Dataset title: Throw trap and electrofishing data collected during 1996–2022 from the Everglades, Florida, United States for the publication "Contrasting invasion histories and effects of three non-native fishes observed with long-term monitoring data" Dataset ID: doi:10.6073/pasta/b5038017157f91ef92ff495dde6122b0 Dataset Creator Name: Matthew Pintar Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Nathan Dorn Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Jeffrey Kline Organization: National Park Service Email: Name: Joel Trexler Organization: Florida State University Email: Dataset Abstract This dataset was used to analyze the effects of three non-native fishes in the Florida Everglades for a publication in the journal Biological Invasions. The dataset incorporates plot-level mean densities (# of individuals per square meter) of common aquatic animals collected during 1996–2022 from 17 sites across three regions of the Everglades: Taylor Slough, Shark River Slough, and Water Conservation Area 3A. Prey species included are nine common small fishes and three common decapod species (two crayfish species and grass shrimp). The dataset includes throw trap data on three predator taxa: African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi), Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros uruphthalmus), and sunfishes (Lepomis spp.). Annual indices of mean wet season electrofishing catch-per-unit-effort of Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus/javanesis), Mayan Cichlids, sunfishes, and the three other large 'top predator' fishes (Amia calva, Lepisosteus platyrhincus, Micropterus salmoides) are included for plots where electrofishing was performed from 1997-2021. Hydrologic measures used in analyses and R code used to conduct analyses are also included. Geographic Coverage Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Florida Everglades, including Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Water Conservation Area 3A West bounding coordinate: -80.95 East bounding coordinate: -80.45 North bounding coordinate: 26.25 South bounding coordinate: 25.22 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 1996 End Date: 2022 Data Table Entity Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_data-for-baseline Entity Description: Data used to fit models of hydrologic conditions during the baseline period and then generate predictions Object Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_data-for-baseline.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: region of the Everglades where data were collected Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough TSL= Taylor Slough WCA= Water Conservation Area 3A Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: site name (number) where data were collected within each region Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: plot identifier within each site where data were collected Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= plot A B= plot B C= plot C D= plot D E= plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: cumulative sampling period during which data were collected Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: number Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: calendar year of data collection Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: year Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: annual sampling period during which data were collected; code roughly correspond to typical months in definitions Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= typically collected during February 2= typically collected during April 3= typically collected during July 4= typically collected during October 5= typically collected during December Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: number of throw trap samples collected from each plot during the respective cumulative sampling period Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: number Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CICURO Attribute Label: CICURO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus, formerly Cichlasoma urophthalma) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: CYPVAR Attribute Label: CYPVAR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Sheepshead Minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: ELAEVE Attribute Label: ELAEVE Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Everglades Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma evergladei) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: FUNCHR Attribute Label: FUNCHR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Golden Topminnows (Fundulus chrysotus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: FUNCON Attribute Label: FUNCON Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Marsh Killifish (Fundulus confluentus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: GAMHOL Attribute Label: GAMHOL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: HEMLET Attribute Label: HEMLET Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: HETFOR Attribute Label: HETFOR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: JORFLO Attribute Label: JORFLO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPGUL Attribute Label: LEPGUL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMAC Attribute Label: LEPMAC Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMAR Attribute Label: LEPMAR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMIC Attribute Label: LEPMIC Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPPUN Attribute Label: LEPPUN Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPSPP Attribute Label: LEPSPP Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LUCGOO Attribute Label: LUCGOO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Bluefin Killifish (Lucania goodei) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: MONALB Attribute Label: MONALB Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus/javanensis) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: POELAT Attribute Label: POELAT Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: PROALL Attribute Label: PROALL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Everglades Crayfish (Procambarus alleni) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: PROFAL Attribute Label: PROFAL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Slough Crayfish (Procambarus fallax) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: PALPAL Attribute Label: PALPAL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus or Palaemon paludosus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Definition: Average water depth over the previous 30 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Definition: Average water depth the previous 180 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: days since a plot was last dry (depth <5 cm) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: nominalDay Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Label: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Definition: number of days a site was dry during the last period the water depth was <5 cm Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: nominalDay Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: E.AMICAL Attribute Label: E.AMICAL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Bowfin (Amia calva) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.CICURO Attribute Label: E.CICURO Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus or Cichlasoma urophthalma) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPGUL Attribute Label: E.LEPGUL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPMAC Attribute Label: E.LEPMAC Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPMIC Attribute Label: E.LEPMIC Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPPLA Attribute Label: E.LEPPLA Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Florida Gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPPUN Attribute Label: E.LEPPUN Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPSPP Attribute Label: E.LEPSPP Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.MICSAL Attribute Label: E.MICSAL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.MONALB Attribute Label: E.MONALB Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus/javanensis) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YCICURO Attribute Label: YCICURO Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus or Cichlasoma urophthalma) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YHEMLET Attribute Label: YHEMLET Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPGUL Attribute Label: YLEPGUL Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMAC Attribute Label: YLEPMAC Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMAR Attribute Label: YLEPMAR Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMIC Attribute Label: YLEPMIC Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPPUN Attribute Label: YLEPPUN Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPSPP Attribute Label: YLEPSPP Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: REGSITE Attribute Label: REGSITE Attribute Definition: unique identifier for each site (combination of region + site) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITEPLOT Attribute Label: SITEPLOT Attribute Definition: unique identifier for each plot (combination of region + site + plot) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Data Table Entity Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_residuals Entity Description: data file with organized output of baseline analysis procedures for use in predator analyses Object Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_residuals.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: REGION Attribute Label: REGION Attribute Definition: region of the Everglades where data were collected Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: SRS= Shark River Slough TSL= Taylor Slough WCA= Water Conservation Area 3A Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITE Attribute Label: SITE Attribute Definition: site name (number) where data were collected within each region Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLOT Attribute Label: PLOT Attribute Definition: plot identifier within each site where data were collected Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: A= plot A B= plot B C= plot C D= plot D E= plot E Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CUM Attribute Label: CUM Attribute Definition: cumulative sampling period during which data were collected Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: number Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MAPD Attribute Label: MAPD Attribute Definition: categorial time periods of swamp eel presence in Taylor Slough and Shark River Slough Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: nan= data not analyzed (WCA 3A) a= swamp eels absent b= swamp eels established Missing Value Code: NA (not assessed in that region) Attribute Name: HLPD Attribute Label: HLPD2 Attribute Definition: categorial African Jewelfish invasion periods (presence/absence as defined in manuscript text) in Shark River Slough and the corresponding reference period in WCA 3A Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: nan= period not analyzed a= jewelfish absent b= jewelfish present (Shark River Slough) or corresponding core reference period in WCA 3A c= periods around core reference period to exclude in WCA 3A Missing Value Code: NA (not assessed in that region) Attribute Name: YEAR Attribute Label: YEAR Attribute Definition: calendar year of data collection Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: year Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD Attribute Label: PERIOD Attribute Definition: annual sampling period during which data were collected; code roughly correspond to typical months in definitions Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= typically collected during February 2= typically collected during April 3= typically collected during July 4= typically collected during October 5= typically collected during December Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THROW Attribute Label: THROW Attribute Definition: number of throw trap samples collected from each plot during that cumulative sampling period Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: number Number Type: integer Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CICURO Attribute Label: CICURO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus, formerly Cichlasoma urophthalma) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: CYPVAR Attribute Label: CYPVAR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Sheepshead Minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: ELAEVE Attribute Label: ELAEVE Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Everglades Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma evergladei) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: FUNCHR Attribute Label: FUNCHR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Golden Topminnows (Fundulus chrysotus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: FUNCON Attribute Label: FUNCON Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Marsh Killifish (Fundulus confluentus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: GAMHOL Attribute Label: GAMHOL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: HEMLET Attribute Label: HEMLET Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: HETFOR Attribute Label: HETFOR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: JORFLO Attribute Label: JORFLO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPGUL Attribute Label: LEPGUL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMAC Attribute Label: LEPMAC Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMAR Attribute Label: LEPMAR Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPMIC Attribute Label: LEPMIC Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPPUN Attribute Label: LEPPUN Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPSPP Attribute Label: LEPSPP Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LUCGOO Attribute Label: LUCGOO Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Bluefin Killifish (Lucania goodei) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: POELAT Attribute Label: POELAT Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: PROALL Attribute Label: PROALL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Everglades Crayfish (Procambarus alleni) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PROFAL Attribute Label: