Schoeman, F.R. & R.E.M. (1986). Observations on Amphora species (Bacillariophyceae) in British Museum (Natural History). V. Some species from the subgenus Amphora. S. Afr. Tydskr. Plantk, 52 (5), pg.425-437, figs 70-80; Wikowski et al. (2000):"Iconographia Diatomologica (Vol.VII). Diatom flora of marine coast I", pg.148, Pl.161:1,2, Pl.162:5,6; Foged N. (1984):"Freshwater and littoral diatoms from Cuba", Pl.XII, fig.1-3, Pl.LV, fig1-3; Peragallo MM.H. et M. (1897 - 1908):"Diatoms of France (Atlas)", PL.XLIV, fig.23; Peragallo MM.H. et M. (1897 - 1908):"Diatoms of France (Texte)", pg.200, 201
Amphora kariana (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880), Amphora hexagonalis (Witt, 1873), Amphora speciosa (Castracane, 1886), Amphora proteus var. kariana (Grunow in Cleve & Grunow, 1880)Zanon, 1929), Amphora affinis var. proteus (Gregory, 1857) Tempere et Peragallo, 1908), Amphora proteus var. gregorii (Cleve-Euler, 1953)
Ecological Preference:
Frustule elliptic, 50-115µm long, 25-55µm broad. Valves semi-elliptic with convex dorsal margin and concave ventral margin and obtusly rounded apices. Raphe strongly bent, distant from the ventral margin. Axial area narrow on the dorsal side, irregular on the ventral side, central area large on the ventral side. Dorsal striae radiate, crossed by undulating longitudinal ribs, 9-12 in 10µm, ventral striae 8-13 in 10µm.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project
Biscayne Bay Paleo Project