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Welcome to the Diatom Image Database! The Periphyton Group at Florida International University created and maintains the Diatom Image Database, which includes over 980 diatom taxa found in the greater Everglades region of south Florida. Please send questions or comments about the Diatom Image Database to Franco Tobias .

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Map of south Florida Loxahatchee (LOX) WCA 2A WCA 3A Biscayne Bay Shark River Slough (SRS) Taylor Slough (TS) Florida Bay Everglades National Park (ENP) Everglades National Park (ENP)

Lemnicola hungarica 01

Lemnicola hungarica   01

(Grunow) Round & Basson
Round, F. E. & Basson, P. W. (1997). A New Monoraphid Diatom Genus (Pogoneis) from Bahrain and the Transfer of Previously Described Species A. hungarica and A. taeniata to New Genera. in: Diatom Research (K. Serieyssol and M. J. Sullivan, eds), 12(1), pp. 71-81 [fig.4-7]
monotypic, type is by original designation; Achnanthidium hungaricum Grunow 1863
Ecological Preference:
Cells are solitary; valve is linear to linear-elliptic, narrowing to a rounded apex; raphe valve has radial striae that are broken at the centre of the valve by a wide, slightly asymmetric stauros, and a thin raphe with central endings that curve slightly to one side of the valve (teardrop-like and enclosed by a distinct groove) and apical endings that are turned to one side; rapheless valve is similar to the raphe valve, but with much reduced or even absent central stauros; length is 5-48µm, breadth is 4-9µm; striae count is 17-22 in 10µm (~25 areolae in 10µm)
  • Transect Project

  • Sample localities:
  • Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA 2A)