PROFAL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of Slough Crayfish (Procambarus fallax) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PALPAL Attribute Label: PALPAL Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus or Palaemon paludosus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Definition: Average water depth over the previous 30 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Definition: Average water depth over the previous 180 days Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: centimeter Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: days since a plot was last dry (depth <5 cm) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: nominalDay Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Label: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Definition: number of days a site was dry during the last period the water depth was <5 cm Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: nominalDay Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: E.AMICAL Attribute Label: E.AMICAL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Bowfin (Amia calva) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.CICURO Attribute Label: E.CICURO Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus, formerly Cichlasoma urophthalma) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPGUL Attribute Label: E.LEPGUL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPMAC Attribute Label: E.LEPMAC Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPMIC Attribute Label: E.LEPMIC Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPPLA Attribute Label: E.LEPPLA Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Florida Gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPPUN Attribute Label: E.LEPPUN Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.LEPSPP Attribute Label: E.LEPSPP Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.MICSAL Attribute Label: E.MICSAL Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: E.MONALB Attribute Label: E.MONALB Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for Asian Swamp Eels (Monopterus albus/javanensis) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YCICURO Attribute Label: YCICURO Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus or Cichlasoma urophthalma) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YHEMLET Attribute Label: YHEMLET Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPGUL Attribute Label: YLEPGUL Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMAC Attribute Label: YLEPMAC Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMAR Attribute Label: YLEPMAR Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Dollar Sunfish (Lepomis marginatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPMIC Attribute Label: YLEPMIC Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPPUN Attribute Label: YLEPPUN Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of Spotted Sunfish (Lepomis punctatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPSPP Attribute Label: YLEPSPP Attribute Definition: lagged densities (caught in throw traps during the previous sampling period) of unidentified sunfish (Lepomis spp.) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: REGSITE Attribute Label: REGSITE Attribute Definition: unique identifier for each site (combination of region + site) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SITEPLOT Attribute Label: SITEPLOT Attribute Definition: unique identifier for each plot (combination of region + site + plot) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: text Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TOPPREDS Attribute Label: TOPPREDS Attribute Definition: annual index of electrofishing CPUE for the three top predators (Bowfin, Largemouth Bass, Florida Gar) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: catchPerUnitEffort Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LEPOMIS2 Attribute Label: LEPOMIS2 Attribute Definition: densities (number of individuals per square meter) of all sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: YLEPOMIS2 Attribute Label: YLEPOMIS2 Attribute Definition: lagged densities (number of individuals per square meter during the previous sampling period) of all sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: numberPerMeterSquared Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.YLEPOMIS2 Attribute Label: log.YLEPOMIS2 Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed densities of all sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.LEPOMIS2 Attribute Label: log.LEPOMIS2 Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed densities of all sunfish (Lepomis spp.) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.TOPPREDS Attribute Label: log.TOPPREDS Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed annual index of electrofishing CPUE of top predators (Bowfin, Largemouth Bass, Florida Gar) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.HEMLET Attribute Label: log.HEMLET Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed densities of all African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.YHEMLET Attribute Label: log.YHEMLET Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed lagged densities of all African Jewelfish (Hemichromis letourneuxi) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.E.CICURO Attribute Label: log.E.CICURO Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed annual index of electrofishing CPUE of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.CICURO Attribute Label: log.CICURO Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed densities of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.YCICURO Attribute Label: log.YCICURO Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed lagged densities of Mayan Cichlids (Mayaheros urophthalmus) caught in throw traps Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: log.LEPOMIS Attribute Label: log.LEPOMIS Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed annual index of electrofishing CPUE of all sunfish (Lepomis spp.) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (no data) Attribute Name: LASTDRYSEASON Attribute Label: LASTDRYSEASON Attribute Definition: number of days a site was dry (water depth <5cm) during the previous dry season Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: nominalDay Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: log.LDS Attribute Label: log.LDS Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed number of days a site was dry (depth <5 cm) during the previous dry season Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: log.DSD Attribute Label: log.DSD Attribute Definition: natural log-transformed number of days since a site last dry (depth <5cm) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD2 Attribute Label: PERIOD2 Attribute Definition: reordered variation on sampling period Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= period 1 2= period 2 3= period 3 4= period 4 5= period 5 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD3 Attribute Label: PERIOD3 Attribute Definition: reordered variation on sampling period Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= period 1 2= period 2 3= period 3 4= period 4 5= period 5 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD5 Attribute Label: PERIOD5 Attribute Definition: reordered variation on sampling period Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= period 1 2= period 2 3= period 3 4= period 4 5= period 5 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIOD4 Attribute Label: PERIOD4 Attribute Definition: reordered variation on sampling period starting at the beginning of the water year Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: 1= July 2= October 3= December 4= February 5= April Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PALPAL.R Attribute Label: PALPAL.R Attribute Definition: residuals for riverine grass shrimp (Palaemonetes paludosus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: PROALL.R Attribute Label: PROALL.