Jensen, N.G.: F. Hustedt. The Pennate Diatoms. A translation of Hustedt's "Die Kieselalgen, 2. Teil", pg.21,22, fig.552; Wikowski et al. (2000):"Iconographia Diatomologica (Vol.VII). Diatom flora of marine coast I", pg.76,77, Pl.13, fig.2-4; Podzorski A. & H. Hakansson (1987):"Freshwater and marine diatoms from Palawan (a Philippine Islands)", Pl. 10, fig.2
Tessela sp. (Lobarzewski 1840), Rhabdonema diminutum (Pantocsek 1892), Tessela adriatica (Mann 1907), Diatoma arcustum (Lyngbye), Striatella arcuatum (Agardh)
Ecological Preference:
Valve linear-lanceolate with obtusely rounded apices, 25-150µm long, 7-10µm broad.Transapical striae parallel, 10 in 10µm. Celles in girdle view plate shaped with rounded corners, forming ribon-like colonies, girdle bands numerous with short apical septa and broad transapical septa and three openings, one central and three apical.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project