No fish caught
Missing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)Attribute Name:DRNFISAttribute Label:DRNFISAttribute Definition:Denotes if site was dry leading to no fish being collected, 0 = site was not dry and 1 = site was dry so no fishStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:0= Site was not dry
1= Site was dry so no fish
Missing Value Code:NA (Sample could not be collected)
Data Table: Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA.Attribute Name:REGIONAttribute Label:REGIONAttribute Definition:Region in EvergladesStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:CUMAttribute Label:CUMAttribute Definition:Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:YEARAttribute Label:YEARAttribute Definition:Year in study.Storage Type:dateTimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:PERIODAttribute Label:PERIODAttribute Definition:Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:MONTHAttribute Label:MONTHAttribute Definition:Month of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DAYAttribute Label:DAYAttribute Definition:Day of year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:SITEAttribute Label:SITEAttribute Definition:Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PLOTAttribute Label:PLOTAttribute Definition:Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:A= Plot A
B= Plot B
C= Plot C
D= Plot D
E= Plot E
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:THROWAttribute Label:THROWAttribute Definition:7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:SPECIESAttribute Label:SPECIESAttribute Definition:Species of fish, species codes from in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv"Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:. (Species could not be determined)Attribute Name:LENGTHAttribute Label:LENGTHAttribute Definition:Standard length of that fishStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: millimeterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (Fish could not be measured or had been damaged and length would not be accurate)Attribute Name:SEXAttribute Label:SEXAttribute Definition:Sex only recorded for individuals that can be sexed externally without a microscope (i.e., Poecilids)Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:1= Male
2= Female
3= Juvenile
Missing Value Code:NA (Sex was not determined)
Data Table: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon.
MethodsMethod Step
Aquatic-animal monitoring sites were established in Everglades National Park in 1977 and expanded to a greater spatial coverage in 1996 to monitor responses of aquatic animals to changes in water management. From July 1996 through December 2021 (25 years), fishes and invertebrates were collected using a 1-m2, 2-mm mesh throw trap. In each sampling period (five per year: February, April, July, October, and December), seven throw-trap samples were taken at three plots (A, B, C) at sites in the two major drainages of ENP, Shark River Slough (SRS) and Taylor Slough (TS), and Water Conservation Areas 3A and 3B. While plots were at fixed locations, throw-trap samples were taken at positions determined from a random number table. After 1996, 367 samples were typically collected for each of the sampling periods (throws x plots x sites) and 1,835 were taken annually; fewer samples were taken in the case of dry years when some plots were unsampleable for lack of water for some of the periods. We focus our analyses on sites in SRS because those are sites where the jewelfish population demonstrated boom-bust dynamics. At two SRS sites (06 and 23), sampling began in 1978. However, from 1978 to 1985 sampling occurred monthly at one plot at each of these sites, and the number of throw traps performed was determined by estimates of inter-sample variance.
1-m2, 2-mm mesh throw trap
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Publications citing this datasetFlood, Peter J., William F. Loftus, and Joel C. Trexler 2025. Do community changes persist after irruptive population dynamics? A case study from an invasive species boom and bust. Oecologia 205: 445-459.
Keywordssmall fish, ecosystem restoration, cyprinodontiform, FCE LTER, Everglades National Park, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, populations, populations
Dataset Contact
- Name: Dr. Peter Flood
- Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
- Organization: University of Michigan
- Email: pjfloodecology@gmail.com
- URL: https://sites.google.com/view/peterjflood-ecology/home
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: https://fcelter.fiu.edu
Data Table and FormatData Table: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon.Entity Name:throwtrap_species_codes_keyEntity Description:Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon.Object Name:throwtrap_species_codes_key.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:263
Data Table: Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Entity Name:FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5Entity Description:Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Object Name:FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:16735
Data Table: Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Entity Name:FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5Entity Description:Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021.Object Name:FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:16478
Data Table: Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots.Entity Name:FCE1258_fish_count_oldEntity Description:Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots.Object Name:FCE1258_fish_count_old.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:8973
Data Table: Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA.Entity Name:FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021Entity Description:Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA.Object Name:FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:216794
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: https://fcelter.fiu.edu
Award(s)Project award(s):Award title: Freshwater fish monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National ParkRelated project award(s):
Funder name: National Park Service
Award number: P16AC01546
Award title: LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 2025954
Award URL: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2025954&HistoricalAwards=false