Dataset title: Eddy Covariance Tower Data from Everglades Towers, Florida: 2004:2021 Dataset ID: doi:10.6073/pasta/417f2954c3cd043e73004e89aff83b5e Dataset Creator Name: Sparkle Malone Position: Assistant Professor Organization: Florida International University Address: 11200 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 3053481988 Email: Name: Tiffany Troxler Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Edward Casteneda Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Steven Oberbauer Organization: Florida International University Email: Name: Gregory Starr Organization: University of Alabama Email: Name: James Fourqurean Organization: Florida International University Email: Dataset Abstract Geographic Coverage Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: US-Elm: Everglades (long hydroperiod marsh) (FCE site SRS2) West bounding coordinate: -80.7826 East bounding coordinate: -80.7826 North bounding coordinate: 25.5519 South bounding coordinate: 25.5519 Geographic description: US-Esm: Everglades (short hydroperiod marsh) (FCE Site TS/Ph1b) West bounding coordinate: -80.5946 East bounding coordinate: -80.5946 North bounding coordinate: 25.4379 South bounding coordinate: 25.4379 Geographic description: US-EvM: Everglades Saltwater intrusion marsh West bounding coordinate: -80.381 East bounding coordinate: -80.381 North bounding coordinate: 25.3539 South bounding coordinate: 25.3539 Geographic description: US-Skr: Shark River Slough (Tower SRS-6) Everglades (Legacy) West bounding coordinate: -81.0776 East bounding coordinate: -81.0776 North bounding coordinate: 25.3629 South bounding coordinate: 25.3629 Temporal Coverage Data Table Entity Name: FCE1245_Ameriflux_data_entities Entity Description: Descriptions and links to data and metadata entities at the AmeriFlux repository Object Name: FCE1245_Ameriflux_data_entities.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: sitename Attribute Label: sitename Attribute Definition: Name of the Ameriflux site Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Name of the Ameriflux site Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: filename Attribute Label: filename Attribute Definition: Name of file downloadable at the linked repository Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Name of file downloadable at the linked repository Missing Value Code: NA (No file available yet) Attribute Name: format Attribute Label: format Attribute Definition: File format of 'filename' Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: File format of 'filename' Missing Value Code: NA (No file available yet) Attribute Name: title Attribute Label: title Attribute Definition: Title of 'filename' Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Title of 'filename' Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: description Attribute Label: description Attribute Definition: Description of data and/or metadata contained in 'filename' Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Description of data and/or metadata contained in 'filename' Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: entity_id Attribute Label: entity_id Attribute Definition: Identifier at linked repository Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Identifier at linked repository Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: latitude Attribute Label: latitude Attribute Definition: Latitude for data entity (flux tower) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Latitude for data entity (flux tower) Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: longitude Attribute Label: longitude Attribute Definition: Longitude for the data entity (flux tower) Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Longitude for the data entity (flux tower) Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: start_datetime Attribute Label: start_datetime Attribute Definition: Date and time of measurement start Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: end_datetime Attribute Label: end_datetime Attribute Definition: Date and time of measurement end Storage Type: dateTime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: NA (ongoing) Attribute Name: publication_DOI Attribute Label: publication_DOI Attribute Definition: DOI that the original data and metadata are published under Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: DOI that the original data and metadata are published under Missing Value Code: NA (not available yet) Attribute Name: repository_URL Attribute Label: repository_URL Attribute Definition: Web address of the repository containing the data and metadata Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Web address of the repository containing the data and metadata Missing Value Code: Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights Dataset Keywords Eddy Covariance blue carbon carbon dioxide methane ecosystem respiration net ecosystem exchange productivity Dataset Contact Name: Sparkle Malone Address: 11200 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33199 Phone: 3053481988 Email: Data Table and Format Data Table: Descriptions and links to data and metadata entities at the AmeriFlux repository Entity Name: FCE1245_Ameriflux_data_entities Entity Description: Descriptions and links to data and metadata entities at the AmeriFlux repository Object Name: FCE1245_Ameriflux_data_entities.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 4