(Brebisson ex Kutzing) Cleve
Hartley B. (1996). An Atlas of British Diatoms, Pl.21, fig.5;
Amphora vitrea (Cleve, 1868), Amphora novacaledonica (Grunow, 1875), Amphora porcellus (Kitton, 1876), Amphora treubii (Leuduger-Fortmorel, 1892), Amphora ostrearia var. porcellus (Kitton, 1876 in Schmidt 1874-) De Toni, 1891)
Ecological Preference:
Valves semi-lanceolate with acutely rounded apices. Dorsal margin acutely rounded; ventral margin straight. Raphe biarcuate with dorsally bent distal ends and straight or slightly ventrally oriented proximal ends. Central pores well visible under LM.
Axial area narrow, linear; central area on the dorsal side extended into narrow fascia reaching the edge of the valve. Transapical striae on the dorsal side slightly radiate compose with puncta that form almost straight longitudinal lines, which differ that variation from the type. Dash-like ventral striae very dense, slightly radiate.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project