Grunow in Van Heurck
Archibald, R.E.M. & F.R. Schoeman (1985). Amphora hybrida Grunow (Bacillariophyceae)- its identity and taxonomy. Nova Hedwigia, Band 41, pg. 159-166;
Amphora angulosa var. hybrida (Grunow in Van Heurk 1880-1883), Amphora angularis var. hybrida (Grunow in Van Heurck, 1885), Amphora angularis (Gregory sensu Van Heurck, 1885), Amphora angularis var. lyrata ((Gregory) Van Heurck, 1880-1883), Amphora coffeiformis var. angularis (Van Heurck) Cleve 1895), Amphora castellata (Giffen, 1963), Amphora turgida var. africana (Cholnocky, 1962), Amphora sydowii (Cholnocky, 1963)
Ecological Preference:
Valves semi-lanceolate, more linear in longer examples, with drown out , rostrate to slightly capitate apices. Dorsal margin convex , sometimes slightly flattened at the centre, ventral margin relatively straight. Raphe filiform, located very close to the ventral margin. Proximal and distal ends dorsally bent. Axial area very narrow, linear, central area absent on the dorsal side, on the ventral side present by very hardly visible under LM. Transapical striae on the dorsal side distinct, crossed by one or sometimes more longitudinal costae, more or less straight at the centre, becoming radiate toward the ends. Ventral striae very short and hardly visible under LM.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project