Dataset title: Long-Term Aquatic Faunal Sampling via Throw Trap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida, USA, 1978 – 2021 Dataset ID: doi:10.6073/pasta/91ccf52d9b3c4530736775f7923eb71f Dataset Creator Name: Dr. Peter Flood Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Organization: University of Michigan Email: URL: Name: Dr. William Loftus Organization: Aquatic Research & Communication LLC Email: Name: Jeffrey Kline Position: Aquatic Ecologist Organization: South Florida Natural Resource Center Email: Name: Dr. Nathan Dorn Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Dr. Joel Trexler Position: Director of the Coastal and Marine Laboratory and Professor of Biological Science Organization: Florida State University Email: URL: Dataset Abstract Long-term monitoring of fish communities in the Everglades using 1-m2 throw traps started in 1978 and is ongoing. Data represent the number of individuals per species collected per throw trap (i.e., individuals per square meter). From 1978-1995 sampling occurred five times per year, referred to as periods, at one plot per site and the number of throws was determined by estimates of inter-sample variance. In 1996, the spatial extent of monitoring was expanded to include additional sites and multiple plots per site. At each plot 5-7 throw trap samples were collected with sampling location within a plot being drawn from a random number table. Days since dry (DSD) are calculated as the number of days since depth was last < 5 cm using the Everglades Depth Estimation Network and in situ depth measurements. Statistical comparisons of community composition can be found in FCE1258_community_change.Rmd Geographic Coverage Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Dataset covers long-term monitoring sites in Shark River Slough, Everglades, Florida, USA. West bounding coordinate: -80.85 East bounding coordinate: -80.62 North bounding coordinate: 25.691 South bounding coordinate: 25.26 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 1978 End Date: 2021 Data Table Entity Name: throwtrap_species_codes_key Entity Description: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon. Object Name: throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: Species_abbreviation Attribute Label: Species_abbreviation Attribute Definition: 6 letter code used in the throwtrap data file. This is usually the first three letters of the genus followed by the first three letters of the species. For taxa identified at a more coarse taxonomic resolution (e.g., Family) the first six letters of the name of that group are used (e.g., COLEOA = Coleoptera) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Scientific_name Attribute Label: Scientific_name Attribute Definition: Scientific name for that taxon, usually genus and species but is occasionally a higher order taxonomic group. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: NA (Scientific name not applicable) Attribute Name: Common_name Attribute Label: Common_name Attribute Definition: Common name for that taxon Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Data Table Entity Name: FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5 Entity Description: Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Object Name: FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= Plot A B= Plot B C= Plot C D= Plot D E= Plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: 7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in study. Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: day Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AMENAT Attribute Label: AMENAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: AMENEB Attribute Label: AMENEB Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: AMICAL Attribute Label: AMICAL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ANGROS Attribute Label: ANGROS Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: APHSAY Attribute Label: APHSAY Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ASTOCE Attribute Label: ASTOCE Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BELBEL Attribute Label: BELBEL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICBIM Attribute Label: CICBIM Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICMAN Attribute Label: CICMAN Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICSPP Attribute Label: CICSPP Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICURO Attribute Label: CICURO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CLABAT Attribute Label: CLABAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CYPVAR Attribute Label: CYPVAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ELAEVE Attribute Label: ELAEVE Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ENNGLO Attribute Label: ENNGLO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERISUC Attribute Label: ERISUC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYUMB Attribute Label: ERYUMB Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ESOAME Attribute Label: ESOAME Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ESONIG Attribute Label: ESONIG Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FLOCAR Attribute Label: FLOCAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNCHR Attribute Label: FUNCHR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNCON Attribute Label: FUNCON Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNGRA Attribute Label: FUNGRA Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNSEM Attribute Label: FUNSEM Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNSPP Attribute Label: FUNSPP Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GAMHOL Attribute Label: GAMHOL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HEMLET Attribute Label: HEMLET Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HETFOR Attribute Label: HETFOR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HOPLIT Attribute Label: HOPLIT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ICTPUN Attribute Label: ICTPUN Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: JORFLO Attribute Label: JORFLO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LABSIC Attribute Label: LABSIC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPGUL Attribute Label: LEPGUL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMAC Attribute Label: LEPMAC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMAR Attribute Label: LEPMAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMIC Attribute Label: LEPMIC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPOMM Attribute Label: LEPOMM Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPPLA Attribute Label: LEPPLA Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPPUN Attribute Label: LEPPUN Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPSPP Attribute Label: LEPSPP Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LUCGOO Attribute Label: LUCGOO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LUCPAR Attribute Label: LUCPAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MENBER Attribute Label: MENBER Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MICGUL Attribute Label: MICGUL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MICSAL Attribute Label: MICSAL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MONALB