Dataset title: Relative Abundance of Soft Algae From theComprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) Study (FCE) from February 2005 to November 2014 Dataset ID: FCE1212 Dataset Creator Name: Dr. Evelyn Gaiser Position: Primary Investigator Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6154 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Dataset Abstract Relative soft algae data collected between February 2005 and November 2014 "The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) focuses on “getting the water right” in the south Florida ecosystem—getting the right amount of water of the right quality to the right places at the right time" (USACE & DoI, 2015. Central and Southern Florida Project Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan) in the Everglades ecosystems. To inform CERP, since February 2005 we have been investigating the spatio-temporal variations of distribution, biomass and diversity of algae (key aquatic primary producers) in periphyton mats in relation to hydrology, nutrients and pH, and other environmental conditions. Geographic Coverage Study Extent Description Between February 2005 and November 2014, samples were taken in the Everglades ecosystem, from LOX to ENP (NE to SW; see Dataset geographic description). Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Data were collected in Principal Sampling Units (800m x 800m) in the following regions (see list of sites at row 121). LKO: Lake Okeechobee; LOX: the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Water Conservation Area 1); Pal Mar (PAL); Pennsuco (PEN), Lostman’s Creek (LMC), the ‘Oligohaline’ area (OLG), Southern Marl Prairie (SMP), Shark River Slough (SRS) and Taylor Slough (TSL); Holey Land Wildlife Management Area (HOL), Water Conservation Areas (WCA) 2 and 3. West bounding coordinate: -81.099 East bounding coordinate: -80.150 North bounding coordinate: 27.096 South bounding coordinate: 25.216 All Sites Geographic Description:2 - WC3 Longitude:-80.47 Latitude:26.19 Geographic Description:4 - SRS Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.49 Geographic Description:7 - SRS Longitude:-80.88 Latitude:25.43 Geographic Description:9 - WC3 Longitude:-80.64 Latitude:26.23 Geographic Description:10 - LOX Longitude:-80.26 Latitude:26.51 Geographic Description:12-WC3 Longitude:-80.63 Latitude:25.88 Geographic Description:13 - LKO Longitude:-81.06 Latitude:26.92 Geographic Description:14 - PAL Longitude:-80.26 Latitude:26.95 Geographic Description:20 - SMP Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.51 Geographic Description:21 - WC3 Longitude:-80.73 Latitude:26.04 Geographic Description:22 - LOX Longitude:-80.33 Latitude:26.43 Geographic Description:23 - SRS Longitude:-80.78 Latitude:25.46 Geographic Description:25 - HOL Longitude:-80.81 Latitude:26.39 Geographic Description:26 - LOX Longitude:-80.37 Latitude:26.66 Geographic Description:28 - LKO Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.91 Geographic Description:29 - SRS Longitude:-80.90 Latitude:27.10 Geographic Description:31 - SRS Longitude:-80.90 Latitude:25.56 Geographic Description:32 - WC3 Longitude:-80.54 Latitude:25.79 Geographic Description:33 Longitude:-81.02 Latitude:26.26 Geographic Description:36 - SRS Longitude:-80.73 Latitude:25.66 Geographic Description:37 - WC3 Longitude:-80.64 Latitude:26.10 Geographic Description:38 - LOX Longitude:-80.39 Latitude:26.52 Geographic Description:39 - TSL Longitude:-80.68 Latitude:25.28 Geographic Description:40 - WC3 Longitude:-80.83 Latitude:25.98 Geographic Description:42 - PAL Longitude:-80.44 Latitude:26.93 Geographic Description:43 - OLG Longitude:-81.01 Latitude:25.58 Geographic Description:44 - OLG Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:25.48 Geographic Description:45 - WC3 Longitude:-80.51 Latitude:26.05 Geographic Description:47 - SRS Longitude:-80.82 Latitude:25.60 Geographic Description:48 - WC3 Longitude:-80.58 Latitude:25.90 Geographic Description:51 - OLG Longitude:-80.84 Latitude:25.32 Geographic Description:52 - SRS Longitude:-80.65 Latitude:25.68 Geographic Description:53 - SRS Longitude:-80.73 Latitude:26.23 Geographic Description:54 - WC3 Longitude:-80.29 Latitude:26.42 Geographic Description:55 - SRS Longitude:-80.75 Latitude:25.47 Geographic Description:56 - WC3 Longitude:-80.75 Latitude:25.89 Geographic Description:57 - LKO Longitude:-80.98 Latitude:26.84 Geographic Description:58 - PAL Longitude:-80.32 Latitude:26.94 Geographic Description:59 - SMP Longitude:-81.06 Latitude:25.65 Geographic Description:60 - SMP Longitude:-80.56 Latitude:25.67 Geographic Description:61 - WC3 Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:26.22 Geographic Description:63 - SRS Longitude:-80.85 Latitude:25.71 Geographic Description:64 - WC3 Longitude:-80.48 Latitude:25.93 Geographic Description:68 - SRS Longitude:-80.72 Latitude:25.49 Geographic Description:71 - SMP Longitude:-80.81 Latitude:25.37 Geographic Description:72 - WC3 Longitude:-80.79 Latitude:25.77 Geographic Description:76 - WC3 Longitude:-80.75 Latitude:25.96 Geographic Description:77 - LKO Longitude:-80.98 Latitude:26.88 Geographic Description:80 - WC3 Longitude:-80.58 Latitude:25.81 Geographic Description:82 - WC2 Longitude:-80.41 Latitude:26.18 Geographic Description:84 - SMP Longitude:-80.65 Latitude:25.54 Geographic Description:85 - WC3 Longitude:-80.77 Latitude:26.12 Geographic Description:86 - LOX Longitude:-80.41 Latitude:26.49 Geographic Description:90 - PAL Longitude:-80.37 Latitude:26.82 Geographic Description:92 - WC3 Longitude:-80.63 Latitude:25.92 Geographic Description:93 - WC3 Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:26.09 Geographic Description:95 - SRS Longitude:-80.86 Latitude:25.57 Geographic Description:96 - PEN Longitude:-80.48 Latitude:25.81 Geographic Description:98 - SRS Longitude:-80.39 Latitude:26.26 Geographic Description:100 - SRS Longitude:-80.75 Latitude:25.70 Geographic Description:101 - WC3 Longitude:-80.67 Latitude:26.15 Geographic Description:102 - LOX Longitude:-80.33 Latitude:26.51 Geographic Description:103 - TSL Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.30 Geographic Description:104 - WC3 Longitude:-80.78 Latitude:25.99 Geographic Description:106 - PAL Longitude:-80.41 Latitude:26.95 Geographic Description:109 - WC3 Longitude:-80.48 Latitude:26.03 Geographic Description:111 - LMC Longitude:-80.91 Latitude:25.63 Geographic Description:112 - WC3 Longitude:-80.60 Latitude:25.99 Geographic Description:113 - WC3 Longitude:-80.83 Latitude:26.05 Geographic Description:114 - WC2 Longitude:-80.49 Latitude:26.38 Geographic Description:115 - TSL Longitude:-80.77 Latitude:25.32 Geographic Description:116 - SRS Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.70 Geographic Description:117 - Longitude:-80.71 Latitude:26.25 Geographic Description:118 - LOX Longitude:-80.24 Latitude:26.42 Geographic Description:119 - TSL Longitude:-80.67 Latitude:25.36 Geographic Description:120 - WC3 Longitude:-80.68 Latitude:25.77 Geographic Description:121 - LKO Longitude:-81.10 Latitude:26.91 Geographic Description:122 - LOX Longitude:-80.31 Latitude:26.59 Geographic Description:124 - SRS Longitude:-80.58 Latitude:25.75 Geographic Description:125 - WC3 Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:26.25 Geographic Description:127 - SRS Longitude:-80.82 Latitude:25.66 Geographic Description:128 - WC3 Longitude:-80.52 Latitude:26.02 Geographic Description:130 - WC2 Longitude:-80.50 Latitude:26.30 Geographic Description:132 - SRS Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.57 Geographic Description:133 - WC3 Longitude:-80.80 Latitude:26.23 Geographic Description:136 - WC3 Longitude:-80.83 Latitude:25.85 Geographic Description:138 - LOX Longitude:-80.41 Latitude:26.62 Geographic Description:140 - WC3 Longitude:-80.71 Latitude:25.96 Geographic Description:141 - LKO Longitude:-81.01 Latitude:27.01 Geographic Description:144 - WC3 Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:25.84 Geographic Description:146 - WC2 Longitude:-80.46 Latitude:26.28 Geographic Description:148 - SRS Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.62 Geographic Description:149 - WC3 Longitude:-80.69 Latitude:26.12 Geographic Description:150 - LOX Longitude:-80.43 Latitude:26.54 Geographic Description:151 - TSL Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.30 Geographic Description:155 - OLG Longitude:-81.03 Latitude:25.51 Geographic Description:156 - WC3 Longitude:-80.68 Latitude:26.02 Geographic Description:157 - WC3 Longitude:-80.56 Latitude:26.07 Geographic Description:159 - SRS Longitude:-80.83 Latitude:25.49 Geographic Description:160 - WC3 Longitude:-80.52 Latitude:25.88 Geographic Description:162 - WC2 Longitude:-80.35 Latitude:26.25 Geographic Description:163 - OLG Longitude:-80.86 Latitude:25.35 Geographic Description:164 - SRS Longitude:-80.70 Latitude:25.70 Geographic Description:166 - WC2 Longitude:-80.31 Latitude:26.25 Geographic Description:167 - TSL Longitude:-80.65 Latitude:25.34 Geographic Description:168 - WC3 Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.82 Geographic Description:169 - HOL Longitude:-80.67 Latitude:26.34 Geographic Description:171 - SRS Longitude:-80.94 Latitude:25.54 Geographic Description:172 - SMP Longitude:-80.61 Latitude:25.62 Geographic Description:173 - WC3 Longitude:-80.51 Latitude:26.13 Geographic Description:175 - LMC Longitude:-80.88 Latitude:25.65 Geographic Description:176 - WC3 Longitude:-80.58 Latitude:26.00 Geographic Description:177 - WC3 Longitude:-80.78 Latitude:26.03 Geographic Description:178 - WC2 Longitude:-80.45 Latitude:26.33 Geographic Description:179 - OLG Longitude:-80.90 Latitude:25.41 Geographic Description:182 - LOX Longitude:-80.29 Latitude:26.50 Geographic Description:183 - SMP Longitude:-80.65 Latitude:25.43 Geographic Description:184 - WC3 Longitude:-80.63 Latitude:25.78 Geographic Description:185 - LKO Longitude:-81.07 Latitude:26.94 Geographic Description:186 - PAL Longitude:-80.31 Latitude:26.87 Geographic Description:187 - SMP Longitude:-80.95 Latitude:25.63 Geographic Description:188 - SMP Longitude:-80.55 Latitude:25.66 Geographic Description:189 - WC3 Longitude:-80.58 Latitude:26.23 Geographic Description:191 - SRS Longitude:-80.81 Latitude:25.68 Geographic Description:192 - PEN Longitude:-80.46 Latitude:25.79 Geographic Description:195 - OLG Longitude:-80.95 Latitude:25.48 Geographic Description:196 - SRS Longitude:-80.71 Latitude:25.56 Geographic Description:197 - WC3 Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:26.03 Geographic Description:198 - LOX Longitude:-80.36 Latitude:26.41 Geographic Description:199 - SRS Longitude:-80.84 Latitude:25.47 Geographic Description:200 - WC3 Longitude:-80.80 Latitude:25.86 Geographic Description:202 - LOX Longitude:-80.38 Latitude:26.63 Geographic Description:204 - WC3 Longitude:-80.72 Latitude:25.98 Geographic Description:205 - LKO Longitude:-80.97 Latitude:27.06 Geographic Description:206 - Longitude:-81.05 Latitude:25.22 Geographic Description:207 - SRS Longitude:-80.88 Latitude:25.50 Geographic Description:208 - WC3 Longitude:-80.56 Latitude:25.84 Geographic Description:210 - WC2 Longitude:-80.42 Latitude:26.29 Geographic Description:212 - SRS Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.63 Geographic Description:213 - WC3 Longitude:-80.69 Latitude:26.08 Geographic Description:214 - LOX Longitude:-80.37 Latitude:26.49 Geographic Description:215 - TSL Longitude:-80.71 Latitude:25.30 