(Agardh) Kutzing
Sala S.E., Sar E.A. & Ferrario M.A. (1998). Review of materials reported as containing Amphora coffeaformis (Agardh) Kutzing in Argentina. Diatom Research. Vol. 13(2)", pg.325-336, fig.2-7,24; Wikowski et al. (2000):"Iconographia Diatomologica (Vol.VII). Diatom flora of marine coast I", pg.133, Pl.161:21-25; Archibald R.E.M. & Schoeman F.R. (1984):"Amphora coffeaformis (Agardh) Kutzing: a revision of the species under light and electron microscopy. S.Afr.J.Bot.3:83-102; 65; Patrick, R. & C.W. Reimer (1975). The Diatoms of the United States. Exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii, Vol.2, pg.78,79, Pl.14, fig.11-12;
Frustulia coffeaformis (Agardh, 1827), Amphora coffeaformis (Kutzing, 1844), Amphora salina (W. Smidt, 1853)
Ecological Preference:
Valve semi-lanceolate with slightly protracted (less than in Morphotype 2), subrostrate, very slightly ventrally deflected poles (less than in Morphotypes 2). Dorsal margin convex (more than in Morphotype 2), slightly flattened at the centre. Ventral margin straight or slightly convex. Raphe filiform, located close to the ventral margin, raphe branches straight, sometimes slightly sloping upwards from the poles to the central nodule. Central pores small but visible. Proximal and distal ends dorsally deflected.
Axial area very narrow, linear, central area absent on the dorsal side, on the ventral side bounded by the ventral striae. Dorsal striae straight or very slightly radiate, becoming radiate and more denser towards the poles, crossed by very weak longitudinal costae, not always visible under LM. Ventral striae very short, dense, uninterrupted at the centre, and hardly visible under LM.
Southeast Florida Coastal Mangroves
Florida Bay Paleo Project