Krammer, K. (1997): "Die cymbelloiden Diatomeen. Eine Monographie der weltweit bekannten Taxa. Teil 1. Allgemeines und Encyonema Part". Bibliotheca Diatomologica, Band 36, pg. 157-158;
Valve is moderately dorsi-ventral with smoothly arched dorsal and slightly convex or approximately straight ventral margin, and bluntly attenuate or (occasionally) subtilely constricted and ventrally produced extremities; narrow axial area is essentially straight, broadening gradually into the valve centre to form a narrow, lanceolate space; central area is indistinct; raphe is filiform, with somewhat enlarged and dorsally deflected proximal ends, and dorsally recurved distal ends (recurve follows a sub-terminal ventral deflection); solid or indistinctly lineate striae are radiate, becoming parallel to slightly convergent towards the ends, with one to several distinctly shortened central striae; length is 14-40µm, breadth is 3.5-8µm; striae count is ~16 in 10µm, becoming 20 in 10µm towards the ends; 25 Krammer (1997) notes that the valve and raphe structure of this taxon are identical with many taxa in the genus Navicula sensu stricto (Navicula lineolatae), especially the alveoli, areolae and raphe (no species in the other cymbelloid genera bear a similar structure); it is also unique due to the habitat it prefers