Dataset title: Periphyton and Associated Environmental Data Relative from Samples Collected from the Greater Everglades, Florida, USA from September 2005 to November 2014 Dataset ID: FCE1210_CERP_PeriphytonEnv Research type: Long-term Dataset Creator Name: Dr. Evelyn Gaiser Position: Principal Investigator Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6154 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Dataset Abstract This data package contains peripihyton and environmental data collected annually during the wet season between 2005 and 2014 from sites distributed throughout the greater Everglades ecosystem. This project is part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Program's Monitoring and Assessment Plan intended to document baseline variability in periphyton attributes for assessing the effectiveness of restoration projects. A total of 200 primary sampling units (PSU) of 800 m x 800 m are nested in 32 landscape units and each year, random coordinates are 'drawn' within each PSU and one sampleable draw is visited in each. Sampled periphyton is processed for diatoms, slides are prepared, and 500 frustules are enumerated and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic resolution per slide. Taxon abundances are then relativized to the total count. These data accompany environmental, periphyton biomass, and soft algal abundance datasets. Geographic Coverage Study Extent Description Between February 2005 and November 2014, samples were taken in the Everglades ecosystem, from LOX to ENP (NE to SW; see Dataset geographic description). Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Data were collected in Principal Sampling Units (800m x 800m) in the following regions (see list of sites at row 121). LKO: Lake Okeechobee; LOX: the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge (Water Conservation Area 1); Pal Mar (PAL); Pennsuco (PEN), Lostman’s Creek (LMC), the ‘Oligohaline’ area (OLG), Southern Marl Prairie (SMP), Shark River Slough (SRS) and Taylor Slough (TSL); Holey Land Wildlife Management Area (HOL), Water Conservation Areas (WCA) 2 and 3. West bounding coordinate: -81.10 East bounding coordinate: -80.24 North bounding coordinate: 27.10 South bounding coordinate: 25.22 All Sites Geographic Description:Greater Everglades Ecosystem Longitude:-80.24 Latitude:25.22 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 2005-09-14 End Date: 2014-11-14 Data Table Entity Name: FCE1210_CERP_PeriphytonEnv.csv Entity Description: Periphyton data collected for CERP study by FCE LTER personnel Object Name: FCE1210_CERP_Periphyton.csv Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: TAG-ID Attribute Label: Date_Project_PSU_Draw_Replicate_Episode Attribute Definition: Sample tag ID Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Sample tag ID Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: OBS_DATE Attribute Label: sampling date Attribute Definition: Date observation made in field Storage Type: Date Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: PRIMARY_SAMPLING_UNIT Attribute Label: location Attribute Definition: primary sampling unit identifier Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: primary sampling unit identifier Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: DRAW Attribute Label: site within location Attribute Definition: Draw site within primary sampling unit Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Draw site within primary sampling unit Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FIELD_REPLICATE Attribute Label: replicate Attribute Definition: The sample replicate within a draw Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: The sample replicate within a draw Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EPISODE Attribute Label: sample group Attribute Definition: Sampling episode Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Sampling episode Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EASTING_UTM Attribute Label: easting coordinate Attribute Definition: Longitude coordinates of draw site Storage Type: coordinate Measurement Scale: Longitude coordinates of draw site Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: NORTHING_UTM Attribute Label: northing coordinate Attribute Definition: Latitude coordinates of draw site Storage Type: coordinate Measurement Scale: Latitude coordinates of draw site Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: WETLAND_BASIN Attribute Label: sample region Attribute Definition: Everglades water management unit Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: Everglades water management unit Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LSU Attribute Label: landscape sampling unit Attribute Definition: landscape sampling unit Storage Type: Code Measurement Scale: landscape sampling unit Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: LSU_NAME Attribute Label: landscape sampling unit name Attribute Definition: landscape sampling unit name Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: landscape sampling unit name Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: WATER_DEPTH_CM Attribute Label: WATER_DEPTH_CM Attribute Definition: Average water depth of 3 measurements representative of replicate Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Average water depth of 3 measurements representative of replicate Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: SURFACE_WATER_PH Attribute Label: SURFACE_WATER_PH Attribute Definition: pH of water sample upon return to the lab; meters used (followed by years of use) include YSI