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Everglades Crayfish (Procambarus alleni) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: GAMHOL.R Attribute Label: GAMHOL.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: HETFOR.R Attribute Label: HETFOR.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: LUCGOO.R Attribute Label: LUCGOO.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Bluefin Killifish (Lucania goodei) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: FUNCHR.R Attribute Label: FUNCHR.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Golden Topminnows (Fundulus chrysotus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: FUNCON.R Attribute Label: FUNCON.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Marsh Killifish (Fundulus confluentus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: JORFLO.R Attribute Label: JORFLO.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Flagfish (Jordanella floridae) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: ELAEVE.R Attribute Label: ELAEVE.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Everglades Pygmy Sunfish (Elassoma evergladei) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: POELAT.R Attribute Label: POELAT.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Sailfin Mollies (Poecilia latipinna) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: PROFAL.R Attribute Label: PROFAL.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Slough Crayfish (Procambarus fallax) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Attribute Name: CYPVAR.R Attribute Label: CYPVAR.R Attribute Definition: residuals for Sheepshead Minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus) Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: NA (residuals not calculated) Methods Method Step Description Detailed methods are described in the associated manuscript, (Contrasting invasion histories and effects of three non-native fishes observed with long-term monitoring data), its supplementary file, and publications cited within. In summary, long-term monitoring sites were established across the Everglades as part of the Modified Water Deliveries to Everglades National Park project. From July 1996 through April 2022 fish and invertebrates were collected using 1-square meter, 2-mm mesh, throw traps following standardized protocols at three sites in Taylor Slough, six sites in Shark River Slough, and eight sites in Water Conservation Area 3A. Each site consisted of three plots, except for two sites in Taylor Slough that consisted of five plots. In Taylor Sough and Shark River Slough, seven throw-trap samples were collected at each plot during each sampling period except when sites were only accessible by helicopter and five throw-trap samples were collected. In Water Conservation Area 3A, five throw-trap samples were collected at each plot during each sampling period. Our analyses here are on plot-level mean densities of small fishes and decapods. Samples were collected during five months of each year, starting after the onset of the wet season (begins in June), with wet-season samples collected in July and October, transition period samples collected in December, and dry-season samples collected in February and April. Animals were removed from throw traps following a standard protocol using bar seines and dip nets; vertebrates were euthanized using MS-222 and all animals were fixed in formalin before being transferred to ethanol and identified. From 1997–2021, the nine central/deeper plots in Taylor Slough, plots at five of the sites in Shark River Slough, and plots at six of the sites in Water Conservation Area 3A were sampled with an airboat-mounted electrofisher for three transects of five minutes (pedal time) to assess large fishes (>8 cm standard length) providing catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) relative abundance values. Native fishes were released and non-native fishes were euthanized following each electrofishing transect. Electrofishing CPUE data were used to assess predator effects in supporting analyses. Dry-season electrofishing sampling is limited most years because airboats cannot access sites (throw-trap sampling continues when accessed by helicopter). To partially overcome limitations of missing dry-season sampling, we created indices of annual predator CPUE caught via electrofishing by averaging the total number of fish caught across all electrofishing transects during both wet-season sampling periods (July, October). Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights Publications citing this dataset Pintar, Matthew R., Nathan J. Dorn, Jeffrey L. Kline, and Joel C. Trexler. 2023. Contrasting invasion histories and effects of three non-native fishes observed with long-term monitoring data. Biol Invasions 25: 3887-3903. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-023-03146-9 Dataset Keywords crayfish invasive fish native fish Everglades invasive species populations Maintenance Updates not planned except to correct errors if needed. Dataset Contact Name: Matthew Pintar Organization: Florida International University Email: Data Table and Format Data Table: Data used to fit models of hydrologic conditions during the baseline period and then generate predictions Entity Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_data-for-baseline Entity Description: Data used to fit models of hydrologic conditions during the baseline period and then generate predictions Object Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_data-for-baseline.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 6267 Data Table: data file with organized output of baseline analysis procedures for use in predator analyses Entity Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_residuals Entity Description: data file with organized output of baseline analysis procedures for use in predator analyses Object Name: Pintar-et-al-2023_Biological-Invasions_residuals.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 6136 Award(s) Project award(s): Award title: Freshwater Fish Monitoring in Water Conservation Area 3 and Everglades National Park Funder name: National Park Service, Everglades National Park Award number: Task Agreement Number P21AC10856, Cooperative Agreement Number P18AC00974 Related project award(s): Award title: FCE LTER III: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research Funder name: National Science Foundation Award number: 1237517 Award URL: Award title: LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research Funder name: National Science Foundation Award number: 2025954 Award URL: