(Grunow) Round & Basson
Round, F. E. & Basson, P. W. (1997). A New Monoraphid Diatom Genus (Pogoneis) from Bahrain and the Transfer of Previously Described Species A. hungarica and A. taeniata to New Genera. in: Diatom Research (K. Serieyssol and M. J. Sullivan, eds), 12(1), pp. 71-81 [fig.4-7]
monotypic, type is by original designation; Achnanthidium hungaricum Grunow 1863
Ecological Preference:
Cells are solitary; valve is linear to linear-elliptic, narrowing to a rounded apex; raphe valve has radial striae that are broken at the centre of the valve by a wide, slightly asymmetric stauros, and a thin raphe with central endings that curve slightly to one side of the valve (teardrop-like and enclosed by a distinct groove) and apical endings that are turned to one side; rapheless valve is similar to the raphe valve, but with much reduced or even absent central stauros; length is 5-48µm, breadth is 4-9µm; striae count is 17-22 in 10µm (~25 areolae in 10µm)
Transect Project