Geographic Description:216 - WC3 Longitude:-80.80 Latitude:25.90 Geographic Description:217 - WC3 Longitude:-80.73 Latitude:26.33 Geographic Description:219 - OLG Longitude:-81.05 Latitude:25.57 Geographic Description:220 - WC3 Longitude:-80.62 Latitude:26.02 Geographic Description:221 - WC3 Longitude:-80.60 Latitude:26.16 Geographic Description:223 - TSL Longitude:-80.79 Latitude:25.53 Geographic Description:224 - WC3 Longitude:-80.62 Latitude:25.90 Geographic Description:226 - WC3 Longitude:-80.57 Latitude:26.31 Geographic Description:228 - SRS Longitude:-80.66 Latitude:25.65 Geographic Description:229 - WC3 Longitude:-80.70 Latitude:26.17 Geographic Description:231 - SMP Longitude:-80.76 Latitude:25.41 Geographic Description:232 - WC3 Longitude:-80.71 Latitude:25.80 Geographic Description:235 - SMP Longitude:-80.97 Latitude:25.62 Geographic Description:236 - SRS Longitude:-80.60 Latitude:25.65 Geographic Description:237 - WC3 Longitude:-80.51 Latitude:26.13 Geographic Description:239 - SRS Longitude:-80.92 Latitude:25.73 Geographic Description:240 - WC3 Longitude:-80.53 Latitude:25.96 Geographic Description:242 - WC2 Longitude:-80.46 Latitude:26.38 Geographic Description:243 - SMP Longitude:-80.86 Latitude:25.41 Geographic Description:245 - WC3 Longitude:-80.63 Latitude:26.22 Geographic Description:246 - LOX Longitude:-80.32 Latitude:26.52 Geographic Description:248 - WC3 Longitude:-80.69 Latitude:25.88 Geographic Description:249 - LKO Longitude:-81.04 Latitude:26.90 Geographic Description:250 - PAL Longitude:-80.30 Latitude:26.96 Geographic Description:251 - SRS Longitude:-80.96 Latitude:25.72 Geographic Description:252 - SRS Longitude:-80.53 Latitude:25.73 Geographic Description:253 - WC3 Longitude:-80.51 Latitude:26.18 Geographic Description:254 - OLG Longitude:-81.05 Latitude:25.48 Geographic Description:255 - SRS Longitude:-80.83 Latitude:25.74 Geographic Description:256 - WC3 Longitude:-80.46 Latitude:25.93 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 2005-02-15 End Date: 2014-11-14 Data Table Entity Name: FCE1212_CERP_Algae.txt Entity Description: Abundance of soft algae from CERP study locations Object Name: FCE1212_CERP_Algae.txt Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: Date Attribute Label: sampling time details Attribute Definition: Sampling date Storage Type: Datetime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Year Attribute Label: sampling time details Attribute Definition: Year sites were sampled Storage Type: Datetime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Region Attribute Label: region Attribute Definition: Region designation Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Region designation Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PSU Attribute Label: location Attribute Definition: Principal Sampling Unit Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Principal Sampling Unit Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Replicate Attribute Label: replicate Attribute Definition: Throw 1, 2 or 3 Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Throw 1, 2 or 3 Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Sample code Attribute Label: Sample code Attribute Definition: Sample code Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Sample code Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ACHNANTH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AHMINGRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AHMINMIN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AMHOLHOL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AMOVAOVA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: AMSULSUL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ANABAENA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ANCOSCOS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ANKISTRO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: APHANOCA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: APHANOTH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BAPAXPAX Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BRBREBRE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BRAPOAPO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BRMICMIC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BRSERSER Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BULBFILA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BULBOCHA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CALONEIS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CDISCUSS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CENTRITR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CHARACIU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CHRODIOP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CHROLARG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CHROSMAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CLOSTERI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COELASTR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COELOSPH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COPLAPLA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMAMOE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMARIU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMCALC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMCFDE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMCFRE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMCOMM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMCONT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMEXCA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMINAE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMISTH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMMONO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMOBSO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMOCEL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMPANA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMPHAS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMPYRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMRENI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: COSMSMOL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CPCARCAR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CRUCQUAD Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: CYMENMEN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DACONCON Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DACTYLOC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DESMAPTO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DESMBAIL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DESMIDIU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DESMSCHW Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DIMORPHO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DIOBLOBL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DIPARPAR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DIPUEPUE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ECFLOFLO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ECMICMIC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ECSUBSUB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENCPNEG1 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENCYONEM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENEVEEVE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENFTSP01 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENFTSP02 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENFTSP04 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENSILELE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENSILSIL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ENSJSP03 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUASCORN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUASPECT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUASSMAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUASTRUM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUCAMCAM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUEGSP01 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUFLEFLE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUINCINC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUMONMON Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUNAENAE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUNOTIAS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EURABELO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EUZYGZYG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EVMETMET Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EVPACPAC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FACFTENE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FAFTSP16 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FAGILARI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FANANNAN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FASYNSYN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FFVIRCAP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FISCHERE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FRCRACRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FRRHORHO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GENIELGI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GLOEOCAP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GLOEOCYS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GLOEOTAE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GLOEOTHE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOAFFAFF Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOAURAUR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOCFVIBR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOCLACLA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOCORCOR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOGRAGRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOINTVIB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOMACMAC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOMPEGS1 Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOMPHONE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOMPHOSP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GONATOZY Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOPAREXI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOPARLAG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOPARPAR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GOPRAPRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: HAAMPAMP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: HLAPOAPO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: HLVENVEN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: JOHABAPT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: KIRCHNER Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: KOCFPARA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LAGYNION Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LEHUNHUN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LYNGBYAS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MABRABRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MALANLAN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MASMILAC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MASMISMI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MASTOGIA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MERISMOP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICRASTE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICRCRUX Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICRFLOR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICROCHA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICROCYS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MICRPINN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MOUGEOTI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MOUGLARG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MOUGSMAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: MOUGSPOR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NACRPCRP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NACRYCRY Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NARADRAD Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NARAFRAF Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NASALSAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NAVICOSY Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NAVICULA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NIAMPAMP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NIAMPFRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NIFILFIL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NILACLAC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NINANNAN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NIPALDEB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NIPALPAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NISERSER Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NITZSCHI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OEDOLARG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OEDOSMAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ONYCHONE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OOCYSTIS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OPHIOCYT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OSCILLAT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PALMODYC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PAPANPAN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PCCONCON Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PEBREBRE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PEDIMINI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PEDISIMP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PEDITETR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PERIDINI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PHACORBI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PIACRACR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PIBRABRA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PIGIBGIB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PIMICMIC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PINNLARG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PINNULAR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PISTOSTO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PISTRSTR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PIVIRVIR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLEUMIAT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLEUMIEX Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLPOOOP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PLSALSAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PNCFFREQ Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: QUADRIGU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: RHABLINE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: RHABSIGM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: RHGIBGIB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ROLINLIN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENARCU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENARMA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENBIJU Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENBREV Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENEDES Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENSERR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCENSMAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCHIZOTH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCYTDABR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCYTLIBR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SCYTLIGH Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SELAELAE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SEPUPPUP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SMPUSPUS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SNCURCUR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SPIROGYR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SPIRULIN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SPONDYLO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUALTE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUCFSO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUCONN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUCYAT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUDEJE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUDEPR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUDISP Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUEXCA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUGRAL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAULONG Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUOPFC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAUPINN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STAURAST Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STIGEOCL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STIGONEM Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STIPITOC Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: STPHOPHO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: SYFILEXI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TEILINGI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TETRAEDR Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TETRCAUD Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TETRMINI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TETRPENT Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: THALASSI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: TRIPLOCE Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: ULULNULN Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNALGA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNBGAK Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNBGCO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNBGFI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNBGOB Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNBGSO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNGIRD Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNGRCO Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNGRFI Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNGRMA Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNGRML Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNSGRL Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: UNKNSGRS Attribute Label: relative abundance Attribute Definition: species data Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units percent Precision:0.001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: Methods Sampling Description Using generalized random-tessellation stratification, we chose a representative set of locations (800 m x 800 m principal sampling units, PSU), within which we sampled three sites in a habitat drawn from a pool of GPS coordinates. At sites where depth was < 1 m, and vegetation not too dense to hamper the formation of periphyton, and our movement in the field, we threw a 1 m3 enclosure, open both at the top and bottom, and collected samples of periphytic algae with a 120 mL plastic beaker from floating or benthic periphyton mats, depending on the depth. Where no mats were present, we took flocculent detritus from the benthos, as this also hosts algae; we then transported the samples back to the laboratory and froze them until analysis. We measured water depth (cm) with a metal ruler, and TP concentrations in the periphyton (μg g−1 dry weight) by means of colorimetry after dry combustion because water column concentrations are often below detection in this extremely oligotrophic wetland [Marazzi et al. (accepted) Freshwater Biology]. Method Step Description We prepared wet mounts from frozen samples and homogenized samples that we then dried onto a cover glass. When CaCO3 crystals were noticeable on the slide, we added a solution of 0.01 mL 10% HCl, dried the cover slip, and inverted it onto a microscope slide in 0.02 ml of water, then sealed it by ringing the glass with fingernail polish. Franco Tobias counted at least 500 algal units (i.e. cells, coenobia, colonies, and filaments of 100µm) at 1000x magnification, using a compound light microscope, and identified them to the lowest possible taxonomic unit (genus, species, or variety). [Marazzi et al. (2017) "Algal richness and life-history strategies are influenced by hydrology and phosphorus in two major subtropical wetlands" Freshwater Biology] Citation Marazzi, Luca , Evelyn E. Gaiser, Vivienne J. Jones, Franco A. Tobias, A. W. Mackay. 2017. Algal richness and life-history strategies are influenced by hydrology and phosphorus in two major subtropical wetlands. Freshwater Biology, 62(2): 274-290. Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights These data are classified as 'Type II' whereby original FCE LTER experimental data collected by individual FCE researchers to be released to restricted audiences according to terms specified by the owners of the data. Type II data are considered to be exceptional and should be rare in occurrence. The justification for exceptions must be well documented and approved by the lead PI and Site Data Manager. Some examples of Type II data restrictions may include: locations of rare or endangered species, data that are covered under prior licensing or copyright (e.g., SPOT satellite data), or covered by the Human Subjects Act, Student Dissertation data and those data related to the FCE LTER Program but not funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under LTER grants #DEB-9910514, and # DBI-0620409. Researchers that make use of Type II Data may be subject to additional restrictions to protect any applicable commercial or confidentiality interests. All publications based on this dataset must cite the data Contributor, the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program and that this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DEB-1237517, #DBI-0620409, and #DEB-9910514. Additionally, two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to the Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Office, LTER Program Manager, Florida International University, Southeast Environmental Research Center, OE 148, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199. For a complete description of the FCE LTER Data Access Policy and Data User Agreement, please go to FCE Data Management Policy at and LTER Network Data Access Policy at Dataset Keywords Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) CERP ecological research long-term monitoring abundance community composition algae Data Submission Date: 2016-11-10 Dataset Contact Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Data Table and Format Data Table: Abundance of soft algae from CERP study locations Entity Name: FCE1212_CERP_Algae.txt Entity Description: Abundance of soft algae from CERP study locations Object Name: FCE1212_CERP_Algae.txt Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 958 Metadata Provider Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Email: URL: