Peragallo MM.H. et M. (1897 - 1908):"Diatoms of France (Atlas)", Pl. XLVIII, fig.9;
Amphiprora maxima (Janish & Rabenhorst, 1862), Toxonidea leavis (Witt, 1873), Amphora permagna (Pantocsek, 1889), Amphora arenaria var. permagna (Pantocsek 1889) Peragallo at Peragallo, 1933)
Ecological Preference:
Valves linear with broadly rounded poles. Dorsal margin flattened, ventral margin slightly concave. Raphe branches abruptly arched in one part start to slope downwards the central nodule. Proximal and distal ends oriented ventrally. Axial area very narrow; central area on the dorsal side very small, on the ventral side semi-circular or semi-lanceolate. Transapical striae delicately punctate; more or less parallel at the central part, becoming slightly curved toward the ends.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project