generic pH/conductivity meter - 2005-2007, Orion model 250A portable meter - 2008, generic pH/conductivity probe - 2009-2014, Accumet AP85 pH/conductivity/TDS/°C/°F meter - 2015-2018, Oakton PC 450 - 2018-2021 Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: pH of water sample upon return to the lab; meters used (followed by years of use) include YSI generic pH/conductivity meter - 2005-2007, Orion model 250A portable meter - 2008, generic pH/conductivity probe - 2009-2014, Accumet AP85 pH/conductivity/TDS/°C/°F meter - 2015-2018, Oakton PC 450 - 2018-2021 Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: SURFACE_WATER_COND_US_PER_CM Attribute Label: SURFACE_WATER_COND_US_PER_CM Attribute Definition: Conductivity of water sample upon return to the lab; meters used (followed by years of use) include YSI generic pH/conductivity meter - 2005-2007, Orion model 250A portable meter - 2008, generic pH/conductivity probe - 2009-2014, Accumet AP85 pH/conductivity/TDS/°C/°F meter - 2015-2018, Oakton PC 450 - 2018-2021 Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Conductivity of water sample upon return to the lab; meters used (followed by years of use) include YSI generic pH/conductivity meter - 2005-2007, Orion model 250A portable meter - 2008, generic pH/conductivity probe - 2009-2014, Accumet AP85 pH/conductivity/TDS/°C/°F meter - 2015-2018, Oakton PC 450 - 2018-2021 Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: SOIL_DEPTH_CM Attribute Label: SOIL_DEPTH_CM Attribute Definition: Depth of soil up to 100 cm Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Depth of soil up to 100 cm Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken or > 100) Attribute Name: SOIL_TYPE Attribute Label: SOIL_TYPE Attribute Definition: Visual categorization of soil as mostly rock (no soil) (1), marl (2), peat (3), or sand (4) Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Visual categorization of soil as mostly rock (no soil) (1), marl (2), peat (3), or sand (4) Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_TYPE Attribute Label: PERI_TYPE Attribute Definition: Visual categorization of periphyton as either mostly calcareous (1), mostly organic (3), or a mix of both (2) Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Visual categorization of periphyton as either mostly calcareous (1), mostly organic (3), or a mix of both (2) Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_PLUS_SUBMERSED_PLANT_VOL_ML_PER_M2 Attribute Label: PERI_PLUS_SUBMERSED_PLANT_VOL_ML_PER_M2 Attribute Definition: Volume of periphyton and any attached substrate in perforated graduated cylinder Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Volume of periphyton and any attached substrate in perforated graduated cylinder Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_VOL_ML_PER_M2 Attribute Label: PERI_VOL_ML_PER_M2 Attribute Definition: Volume of periphyton with most substrate removed in perforated graduated cylinder Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Volume of periphyton with most substrate removed in perforated graduated cylinder Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_SAMPLE_VOL_ML Attribute Label: PERI_SAMPLE_VOL_ML Attribute Definition: Volume of homogenized periphyton removed for sample Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Volume of homogenized periphyton removed for sample Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_AERIAL_PCT_COVER Attribute Label: PERI_AERIAL_PCT_COVER Attribute Definition: Visual estimate of the amount of periphyton covering the surface of the wetland Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Visual estimate of the amount of periphyton covering the surface of the wetland Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: QUANTITATIVE Attribute Label: QUANTITATIVE Attribute Definition: Periphyton sample permits biovolume (mL/m2) calculation Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Periphyton sample permits biovolume (mL/m2) calculation Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: BENTHIC_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Label: BENTHIC_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Definition: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from the bottom of the wetland Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from the bottom of the wetland Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: BENTHIC_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Label: BENTHIC_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Definition: Percent of the bottom of the wetland covered with periphyton Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the bottom of the wetland covered with periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: EPIPHYTIC_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Label: EPIPHYTIC_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Definition: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from plants Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from plants Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: EPIPHYTIC_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Label: EPIPHYTIC_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Definition: Percent of plant stems and leaves covered with periphyton Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of plant stems and leaves covered with periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: EPIPHYTIC_SP1 Attribute Label: EPIPHYTIC_SP1 Attribute Definition: Code name of first plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of first plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: EPIPHYTIC_SP2 Attribute Label: EPIPHYTIC_SP2 Attribute Definition: Code name of second plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of second plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: EPIPHYTIC_SP3 Attribute Label: EPIPHYTIC_SP3 Attribute Definition: Code name of third plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of third plant taxon supporting epiphytic periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: FLOATING_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Label: FLOATING_PERI_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Definition: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from the water surface Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the homogenized sample containing periphyton removed from the water surface Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: FLOATING_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Label: FLOATING_PERI_PCT_COVER Attribute Definition: Percent of the water surface covered with periphyton Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the water surface covered with periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: FLOATING_SP1 Attribute Label: FLOATING_SP1 Attribute Definition: Code name of first plant taxon supporting floating periphyton Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of first plant taxon supporting floating periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: FLOATING_SP2 Attribute Label: FLOATING_SP2 Attribute Definition: Code name of second plant taxon supporting floating periphyton Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of second plant taxon supporting floating periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: GREEN_ALGAE_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Label: GREEN_ALGAE_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Definition: Percent of the homogenized sample containing filamentous green alge Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the homogenized sample containing filamentous green alge Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: GREEN_ALGAE_SUBSTRATE_SP1 Attribute Label: GREEN_ALGAE_SUBSTRATE_SP1 Attribute Definition: Code name of plant taxon supporting green algae Storage Type: Text Measurement Scale: Code name of plant taxon supporting green algae Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: FLOC_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Label: FLOC_PCT_OF_SAMPLE Attribute Definition: Percent of the homogenized sample containing flocculent detrtital material (floc) Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Percent of the homogenized sample containing flocculent detrtital material (floc) Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_TP_UG_PER_G_DRY_MASS Attribute Label: PERI_TP_UG_PER_G_DRY_MASS Attribute Definition: Concentration of total phosphorus per dried gram of periphyton Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Concentration of total phosphorus per dried gram of periphyton Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_DRY_G_PER_M2 Attribute Label: PERI_DRY_G_PER_M2 Attribute Definition: Periphyton dry mass in grams per square meter Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Periphyton dry mass in grams per square meter Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_AFDM_G_PER_M2 Attribute Label: PERI_AFDM_G_PER_M2 Attribute Definition: Periphyton ash-free dry mass in grams per square meter Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Periphyton ash-free dry mass in grams per square meter Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: PERI_PROP_ORGANIC Attribute Label: PERI_PROP_ORGANIC Attribute Definition: Periphyton proportion organic content Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Periphyton proportion organic content Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: CHLA_UG_PER_M2 Attribute Label: CHLA_UG_PER_M2 Attribute Definition: Chlorophyll a of periphyton in micrograms per square meter Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Chlorophyll a of periphyton in micrograms per square meter Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH Attribute Label: DEPTH Attribute Definition: CORRECTED EDEN DEPTH AFTER APPLYING MEAN OFFSET OF ALL OBSERVED DEPTHS AT SITE Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: CORRECTED EDEN DEPTH AFTER APPLYING MEAN OFFSET OF ALL OBSERVED DEPTHS AT SITE Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_30DAY Attribute Definition: 30 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: 30 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_60DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_60DAY Attribute Definition: 60 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: 60 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_90DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_90DAY Attribute Definition: 90 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: 90 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_180DAY Attribute Definition: 180 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: 180 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTH_AVE_365DAY Attribute Label: DEPTH_AVE_365DAY Attribute Definition: 365 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: 365 DAY MOVING AVERAGE DEPTH Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DSLDD Attribute Label: DSLDD Attribute Definition: DAYS SINCE LAST DRY DOWN <=5cm Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: DAYS SINCE LAST DRY DOWN <=5cm Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DRY_LEN Attribute Label: DRY_LEN Attribute Definition: DURATION OF DRYING EVENT @ 5CM Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: DURATION OF DRYING EVENT @ 5CM Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Label: LASTDAYDRY Attribute Definition: Length in days of current or previous drying event <= 5 cm Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Length in days of current or previous drying event <= 5 cm Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: YEARLENGTH Attribute Label: YEARLENGTH Attribute Definition: Cumulative sum of HYDROPERIOD5CM + HYDROCOUNT variables within a year Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: Cumulative sum of HYDROPERIOD5CM + HYDROCOUNT variables within a year Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: HYDROPERIOD5CM Attribute Label: HYDROPERIOD5CM Attribute Definition: NUMBER OF DAYS DEPTH MEASURED >5CM, RESETS EACH YEAR Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: NUMBER OF DAYS DEPTH MEASURED >5CM, RESETS EACH YEAR Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTHLAG30 Attribute Label: DEPTHLAG30 Attribute Definition: DEPTH OF MARSH 30 DAYS AGO Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: DEPTH OF MARSH 30 DAYS AGO Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTHLAG60 Attribute Label: DEPTHLAG60 Attribute Definition: DEPTH OF MARSH 60 DAYS AGO Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: DEPTH OF MARSH 60 DAYS AGO Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: DEPTHLAG90 Attribute Label: DEPTHLAG90 Attribute Definition: DEPTH OF MARSH 90 DAYS AGO Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: DEPTH OF MARSH 90 DAYS AGO Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: HYDROPERIOD_ANNUAL Attribute Label: HYDROPERIOD_ANNUAL Attribute Definition: MAX VALUE OF HYDROPERIOD5CM FOR EACH YEAR Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: MAX VALUE OF HYDROPERIOD5CM FOR EACH YEAR Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Attribute Name: HYDROPERIOD_MEAN Attribute Label: HYDROPERIOD_MEAN Attribute Definition: MEAN HYDROPERIOD LENGTH FOR EACH SITE ACROSS ENTIRE TIME SERIES Storage Type: Data Measurement Scale: MEAN HYDROPERIOD LENGTH FOR EACH SITE ACROSS ENTIRE TIME SERIES Missing Value Code: - 9999 (not taken) Methods Sampling Description Using generalized random-tessellation stratification, we chose a representative set of locations (800 m x 800 m principal sampling units, PSU), within which we sampled three sites in a habitat drawn from a pool of GPS coordinates. At sites where depth was < 1 m, and vegetation not too dense to hamper the formation of periphyton, and our movement in the field, we threw a 1 m3 enclosure, open both at the top and bottom, and collected samples of periphytic algae with a 120 mL plastic beaker from floating or benthic periphyton mats, depending on the depth. Where no mats were present, we took flocculent detritus from the benthos, as this also hosts algae; we then transported the samples back to the laboratory and froze them until analysis. We measured water depth (cm) with a metal ruler, and TP concentrations in the periphyton (μg g−1 dry weight) by means of colorimetry after dry combustion because water column concentrations are often below detection in this extremely oligotrophic wetland [Marazzi, L., E.E. Gaiser, V.J. Jones, F. Tobias, A.W. Mackay. 2017. Algal richness and life-history strategies are influenced by hydrology and phosphorus in two major subtropical wetlands. Freshwater Biology 62: 274-290. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12866 ]. Method Step Description A 120 mL sample of periphyton was collected at each site. Percent aerial cover of periphyton was estimated visually in the field. Ash-free dry mass per area (g/m2), Chlorophyll a (ug/m2), TP (ug/g), % organic content were measured in the laboratory, and water temperature, water depth, conductivity, and pH were measured in a sample brought back from the field. Hydroperiod data come from the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN; Information on mat type, soil type, and plants to which periphytic algae were attached was also gathered from field observations. Quality Control Data were entered into excel files and then cross-checked and validated by two individuals before migrating into a database. Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights All publications based on this dataset must cite the data provider (Evelyn Gaiser, Florida International University), funding sources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (CA#912HZ-11-2-0048) and the South Florida Water Management District (CA#4600001083 and CA#C-C040130). Dataset Keywords long-term monitoring wetlands marshes algae biomass hydrology microbes benthos Data Submission Date: 2022-04-27 Maintenance Data and metadata were updated. Dataset Contact Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Data Table and Format Data Table: Periphyton data collected for CERP study by FCE LTER personnel Entity Name: FCE1210_CERP_PeriphytonEnv.csv Entity Description: Periphyton data collected for CERP study by FCE LTER personnel Object Name: FCE1210_CERP_Periphyton.csv Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: 5836 Metadata Provider Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Email: URL: Award(s) Project award(s): Award title: CERP Funder name: Army Corps of Engineers Award number: CA#912HZ-11-2-0048 Award URL: Related project award(s): Award title: CERP Funder name: South Florida Water Management District Award number: CA#4600001083