Schmidt A. (1902). Atlas der diatomaceenkunde, Vol.II, Taf.39, fig.15-17;
Amphora vitrea Cleve 1868; Amphora novacaledonica Grunow 1875; Amphora porcellus Kitton 1876; Amphora treubii Lauduger - Fortmorel 1892; Amphora ostrearia var. porcellus (Kitton) De Toni 1891
Ecological Preference:
Valves semi-elliptic to semi-lanceolate with broadly acute ends. Valve face contains a transapical constriction in the center. Dorsal margin convex , ventral margin generally convex, but concave in the center. Raphe branches straight; proximal and distal ends deflected dorsally. Axial area narrow. Dorsal striae slightly radiate and distinctly punctate with elongate punctae. The two central striae are farther apart from each other than the rest. Ventral striae dash-like, very dense.
Common in sediment cores and surface sediment samples from Russell Bank and Bob Allen Basin in Florida Bay where water depth is < 2m and salinity varies between 28 – 35ppt.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project