Attribute Label: MONALB Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTGYR Attribute Label: NOTGYR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTMAC Attribute Label: NOTMAC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTPET Attribute Label: NOTPET Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: OREAUR Attribute Label: OREAUR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: POELAT Attribute Label: POELAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TILMAR Attribute Label: TILMAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TRIMAC Attribute Label: TRIMAC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: UNIFIS Attribute Label: UNIFIS Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOFISH Attribute Label: NOFISH Attribute Definition: Denotes if no fish(es) were collected, 0 = fish caught and 1 = no fish caught Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 0= Site was not dry 1= Site was dry so no fish Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: DRNFIS Attribute Label: DRNFIS Attribute Definition: Denotes if site was dry leading to no fish being collected, 0 = site was not dry and 1 = site was dry so no fish Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 0= Site was not dry 1= Site was dry so no fish Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TOTFISH Attribute Label: TOTFISH Attribute Definition: Count of total fish collected per meter square. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Data Table Entity Name: FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5 Entity Description: Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Object Name: FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= Plot A B= Plot B C= Plot C D= Plot D E= Plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in study. Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: 7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: day Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ABEIMM Attribute Label: ABEIMM Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ACARIN Attribute Label: ACARIN Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ANAJUN Attribute Label: ANAJUN Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ANISOP Attribute Label: ANISOP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: APHPAC Attribute Label: APHPAC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: APHWIL Attribute Label: APHWIL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ARIPAL Attribute Label: ARIPAL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BELNYM Attribute Label: BELNYM Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BELSPP Attribute Label: BELSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BIVALV Attribute Label: BIVALV Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BRAGRA Attribute Label: BRAGRA Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CELBER Attribute Label: CELBER Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CELEPO Attribute Label: CELEPO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CELFAS Attribute Label: CELFAS Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CELSPP Attribute Label: CELSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CERATO Attribute Label: CERATO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CHIRON Attribute Label: CHIRON Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: COENAG Attribute Label: COENAG Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: COLEOA Attribute Label: COLEOA Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: COLEOL Attribute Label: COLEOL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: COLEOP Attribute Label: COLEOP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CORING Attribute Label: CORING Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CORIXI Attribute Label: CORIXI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CURCUL Attribute Label: CURCUL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CYBFIM Attribute Label: CYBFIM Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CYBSPP Attribute Label: CYBSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: DINSPP Attribute Label: DINSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: DIPTER Attribute Label: DIPTER Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: DYTSPP Attribute Label: DYTSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ELLBUC Attribute Label: ELLBUC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: EPHEME Attribute Label: EPHEME Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: EPIPRI Attribute Label: EPIPRI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: EPISTE Attribute Label: EPISTE Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYMIN Attribute Label: ERYMIN Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYPLE Attribute Label: ERYPLE Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYSIM Attribute Label: ERYSIM Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYSPP Attribute Label: ERYSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERYVES Attribute Label: ERYVES Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GASTRO Attribute Label: GASTRO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GERRID Attribute Label: GERRID Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GYRELE Attribute Label: GYRELE Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GYRSPP Attribute Label: GYRSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HAISPP Attribute Label: HAISPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HETERO Attribute Label: HETERO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HIRUDI Attribute Label: HIRUDI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HYDOBL Attribute Label: HYDOBL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HYDROB Attribute Label: HYDROB Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HYDSPP Attribute Label: HYDSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPIDO Attribute Label: LEPIDO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LETSPP Attribute Label: LETSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LETUHL Attribute Label: LETUHL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LIBAUR Attribute Label: LIBAUR Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LIBINC Attribute Label: LIBINC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LIBNEE Attribute Label: LIBNEE Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LIBSPP Attribute Label: LIBSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LIMFRA Attribute Label: LIMFRA Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LITMON Attribute Label: LITMON Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MARCOR Attribute Label: MARCOR Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MELTUB Attribute Label: MELTUB Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MICDIL Attribute Label: MICDIL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NEMATO Attribute Label: NEMATO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NEOHES Attribute Label: NEOHES Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NEOUNI Attribute Label: NEOUNI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NEUROP Attribute Label: NEUROP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTVIR Attribute Label: NOTVIR Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: OLIGOC Attribute Label: OLIGOC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PACLON Attribute Label: PACLON Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PALPAL Attribute Label: PALPAL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PANSPP Attribute Label: PANSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PELBAL Attribute Label: PELBAL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PELFEM Attribute Label: PELFEM Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PLASPP Attribute Label: PLASPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PLATYH Attribute Label: PLATYH Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: POMCAN Attribute Label: POMCAN Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: POMMAC Attribute Label: POMMAC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: POMPAL Attribute Label: POMPAL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: PSECOL Attribute Label: PSECOL Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: RANATP Attribute Label: RANATP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: SPHAER Attribute Label: SPHAER Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: SPOLAC Attribute Label: SPOLAC Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: STRATI Attribute Label: STRATI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TABANI Attribute Label: TABANI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TANSPP Attribute Label: TANSPP Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TANYPO Attribute Label: TANYPO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TAPLOU Attribute Label: TAPLOU Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TIPULI Attribute Label: TIPULI Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TRACAR Attribute Label: TRACAR Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TREFLO Attribute Label: TREFLO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TRICHO Attribute Label: TRICHO Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: UNIDEN Attribute Label: UNIDEN Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: VELIID Attribute Label: VELIID Attribute Definition: Count of this species per meter square. Species codes are in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOINVT Attribute Label: NOINVT Attribute Definition: Indicates if no invertebrates were in the sample, 0 = inverts collected and 1 = no inverts collected Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 0= Inverts collected 1= No inverts collected Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: INVTOT Attribute Label: INVTOT Attribute Definition: Total count of collected invertebrates per meter square Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Data Table Entity Name: FCE1258_fish_count_old Entity Description: Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots. Object Name: FCE1258_fish_count_old.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in study. Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: NA (No year recorded) Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: NA (No month recorded) Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: NA (No day recorded) Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Site was not recorded) Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= Plot A B= Plot B C= Plot C D= Plot D E= Plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: 7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: NA (Throw was not recorded) Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA Missing Value Code: NA (Region not recorded) Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Period not recorded) Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: Days since last dry down, with dry down defined as depth < 5 cm. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: day Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: NA (DSLDD not calculated for this sample) Attribute Name: AMENAT Attribute Label: AMENAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: APHSAY Attribute Label: APHSAY Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ASTOCE Attribute Label: ASTOCE Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: BELBEL Attribute Label: BELBEL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICBIM Attribute Label: CICBIM Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CICURO Attribute Label: CICURO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CLABAT Attribute Label: CLABAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: CYPVAR Attribute Label: CYPVAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ELAEVE Attribute Label: ELAEVE Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ENNGLO Attribute Label: ENNGLO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ERISUC Attribute Label: ERISUC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ESOAME Attribute Label: ESOAME Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: ETHFUS Attribute Label: ETHFUS Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNCHR Attribute Label: FUNCHR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNCON Attribute Label: FUNCON Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: FUNSEM Attribute Label: FUNSEM Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: GAMHOL Attribute Label: GAMHOL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HEMLET Attribute Label: HEMLET Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HETFOR Attribute Label: HETFOR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: HOPLIT Attribute Label: HOPLIT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: JORFLO Attribute Label: JORFLO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LABSIC Attribute Label: LABSIC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPGUL Attribute Label: LEPGUL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMAC Attribute Label: LEPMAC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMAR Attribute Label: LEPMAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPMIC Attribute Label: LEPMIC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPPLA Attribute Label: LEPPLA Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPPUN Attribute Label: LEPPUN Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LEPSPP Attribute Label: LEPSPP Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: LUCGOO Attribute Label: LUCGOO Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MICGUL Attribute Label: MICGUL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: MICSAL Attribute Label: MICSAL Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTCRY Attribute Label: NOTCRY Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTGYR Attribute Label: NOTGYR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTMAC Attribute Label: NOTMAC Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOTPET Attribute Label: NOTPET Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: OREAUR Attribute Label: OREAUR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: POELAT Attribute Label: POELAT Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TILMAR Attribute Label: TILMAR Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: UNIFIS Attribute Label: UNIFIS Attribute Definition: Count per species per meter square. Species codes defined in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: TOTFISH Attribute Label: TOTFISH Attribute Definition: Count of total fish collected per meter square. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: NOFISH Attribute Label: NOFISH Attribute Definition: Denotes if no fish(es) were collected, 0 = fish caught and 1 = no fish caught Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 0= Fish caught 1= No fish caught Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Attribute Name: DRNFIS Attribute Label: DRNFIS Attribute Definition: Denotes if site was dry leading to no fish being collected, 0 = site was not dry and 1 = site was dry so no fish Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 0= Site was not dry 1= Site was dry so no fish Missing Value Code: NA (Sample could not be collected) Data Table Entity Name: FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021 Entity Description: Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA. Object Name: FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: Count of the cumulative sampling event. Each period increases cum by 1. There are 5 sampling periods each year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in study. Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: Sampling period within each year. There are five sampling periods per year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day of year. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Site within that region of the Everglades. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= Plot A B= Plot B C= Plot C D= Plot D E= Plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: 7 samples, referred to as throws, are collected at each plot. Each throw is 1 meter squared. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SPECIES Attribute Label: SPECIES Attribute Definition: Species of fish, species codes from in "throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv" Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: . (Species could not be determined) Attribute Name: LENGTH Attribute Label: LENGTH Attribute Definition: Standard length of that fish Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: millimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (Fish could not be measured or had been damaged and length would not be accurate) Attribute Name: SEX Attribute Label: SEX Attribute Definition: Sex only recorded for individuals that can be sexed externally without a microscope (i.e., Poecilids) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= Male 2= Female 3= Juvenile Missing Value Code: NA (Sex was not determined) Methods Method Step Description Aquatic-animal monitoring sites were established in Everglades National Park in 1977 and expanded to a greater spatial coverage in 1996 to monitor responses of aquatic animals to changes in water management. From July 1996 through December 2021 (25 years), fishes and invertebrates were collected using a 1-m2, 2-mm mesh throw trap. In each sampling period (five per year: February, April, July, October, and December), seven throw-trap samples were taken at three plots (A, B, C) at sites in the two major drainages of ENP, Shark River Slough (SRS) and Taylor Slough (TS), and Water Conservation Areas 3A and 3B. While plots were at fixed locations, throw-trap samples were taken at positions determined from a random number table. After 1996, 367 samples were typically collected for each of the sampling periods (throws x plots x sites) and 1,835 were taken annually; fewer samples were taken in the case of dry years when some plots were unsampleable for lack of water for some of the periods. We focus our analyses on sites in SRS because those are sites where the jewelfish population demonstrated boom-bust dynamics. At two SRS sites (06 and 23), sampling began in 1978. However, from 1978 to 1985 sampling occurred monthly at one plot at each of these sites, and the number of throw traps performed was determined by estimates of inter-sample variance. Instrumentation 1-m2, 2-mm mesh throw trap Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights Publications citing this dataset Flood, Peter J., William F. Loftus, and Joel C. Trexler. 2024. Do community changes persist after irruptive population dynamics? A case study from an invasive species boom and bust. Oecologia 205: 445-459. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-024-05582-3 Dataset Keywords small fish ecosystem restoration cyprinodontiform FCE LTER Everglades National Park Florida Coastal Everglades LTER populations populations Maintenance knb-lter-fce.1258.2: While sampling is ongoing, there is no specific maintenance to this online dataset planned at this time. Dataset Contact Name: Dr. Peter Flood Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow Organization: University of Michigan Email: URL: Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Address: Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Email: URL: Data Table and Format Data Table: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon. Entity Name: throwtrap_species_codes_key Entity Description: Translates six letter species codes to the full scientific name and common name for that taxon. Object Name: throwtrap_species_codes_key.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 263 Data Table: Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Entity Name: FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5 Entity Description: Counts of fishes from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Object Name: FCE1258_fish_count_1996_2021_p5.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 16735 Data Table: Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Entity Name: FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5 Entity Description: Counts of invertebrates from Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA from 1996 through 2021. Object Name: FCE1258_invt_count_1996_2021_p5.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 16478 Data Table: Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots. Entity Name: FCE1258_fish_count_old Entity Description: Fishes collected by throwtrap in Shark River Slough, Everglades, FL, USA, at two sites that had one plot each from 1978 - 1995 with data from 1996-2011 with additional plots. Object Name: FCE1258_fish_count_old.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 8973 Data Table: Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA. Entity Name: FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021 Entity Description: Standard lengths in millimeters of fishes caught via throw trap in Everglades National Park, FL, USA. Object Name: FCE1258_srs_fish_length_1996_2021.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 216794 Metadata Provider Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Address: Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Email: URL: Award(s) Project award(s): Award title: Freshwater fish monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park Funder name: National Park Service Award number: P16AC01546 Related project award(s): Award title: LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research Funder name: National Science Foundation Award number: 2025954 Award URL: