Dataset title: Saltwater Coastal Carbon Flux Synthesis Dataset ID: doi:10.6073/pasta/27afcea3bab0adc058457705506248f8 Dataset Creator Name: John Kominoski Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Address: 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 United States Phone: 3053487117 Email: URL: Dataset Abstract We collated published and unpublished data from studies that measured net ecosystem exchange as carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes (and methane, CH4, where available) from wetlands that varied in surface water and porewater salinity concentrations (both manipulative experiments and observations). Studies were selected to minimize the influence of exogenous covariates such as land-use, hydrologic, and water quality changes. We calculated minimum, maximum, and median values from time series of gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), ecosystem respiration (ERCO2, ERCH4), and net ecosystem productivity (NEP). We included data that were measured at daily and monthly scales. Whenever possible, we used measured porewater salinities. If porewater data were not available, we used measured surface water salinities. We calculated the change in salinity as the difference between ambient and elevated concentrations from experimental salinity additions, or as the differences in observed salinities between freshwater and brackish marshes or freshwater and saltwater marshes. We calculated the % difference of change in median values of GEP, ERCO2, ERCH4, and NEP using the following equation: Percent (%) Difference in Median = [(elevated-ambient) / |ambient|] x 100 Geographic Coverage Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: FCE Fresh Marsh West bounding coordinate: -80.780972 East bounding coordinate: -80.780972 North bounding coordinate: 25.435278 South bounding coordinate: 25.435278 Geographic description: FCE Brackish West bounding coordinate: -80.8436 East bounding coordinate: -80.8436 North bounding coordinate: 25.220381 South bounding coordinate: 25.220381 Geographic description: Weeks Bay/Dog River/Dauphin Island West bounding coordinate: -87.808667 East bounding coordinate: -87.808667 North bounding coordinate: 30.442667 South bounding coordinate: 30.442667 Geographic description: Weeks Bay/Dog River/Dauphin Island West bounding coordinate: -88.1175 East bounding coordinate: -88.1175 North bounding coordinate: 30.5855 South bounding coordinate: 30.5855 Geographic description: Weeks Bay/Dog River/Dauphin Island West bounding coordinate: -88.123967 East bounding coordinate: -88.123967 North bounding coordinate: 30.257167 South bounding coordinate: 30.257167 Geographic description: Delaware River Estuary West bounding coordinate: -75.357335 East bounding coordinate: -75.357335 North bounding coordinate: 39.789745 South bounding coordinate: 39.789745 Geographic description: Delaware River Estuary West bounding coordinate: -75.452013 East bounding coordinate: -75.452013 North bounding coordinate: 39.624341 South bounding coordinate: 39.624341 Geographic description: Delaware River Estuary West bounding coordinate: -75.413376 East bounding coordinate: -75.413376 North bounding coordinate: 39.432621 South bounding coordinate: 39.432621 Geographic description: Altamaha River West bounding coordinate: -81.466683 East bounding coordinate: -81.466683 North bounding coordinate: 31.339398 South bounding coordinate: 31.339398 Geographic description: FCE Fresh Mesocosm West bounding coordinate: -80.452157 East bounding coordinate: -80.452157 North bounding coordinate: 25.086027 South bounding coordinate: 25.086027 Geographic description: Waccamaw River West bounding coordinate: -79.091896 East bounding coordinate: -79.091896 North bounding coordinate: 33.524992 South bounding coordinate: 33.524992 Geographic description: Coastal Louisiana West bounding coordinate: -90.286889 East bounding coordinate: -90.286889 North bounding coordinate: 29.85869 South bounding coordinate: 29.85869 Geographic description: Coastal Louisiana West bounding coordinate: -90.444903 East bounding coordinate: -90.444903 North bounding coordinate: 29.501325 South bounding coordinate: 29.501325 Geographic description: Tajiaozhou, Min River Estuary, SE China West bounding coordinate: 119.379167 East bounding coordinate: 119.379167 North bounding coordinate: 25.96 South bounding coordinate: 25.96 Geographic description: FCE Freshwater Mesocosm West bounding coordinate: -80.452157 East bounding coordinate: -80.452157 North bounding coordinate: 25.086027 South bounding coordinate: 25.086027 Geographic description: Pamunkey River, VA West bounding coordinate: -76.972645 East bounding coordinate: -76.972645 North bounding coordinate: 37.557255 South bounding coordinate: 37.557255 Geographic description: Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA West bounding coordinate: -89.965808 East bounding coordinate: -89.965808 North bounding coordinate: 29.463963 South bounding coordinate: 29.463963 Geographic description: Yorktown, Virginia, USA West bounding coordinate: -76.556615 East bounding coordinate: -76.556615 North bounding coordinate: 37.267303 South bounding coordinate: 37.267303 Geographic description: River Colne, United Kingdom West bounding coordinate: 1.043404 East bounding coordinate: 1.043404 North bounding coordinate: 51.772783 South bounding coordinate: 51.772783 Geographic description: Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, Maryland, USA West bounding coordinate: -75.981606 East bounding coordinate: -75.981606 North bounding coordinate: 38.407396 South bounding coordinate: 38.407396 Geographic description: Ebro Delta marshes (FBIO) West bounding coordinate: 0.703076 East bounding coordinate: 0.703076 North bounding coordinate: 40.663111 South bounding coordinate: 40.663111 Geographic description: Ebro Delta marshes (ALFA) West bounding coordinate: 0.743148 East bounding coordinate: 0.743148 North bounding coordinate: 40.638078 South bounding coordinate: 40.638078 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 2000 End Date: 2020 Data Table Entity Name: salinity.C.flux.060321 Entity Description: Data file for Saltwater Coastal Carbon Synthesis Object Name: salinity.C.flux.060321.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: Site Attribute Label: Site Attribute Definition: Name of site or project Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: Name of site or project Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Salinity Attribute Label: Salinity Attribute Definition: Median concentration of porewater or surface water salinity during the study Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: parts per thousand Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Salinity.change Attribute Label: Salinity.change Attribute Definition: Change in median porewater or surface water salinity concentrations during the study. Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: unitless Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Units Attribute Label: Units Attribute Definition: Carbon flux units of measure Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: gC.m2.d= grams of carbon per square meter per day grams of carbon per square meter per month Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Type Attribute Label: Type Attribute Definition: Salinity exposure type Storage Type: string Measurement Scale: manipulation= studies that used experimental salinity additions or manipulations salinity gradient= studies that made measurements along natural salinity gradients in the field Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GEPmin Attribute Label: GEPmin Attribute Definition: Minimum value of Gross Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GEPmax Attribute Label: GEPmax Attribute Definition: Maximum value of Gross Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GEPmedian Attribute Label: GEPmedian Attribute Definition: Median value of Gross Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GEPmediandifference Attribute Label: GEPmediandifference Attribute Definition: Percent difference in median value of Gross Ecosystem Productivity between elevated and ambient salinities Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: percent Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ERmin Attribute Label: ERmin Attribute Definition: Minimum value of Ecosystem Respiration Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ERmax Attribute Label: ERmax Attribute Definition: Maximum value of Ecosystem Respiration Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ERmedian Attribute Label: ERmedian Attribute Definition: Median value of Ecosystem Respiration Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ERmediandifference Attribute Label: ERmediandifference Attribute Definition: Percent difference in median value of Ecosystem Respiration between elevated and ambient salinities Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: percent Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NEPmin Attribute Label: NEPmin Attribute Definition: Minimum value of Net Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NEPmax Attribute Label: NEPmax Attribute Definition: Maximum value of Net Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NEPmedian Attribute Label: NEPmedian Attribute Definition: Median value of Net Ecosystem Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NEPmediandifference Attribute Label: NEPmediandifference Attribute Definition: Percent difference in median value of Net Ecosystem Productivity between elevated and ambient salinities Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: percent Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CH4min Attribute Label: CH4min Attribute Definition: Minimum value of Methane Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CH4max Attribute Label: CH4max Attribute Definition: Maximum value of Methane Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CH4median Attribute Label: CH4median Attribute Definition: Median value of Methane Productivity Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: grams carbon per square meter per day OR grams carbon per square meter per month Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CH4mediandifference Attribute Label: CH4mediandifference Attribute Definition: Percent difference in median value of Methane Productivity between elevated and ambient salinities Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: percent Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Latitude Attribute Label: Latitude Attribute Definition: Decimal degrees latitude Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: decimal degrees Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Longitude Attribute Label: Longitude Attribute Definition: Decimal degrees longitude Storage Type: float Measurement Scale: Units: decimal degrees Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Methods Method Step Description We collated published and unpublished data from studies that measured net ecosystem exchange as carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes (and methane, CH4, where available) from wetlands that varied in surface water and porewater salinity concentrations (both manipulative experiments and observations). Studies were selected to minimize the influence of exogenous covariates such as land-use, hydrologic, and water quality changes. We calculated minimum, maximum, and median values from time series of gross ecosystem productivity (GEP), ecosystem respiration (ERCO2, ERCH4), and net ecosystem productivity (NEP). We included data that were measured at daily and monthly scales (see References below). Whenever possible, we used measured porewater salinities. If porewater data were not available, we used measured surface water salinities. We calculated the change in salinity as the difference between ambient and elevated concentrations from experimental salinity additions, or as the differences in observed salinities between freshwater and brackish marshes or freshwater and saltwater marshes. We calculated the % difference of change in median values of GEP, ERCO2, ERCH4, and NEP using the following equation: Percent (%) Difference in Median = [(elevated-ambient) / |ambient|] x 100 References: B. J. Wilson et al., Salinity pulses interact with seasonal dry-down to increase ecosystem carbon loss in marshes of the Florida Everglades. Ecol. Appl. 28, 2092-2108 (2018). S. C. Neubauer, Ecosystem responses of a tidal freshwater marsh experiencing saltwater intrusion and altered hydrology. Estuar. Coast. 36, 491-507 (2013). B. J. Wilson et al., Declines in plant productivity drive carbon loss from brackish coastal wetland mesocosms exposed to saltwater intrusion. Estuar. Coast. 41, 2147-2158 (2018). B. J. Wilson et al., Spatial and temporal variability in carbon dioxide and methane exchange at three coastal marshes along a salinity gradient in a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. Biogeochemistry 123, 329-347 (2015). N. B. Weston et al., Accelerated microbial organic matter mineralization following salt-water intrusion into tidal freshwater marsh soils. Biogeochemistry 102, 135-151 (2011). E. R. Herbert et al., Differential effects of chronic and acute simulated seawater intrusion on tidal freshwater marsh carbon cycling. Biogeochemistry 138, 137-154 (2018). B. J. Wilson et al., Phosphorus alleviation of salinity stress: effects of saltwater intrusion on an Everglades freshwater peat marsh. Ecology 100, e02672 (2019). K. W. Krauss et al., Component greenhouse gas fluxes and radiative balance from two deltaic marshes in Louisiana: Pairing chamber techniques and eddy covariance. JGR Biogeosci. 121, 1503-1521 (2016). C. Tong et al., Greenhouse gas fluxes and porewater geochemistry following short-term pulses of saltwater and Fe(III) in a subtropical tidal freshwater estuarine marsh. Geoderma 369, 114340 (2020). H. J. Poffenbarger, B. A. Needelman, J. P. Megonigal, Salinity influences on methane emissions from tidal marshes. Wetlands 31, 831-842 (2011). D. Morant et al. Carbon metabolic rates and GHG emissions in different wetland types of the Ebro Delta. PLoS ONE 15, e0231713 (2020). Maintenance Data maintenance will be maintained by the creator. Dataset Contact Name: John Kominoski Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Address: 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 United States Phone: 3053487117 Email: URL: Data Table and Format Data Table: Data file for Saltwater Coastal Carbon Synthesis Entity Name: salinity.C.flux.060321 Entity Description: Data file for Saltwater Coastal Carbon Synthesis Object Name: salinity.C.flux.060321.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 37 Metadata Provider Name: John Kominoski Position: Associate Professor Organization: Florida International University Address: 11200 SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33199 United States Phone: 3053487117 Email: URL: