Patrick, R. & Reimer, C. W (1966). The Diatoms of the United States I. Monographs of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. pp. 497-498; 558-559 [pl.47:13]
Navicula laevissima Kütz. 1844; Stauroneis witrockii Lagerst. 1873; Navicula bacilliformis Grun. in Cl. & Grun. 1880; Navicula wittrockii (Lagerst.) Temp. & Perag. 1909
Ecological Preference:
Valve is linear, slightly swollen in the middle portion, with rounded ends; axial area is narrow; terminal clear area is not large and wider than the axial area; central area is transverse, formed by the irregular shortening of the striae; striae somewhat more radiate, curved, with the curvature more marked at the valve ends; length is 32-45µm, breadth is 8-10µm; striae count is 12-15 in 10µm (centre), becoming 20-22 in 10µm (ends)
some specimens recorded have been smaller than type
Dosing Project
Transect Project