(Bailey) Cleve
Krammer K. & Lange-Bertalot H. (1991): "Susswaserflora von Mitteleuropa", Vol.1, pg.384,385, Fig.168:1-3, Fig:169:4; Patric R. & Ch.W. Reimer (1966):"The diatoms of the United States", Vol.1, pg.580,581, Pl.53, fig.5; Hartley B. (1996):"An atlas of british diatoms", Pl.45, fig.1
Pinularia permagna (Bailey 1851), Navicula fenzlii (Grunow 1863), Caloneis amphisbaena var. fezlii ((Grunow) Cleve 1894), Caloneis bivittata ((Pantocsek 1889) Cleve 1894), Navicula permagna ((Bailey) Edwards 1859), Caloneis bivittata var. rostrata (Heiden 1906), Caloneis permagna var. lewisiana (Boyer 1916)
Ecological Preference:
Valve elliptical-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate with apiculate apices to broadly rounded apices, 80-155µm long and 15-38µm broad. Axial area broad, central area not differenciated from the axial area. Transapical striae slightly radiate throughout the valve becoming parallel at the ends, striae on both sides of the raphe crossed by two longitudinal lines, 9-13 in 10µm.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves