Dataset title: Long-Term Slough Crayfish (Procambarus fallax) Densities in the Florida Everglades from Throw Trap Sampling, Florida, USA, February 1996-December 2016 Dataset ID: doi:10.6073/pasta/e3ba91f949357ebefb86134e5dac3ba8 Dataset Creator Name: Dr. Dylan Sinnickson Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Dr. Nathan Dorn Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Dr. Joel Trexler Organization: Florida State University Email: Metadata Provider Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Address: Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Email: URL: Dataset Abstract Densities of slough crayfish (Procambarus fallax) were collected throughout the Florida Everglades using 1-m2 throw-trapping samples from 1996–2016. Data were collected in four distinct regions within the Everglades (Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, Water Conservation Area 3A and 3B) and during five seasonal periods each year. Each region consists of a series of sites, and each site consists of 3–5 sampling plots. The plot scale defines the unique sampling unit in the study, and 5–7 replicate throws were conducted at each plot. Corresponding hydrologic data were collected in conjunction with crayfish observations. These data describe antecedent average water depths, along with the duration of previous wet and dry conditions. Antecedent conditions were calculated by using both in situ measurements, as well as model output from the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN). Additional hydrologic data are provided in the LD_0 dataset, which describes daily depths measurements at sampling plots, as well as the length of antecedent complete drying events (LD_0). The length of antecedent dry conditions is assessed in R script FCE1267_01_LD_Depths, while the crayfish modeling code is described in FCE1267_02_Modeling_Code. Geographic Coverage Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Geographic extent of sampling locations in the Everglades including Water Conservation Area 3, Shark River Slough, and Taylor Slough. West bounding coordinate: -81.0 East bounding coordinate: -80.4 North bounding coordinate: 26.26 South bounding coordinate: 25.26 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 1996-02-07 End Date: 2016-12-21 Data Table Entity Name: FCE1267_LD_0 Entity Description: Daily depth measurements at Everglades sampling locations and the cumulative length of antecedent dry conditions. Object Name: FCE1267_LD_0.CSV Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: PHD= Panhandle SRS= Shark River Slough TSL= Taylor Slough WCA= Water Conservation Area 3 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Site within a larger region. Each region contains several sites. Each site consists of 3 to 5 plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 sampling plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= First sampled plot of a site B= Second sampled plot of a site C= Third sampled plot of a site D= Fourth sampled plot of a site E= Fifth sampled plot of a site Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in Study Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month of year Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day of month Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SEASON Attribute Label: SEASON Attribute Definition: Wet or dry season Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: DRY= Dry season WET= Wet season Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH Attribute Label: DEPTH Attribute Definition: Depth Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LD_0 Attribute Label: LD_0 Attribute Definition: Length dry at 0 cm Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: Days Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Data Table Entity Name: FCE1267_CRAY_DATASET Entity Description: Dataset describing crayfish abundance and hydrologic characteristics at sampling locations. Object Name: FCE1267_CRAY_DATASET.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: Region in Everglades Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough TSL= Taylor Slough WCA= Water Conservation Area 3 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: Year in Study Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: Period in Study. Similar to season. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= Approximately February 2= Approximately April 3= Approximately July 4= Approximately October 5= Approximately December Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MONTH Attribute Label: MONTH Attribute Definition: Month Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: Location within a region. Multiple sites within each region. Each site has 3 to 5 sampling plots. Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: Unique sampling unit. Each site consists of 3 to 5 sampling plots. Each plot has 5 to 7 replicate throws Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= First sampled plot of a site B= Second sampled plot of a site C= Third sampled plot of a site D= Fourth sampled plot of a site E= Fifth sampled plot of a site Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: Replicates conducted at each plot. Five to seven throws are conducted at each plot. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: throw Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PROFAL Attribute Label: PROFAL Attribute Definition: Abundance of slough crayfish (Procambarus fallax). Number of individuals in a throw. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: -9999 (Locations where crayfish sampling could not be conducted due to complete drying or overly deep conditions.) Attribute Name: DAY Attribute Label: DAY Attribute Definition: Day Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Definition: Average antecedent depth at the plot over the last 30 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_365DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_365DAY Attribute Definition: Average antecedent depth at the plot over the last 365 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH Attribute Label: DEPTH Attribute Definition: Current depth at plot Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD_0 Attribute Label: DSLDD_0 Attribute Definition: Days since last dry down to 0 cm. Continuous wet conditions above 0 cm. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: Days Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD_10 Attribute Label: DSLDD_10 Attribute Definition: Days since last dry down to 10 cm. Continuous wet conditions above 10 cm. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: Days Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: WATERYEAR Attribute Label: WATERYEAR Attribute Definition: Hydrologic year from May 1st to April 30th. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Methods Method Step Description Details of the throw-trapping methodology and the efficiency for crayfish are described in Jordan et al. 1997 and Dorn et al. 2005, respectively. The dimensions of the throw traps are 1 square meter with a mesh size of 2 mm. Seven throws were randomly conducted at each sample plot within Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, while five throws were conducted at each plot from the Water Conservation Areas. This gear type is ideal for sampling small-bodied fish and invertebrates in shallow, wetland habitats. Mean crayfish densities were assessed at the plot scale by taking the average of all throws at each plot. Monitoring and modeling for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) are described in Telis 2006. The EDEN models estimate daily water depths using a grid-scale of 400x400m. References: Dorn, N. J., R. Urgelles, and J. C. Trexler. 2005. Evaluating active and passive sampling methods to quantify crayfish density in a freshwater marsh. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24: 346-356. Jordan, F., Coyne, S. and Trexler, J.C., 1997. Sampling fishes in vegetated habitats: effects of habitat structure on sampling characteristics of the 1‐m2 throw trap. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 126: 1012-1020. Telis, P.A., 2006. The Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) for support of ecological and biological assessments (No. 2006-3087). US Geological Survey. Instrumentation Throw-trapping Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights Publications citing this dataset Sinnickson, Dylan, and Nathan Dorn. . Modeling Slough Crayfish Populations in Response to Hydrologic Variability. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2024-0052 Dataset Keywords FCE LTER Everglades National Park Florida Coastal Everglades LTER crayfishes hydrology populations populations Maintenance knb-lter-fce.1267.1: No maintenance is envisioned for this historic dataset. Dataset Contact Name: Dr. Dylan Sinnickson Position: Postdoctoral Researcher Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Dr. Nathan Dorn Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Email: Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Address: Florida International University 11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Email: URL: