Dataset title: Periphyton data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER) from September 2006 to September 2008 Dataset ID: LT_PP_Gaiser_002 Research type: Short-term Dataset Creator Name: Dr. Evelyn Gaiser Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6145 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Metadata Provider Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Email: URL: Dataset Abstract Periphyton assessments were conducted and recorded for each throw. Periphyton volumes, cover, type and composition were recorded, along with some general observations of the area. Periphyton samples were brought back for processing, and archived for soft algae, diatom, chlorophyll a, biomass and nutrient analysis. Geographic Coverage Study Extent Description The Study Extent of this dataset includes research sites within Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park Bounding Coordinates Geographic description: Northeast Shark River Slough West bounding coordinate: -80.670 East bounding coordinate: -80.500 North bounding coordinate: 25.761 South bounding coordinate: 25.545 FCE LTER Sites: NESS1, NESS2, NESS4, NESS6, NESS7, NESS8, NESS9, NESS10, NESS11, NESS12, NESS13, NESS14, NESS15, NESS16, NESS17, NESS18, NESS19, NESS20, NESS21, NESS26, NESS27, NESS28, NESS29, NESS30, NESS31, NESS32, NESS33, NESS34, NESS35, NESS36 All Sites Geographic Description:NESS1 Longitude:-80.499 Latitude:25.764 Geographic Description:NESS2 Longitude:-80.502 Latitude:25.748 Geographic Description:NESS4 Longitude:-80.517 Latitude:25.755 Geographic Description:NESS6 Longitude:-80.534 Latitude:25.758 Geographic Description:NESS7 Longitude:-80.574 Latitude:25.755 Geographic Description:NESS8 Longitude:-80.591 Latitude:25.752 Geographic Description:NESS9 Longitude:-80.614 Latitude:25.755 Geographic Description: NESS10 Longitude:-80.635 Latitude:25.753 Geographic Description:NESS11 Longitude:-80.635 Latitude:25.692 Geographic Description:NESS12 Longitude:-80.606 Latitude:25.707 Geographic Description:NESS13 Longitude:-80.546 Latitude:25.690 Geographic Description:NESS14 Longitude:-80.513 Latitude:25.703 Geographic Description:NESS15 Longitude:-80.501 Latitude:25.703 Geographic Description:NESS16 Longitude:-80.518 Latitude:25.676 Geographic Description:NESS17 Longitude:-80.499 Latitude:25.732 Geographic Description:NESS18 Longitude:-80.529 Latitude:25.726 Geographic Description:NESS19 Longitude:-80.558 Latitude:25.719 Geographic Description:NESS20 Longitude:-80.618 Latitude:25.669 Geographic Description:NESS21 Longitude:-80.651 Latitude:25.632 Geographic Description:NESS26 Longitude:-80.669 Latitude:25.674 Geographic Description:NESS27 Longitude:-80.672 Latitude:25.735 Geographic Description:NESS28 Longitude:-80.653 Latitude:25.746 Geographic Description:NESS29 Longitude:-80.600 Latitude:25.722 Geographic Description:NESS30 Longitude:-80.540 Latitude:25.664 Geographic Description:NESS31 Longitude:-80.577 Latitude:25.642 Geographic Description:NESS32 Longitude:-80.578 Latitude:25.624 Geographic Description:NESS33 Longitude:-80.550 Latitude:25.609 Geographic Description:NESS34 Longitude:-80.576 Latitude:25.578 Geographic Description:NESS35 Longitude:-80.600 Latitude:25.552 Geographic Description:NESS36 Longitude:-80.662 Latitude:25.577 Temporal Coverage Start Date: 2006-09-11 End Date: 2008-09-17 Data Table Entity Name: LT_PP_Gaiser_002.txt Entity Description: Periphyton data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park Object Name: LT_PP_Gaiser_002.txt Data Format Number of Header Lines: 1 Attribute Orientation: column Field Delimiter: , Number of Records: Attributes Attribute Name: Region Attribute Label: Region Attribute Definition: Region Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: Region Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Site_ID Attribute Label: Site_ID Attribute Definition: Collection Site ID Number Storage Type: ordinal Measurement Scale: Collection Site ID Number Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Date Attribute Label: Sample Collection Date Attribute Definition: Date sample was collected Storage Type: datetime Measurement Scale: Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Period Attribute Label: Period Attribute Definition: Period Storage Type: ordinal Measurement Scale: Period Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: Replicate Attribute Label: Replicate Attribute Definition: Replicate ID Number (3 replicates taken per site) Storage Type: ordinal Measurement Scale: Replicate ID Number (3 replicates taken per site) Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded ) Attribute Name: Water_Depth Attribute Label: Depth Attribute Definition: Water depth as measured in field with meter stick Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Water depth as measured in field with meter stick Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded ) Attribute Name: Water_Temperature Attribute Label: Temperature Attribute Definition: Water temperature Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Water temperature Missing Value Code: -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded ) Attribute Name: WPH Attribute Label: pH Attribute Definition: Water pH as measured in the field Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: dimensionless Precision: .01 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.00 (Value will never be recorded ) Attribute Name: SOLDEP Attribute Label: Soil depth Attribute Definition: Soil depth Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Soil depth Missing Value Code: -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: SOLTYP Attribute Label: Soil type Attribute Definition: Soil type Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: 1= Rock 2 = Marl 2.5 = Marl/Peat mix 3 = Peat 4 = Sand Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: MATTYP Attribute Label: Mat type Attribute Definition: Mat type Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: 1 = Calcareous 2= Calcareous/organic 3= Organic Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERSAV Attribute Label: Periphyton and submerged aquatic volume Attribute Definition: Periphyton and submerged aquatic volume Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERVOL Attribute Label: Periphyton only volume Attribute Definition: Periphyton only volume Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PSUBVO Attribute Label: Periphyton subsample volume Attribute Definition: Periphyton subsample volume Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERCOV Attribute Label: Periphyton aerial cover Attribute Definition: Periphyton aerial cover Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: QUA Attribute Label: Sample quantitative Attribute Definition: Sample quantitative Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: Y= Yes N= No Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: BENS% Attribute Label: % Benthic of sample Attribute Definition: Percent of sample composed of benthic periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: BEN% Attribute Label: % bottom covered with benthic periphyton Attribute Definition: Percent of bottom covered with benthic periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: EPIS% Attribute Label: % Epiphytic of sample Attribute Definition: Percent of sample composed of epiphytic periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: EPI% Attribute Label: % of plants covered with epiphytic periphyton Attribute Definition: Percent of plants covered by epiphytic periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: EPISP1 Attribute Label: Plant species 1 Attribute Definition: Plant species covered by epiphytes Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EPISP2 Attribute Label: Plant species 2 Attribute Definition: Plant species covered by epiphytes Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: EPISP3 Attribute Label: Plant species 3 Attribute Definition: Plant species covered by epiphytes Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FLOS% Attribute Label: % Floating of sample Attribute Definition: Percent of sample composed of floating periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: FLO% Attribute Label: % of water surface covered with floating periphyton Attribute Definition: Percent of water surface covered by floating periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: FLOSP1 Attribute Label: Floating plant species 1 Attribute Definition: Plant species associated with floating periphyton Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FLOSP2 Attribute Label: Floating plant species 2 Attribute Definition: Plant species associated with floating periphyton Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: GRE% Attribute Label: % Green algae of sample Attribute Definition: Percent of sample composed of green algae Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: GRESP1 Attribute Label: Green algae plant substrate 1 Attribute Definition: Plant species associated with green algae Storage Type: text Measurement Scale: BACCAR= Bacopa caroliniana BACMON= Bacopa monneri CENASI= Centella asiatica CHASPP= Chara sp. CLAJAM= Cladium jamaicense ELECEL= Eleocharis cellulosa HYMPAL= Hymenocallis palidosus IVAMIC= Iva microcephala LEEHEX= Leersia hexandra MUHFIL= Muhlenbergia filipes NYMODO= Nymphaea odorata PANHEM= Panicum hemitomon PANRIG= Panicum rigidulum PANTEN= Panicum tenerum PASGEM= Paspalidium geminatum POTILL= Potamogeton illinoensis RHYTRA= Rhynchospora tracii SAGLAN= Sagittaria lancifolia TYPDOM= Typha dominguense UNKPLA= Unknown plant UTRFOL= Utricularia foliosa UTRGIB= Utricularia gibba UTRPUR= Utricularia purpurea 0= Nothing Found Missing Value Code: Attribute Name: FLOC% Attribute Label: % Floc of sample Attribute Definition: Percent of sample composed of flocculent detritus Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: DILVOL Attribute Label: Dilution volume Attribute Definition: Total dilution volume of homogenized periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: CHLVOL Attribute Label: Chlorophyll a subvolume Attribute Definition: Volume taken for chlorophyll a analysis Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: SOFVOL Attribute Label: Soft algae subvolume Attribute Definition: Volume taken for soft algae archive Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: DIAVOL Attribute Label: Diatom subvolume Attribute Definition: Volume taken for diatom archive Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: NUTVOL Attribute Label: Nutrient subvolume Attribute Definition: Volume taken for TP analysis Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: milliliter Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: DWVOL Attribute Label: Dry weight subvolume Attribute Definition: Volume taken for dry weights / ash-free dry weights Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: 1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PANWT Attribute Label: Pan weight Attribute Definition: Weight of aluminum weigh pan Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .0001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PANDWT Attribute Label: Pan + dry weight Attribute Definition: Weight of aluminum pan + dry weight subsample after drying for three days at 80 degrees C Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .0001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PANAWT Attribute Label: Pan + ash weight Attribute Definition: Weight of aluminum pan + ashed samples after ashing at 500 degrees C for an hour and a half Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .0001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PLAWT Attribute Label: Dry plant weight Attribute Definition: Dry weight of plants picked out of sample Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .0001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERWWT Attribute Label: Periphyton wet weight Attribute Definition: Weight weight of periphyton taken from the field Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: SUBWWT Attribute Label: Periphyton subsample wet weight Attribute Definition: Wet weight of periphyton subsample taken from the field Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gram Precision: .1 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: CHLASU Attribute Label: Chlorophyll a in subsample Attribute Definition: Chlorophyll a in subsample Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: microgram Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERTP Attribute Label: Periphyton TP Attribute Definition: Total phosphorus concentration of periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gramsPerGram Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERDM Attribute Label: Dry mass of periphyton Attribute Definition: Dry mass of periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gramsPerSquareMeter Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PEROC Attribute Label: Organic content of periphyton Attribute Definition: Organic content of periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: percent Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERAFD Attribute Label: Periphyton ash-free dry mass Attribute Definition: Ash-free dry mass of periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gramsPerSquareMeter Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Attribute Name: PERCHL Attribute Label: Chlorophyll a dry mass of periphyton Attribute Definition: Chlorophyll a dry mass of periphyton Storage Type: data Measurement Scale: Units: gramsPerSquareMeter Precision: .000000001 Number Type: real Missing Value Code: -9999.000000000 (Value will never be recorded) Methods Sampling Description Water properties was measured using a pH meter. Soil and mat type is assessed, and periphyton is measured using a graduated cylinder. Periphyton type and composition (benthic, epiphytic, floating, green and floc) are recorded, along with coverages. A 120mL sample is brought back in either a nutrient cup or whirlpac and processed in the lab for chlorophyll a, soft algae and diatom, biomass and nutrient analysis. Method Step Description Water pH and temperature were collected in the field. Soil and mat type is assessed, and periphyton is measured using a graduated cylinder. Periphyton type and composition (benthic, epiphytic, floating, green and floc) are recorded, along with coverages. A 120mL sample is brought back and processed in the lab for chlorophyll a, soft algae and diatom, biomass and nutrient analysis. A large graduated cylinder is used to measure periphyton volume, which is then brought back in either nutrient cups or whirlpacs. Samples are picked through for vegetation, after which they are homogenized using a hand blender. Samples are then archived as five subsamples for later analysis: chlorophyll a (vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter, frozen, then run through a spectrofluorometer), dry weight/ash weight (placed in labelled aluminum boat and dried in an oven for 3 days at 80 degrees C, weighed, then ashed at 500 degrees C for an hour and a half and weighed again), soft algae (placed in labelled microvial and frozen until counting and identification using light microscope), diatoms (placed in labelled tube and frozen until acid digestion, slides are made and diatoms are identified and counted under light microscope), and nutrients (placed in labelled plastic cup, dried in oven at 80 degrees C, then ground and run for TP using a spectrophotometer) Citation Welschmeyer, N. A. 1994. Fluorometric analysis of chlorophyll a in the presence of chlorophyll b and pheopigments.. Limnology and Oceanography, 39(8): 1985-1992. Instrumentation A large graduated cylinder nutrient cups and whirlpacs hand blender vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter spectrofluorometer oven light microscope slides Method Step Description Water pH and temperature were collected in the field. Soil and mat type is assessed, and periphyton is measured using a graduated cylinder. Periphyton type and composition (benthic, epiphytic, floating, green and floc) are recorded, along with coverages. A 120mL sample is brought back and processed in the lab for chlorophyll a, soft algae and diatom, biomass and nutrient analysis. A large graduated cylinder is used to measure periphyton volume, which is then brought back in either nutrient cups or whirlpacs. Samples are picked through for vegetation, after which they are homogenized using a hand blender. Samples are then archived as five subsamples for later analysis: chlorophyll a (vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter, frozen, then run through a spectrofluorometer), dry weight/ash weight (placed in labelled aluminum boat and dried in an oven for 3 days at 80 degrees C, weighed, then ashed at 500 degrees C for an hour and a half and weighed again), soft algae (placed in labelled microvial and frozen until counting and identification using light microscope), diatoms (placed in labelled tube and frozen until acid digestion, slides are made and diatoms are identified and counted under light microscope), and nutrients (placed in labelled plastic cup, dried in oven at 80 degrees C, then ground and run for TP using a spectrophotometer) Citation Gaiser, E. E. , D. L. Childers, R. D. Jones, J. H. Richards, L. J. Scinto, J. C. Trexler. 1994. Periphyton responses to eutrophication in the Florida Everglades: Cross-system patterns of structural and compositional change.. Limnology and Oceanography, 51: 617-630. Instrumentation A large graduated cylinder nutrient cups and whirlpacs hand blender vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter spectrofluorometer oven light microscope slides Method Step Description Water pH and temperature were collected in the field. Soil and mat type is assessed, and periphyton is measured using a graduated cylinder. Periphyton type and composition (benthic, epiphytic, floating, green and floc) are recorded, along with coverages. A 120mL sample is brought back and processed in the lab for chlorophyll a, soft algae and diatom, biomass and nutrient analysis. A large graduated cylinder is used to measure periphyton volume, which is then brought back in either nutrient cups or whirlpacs. Samples are picked through for vegetation, after which they are homogenized using a hand blender. Samples are then archived as five subsamples for later analysis: chlorophyll a (vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter, frozen, then run through a spectrofluorometer), dry weight/ash weight (placed in labelled aluminum boat and dried in an oven for 3 days at 80 degrees C, weighed, then ashed at 500 degrees C for an hour and a half and weighed again), soft algae (placed in labelled microvial and frozen until counting and identification using light microscope), diatoms (placed in labelled tube and frozen until acid digestion, slides are made and diatoms are identified and counted under light microscope), and nutrients (placed in labelled plastic cup, dried in oven at 80 degrees C, then ground and run for TP using a spectrophotometer) Citation Childers, D. L. , R. D. Jones, J. C. Trexler, C. Buzzelli, J. Boyer, A. L. Edwards, E. E. Gaiser, K. Jayachandran, D. Lee, J. F. Meeder, J. Pechmann, J. H. Richards, L. J. Scinto. 1994. Quantifying the effects of low level phosphorus enrichment on unimpacted Everglades wetlands with in situ flumes and phosphorus dosing.. p. 127-152 in Porter, J. , K. Porter. , (eds). The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 25 pp. Instrumentation A large graduated cylinder nutrient cups and whirlpacs hand blender vacuum-filtered on GF/F filter spectrofluorometer oven light microscope slides Quality Control Field data are written in pencil on waterproof paper and photocopied upon return to the laboratory. They are then entered into the appropriate digital format. These data are reviewed in hard copy and digital format by the lab manager. Laboratory data are written in pencil on waterproof paper, photocopied prior to computer entry and then entered digitally in duplicate and cross-referenced to hard copy notes. Data outliers, determined by comparison to long-term variance in that parameter, are highlighted in resulting spreadsheets for examination by the principal investigator, who may discard the values. Distribution Online distribution: Intellectual Rights This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you. Dataset Keywords primary production periphyton FCE FCE LTER Florida Coastal Everglades LTER ecological research long-term monitoring productivity water Tamiami Trail grand experiment bridge canal macrophytes plants nutrients chlorophyll a diatoms soil Data Submission Date: 2009-09-21 Maintenance This is a short-term primary production dataset. This dataset replaces all previous versions of LT_PP_Gaiser_002 original. The FCE program is discontinuing its practice of versioning data as of March 2013. Dataset Contact Position: Information Manager Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Address: Florida International University University Park OE 148 Miami, FL 33199 USA Phone: 305-348-6054 Fax: 305-348-4096 Email: URL: Project permits EVER-2006-SCI-0048 Dataset Submission Date 2009-09-21 Dataset Anomalies No periphyton data taken on the following dates and sites: April 2007 (sites 33 rep 2, 34 rep 3, all other sites were not sampled this season); September 2008 (sites 33, 34 and 35) Information Management Notes Information Manager (June 2, 2010) 1) Changed beginning column headings to Region, Site_ID, Date, Period, Replicate, Water_Depth and Water_Temperature. This is a long-term primary production dataset and subsequent data wil be appended. This dataset replaces all previous versions of LT_PP_Gaiser_002 original. The FCE program is discontinuing its practice of versioning data as of March 2013.