Root productivity of riverine and scrub mangroves from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, March 2024 - ongoing
At a Glance
Authors: Edward Castañeda-Moya, Caitlin Reisa, Vanessa Lundsten
Time period: 2024-01-01 to 2024-12-31
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1269.2
Castañeda-Moya, E., C. Reisa, V. Lundsten. 2024. Root productivity of riverine and scrub mangroves from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, March 2024 - ongoing. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-01-20.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Edward Castañeda-Moya
- Organization: Florida International University
- Email:
- Name: Caitlin Reisa
- Email:
- Name: Vanessa Lundsten
- Email:
Dataset AbstractRoot productivity of riverine and scrub mangroves in the Florida Everglades: Mangrove root productivity in the shallow root zone (0-45 cm depth) was estimated at all Shark River (SRS-4, SRS-5, SRS-6, SRS-7) and Taylor River (TS/Ph-6, TS/Ph-7) sites in March-April 2024. Root productivity was estimated with the ingrowth core technique using the same sampling protocol previously published for the study area (Castañeda-Moya et al. 2011). Ingrowth cores (10.2 cm diameter x 45 cm length) were made of synthetic material (3 mm mesh) and filled with root-free commercial sphagnum peat moss. This material has similar soil properties (i.e., bulk density, organic matter content, total C and N) as mangrove peat in our study sites as previously reported by Castañeda-Moya et al. (2011). Ingrowth cores were installed in holes made out with a PVC coring device (10.2 cm diameter x 45 cm length). At each site, 8 ingrowth cores were deployed vertically into the soil to a depth of 45 cm and retrieved one year later (March-April 2024). After collection, ingrowth cores were processed individually and initially rinsed with water through a 1-mm screen mesh to remove soil particles and peat moss material. Live roots were separated manually based on their buoyancy, turgor, and color (Castañeda-Moya et al. 2011; Cormier et al. 2015; Medina-Calderon et al. 2021). Live roots were further sorted into three size diameter classes including fine (<2 mm), small (2-5 mm), and coarse (5-20 mm). Roots greater than 20 mm in diameter were not included in this study due to sampling limitations (i.e., core area). All root samples were oven-dried at 60°C to a constant mass and weighed. Root growth within each ingrowth core following one year of incubation was used to estimate annual root productivity (g m⁻² yr⁻¹) in the shallow root zone across all mangrove sites. This is an ongoing project with data collection occurring every 2-3 years after 2024. All data collection and processing were funded by FCE-LTER.
Castañeda-Moya, E., R.R. Twilley, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, B.D. Marx, C. Coronado-Molina, and S.M.L. Ewe. 2011. Patterns of root dynamics in mangrove forests along environmental gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades, USA. Ecosystems 14: 1178-1195.
Cormier, N., R.R. Twilley, C.K. Ewel, and K.W. Krauss. 2015. Fine root productivity varies along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients in high-rainfall mangrove forests of Micronesia. Hydrobiologia 750, 69-87.
Medina-Calderon, J.H., J.E. Mancera-Pineda, E. Castañeda-Moya, and V.H. Rivera-Monroy. 2021. Hydroperiod and salinity interactions control mangrove root dynamics in a karstic oceanic island in the Caribbean Sea (San Andres, Colombia). Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 598132.
Geographic CoverageBounding Coordinates
N: 25.40976421, S: 25.40976421, E: -80.96431016, W: -80.96431016
N: 25.37702258, S: 25.37702258, E: -81.03234716, W: -81.03234716
N: 25.36462994, S: 25.36462994, E: -81.07794623, W: -81.07794623
N: 25.352825, S: 25.352825, E: -81.114339, W: -81.114339
N: 25.21609115, S: 25.21609115, E: -80.65101654, W: -80.65101654
N: 25.19676203, S: 25.19676203, E: -80.64207766, W: -80.64207766
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2024
End Date: 2024
Data Table: Root productivity of mangrove forests in the Florida Coastal EvergladesAttribute Name:SITENAMEAttribute Label:SITENAMEAttribute Definition:Study sitesStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS4= FCE LTER Shark River Slough site 4
SRS5= FCE LTER Shark River Slough site 5
SRS6= FCE LTER Shark River Slough site 6
SRS7= FCE LTER Shark River Slough site 7
TS/Ph6b= FCE LTER Taylor Slough site 6b
TS/Ph7b= FCE LTER Taylor Slough site 7b
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Method_collectionAttribute Label:Method_collectionAttribute Definition:Method of sampling and collectionStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:MonthAttribute Label:MonthAttribute Definition:Calendar month of data collectionStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: dimensionlessNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:YearAttribute Label:YearAttribute Definition:Year of data collectionStorage Type:dateTimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Plot_IDAttribute Label:Plot_IDAttribute Definition:Vegetation PlotStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:Sampling_pointAttribute Label:Sampling_pointAttribute Definition:Sampling pointStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:A= Sampling point A
B= Sampling point B
C= Sampling point C
D= Sampling point D
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Core_IDAttribute Label:Core_IDAttribute Definition:Core IDStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: numberNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:Root_sizeAttribute Label:Root_sizeAttribute Definition:Root size diameterStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:<2mm= Root diameter <2 mm
2-5mm= Root diameter between 2 mm and 5 mm
>5mm= Root diameter >5 mm and ≤20 mm
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Root_size_classAttribute Label:Root_size_classAttribute Definition:Root size classStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Fine= Root diameter size class less than 2 mm
Small= Root diameter size class between 2 mm and 5 mm
Coarse= Root diameter size class >5 mm and ≤20 mm
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Root_productivityAttribute Label:Root_productivityAttribute Definition:Root productivity ratesStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPerMeterSquaredPerYearPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded)
Data Table: Root productivity of mangrove forests in the Florida Coastal Everglades
MethodsMethod Step
Mangrove root productivity in the shallow root zone (0-45 cm depth) was estimated at all Shark River (SRS-4, SRS-5, SRS-6, SRS-7) and Taylor River (TS/Ph-6, TS/Ph-7) sites in March-April 2024. Root productivity was estimated with the ingrowth core technique using the same sampling protocol previously published for the study area (Castañeda-Moya et al. 2011). Ingrowth cores (10.2 cm diameter x 45 cm length) were made of synthetic material (3 mm mesh) and filled with root-free commercial sphagnum peat moss. Ingrowth cores were installed in holes made out with a PVC coring device (10.2 cm diameter x 45 cm length). At each site, 8 ingrowth cores were deployed vertically into the soil to a depth of 45 cm and retrieved one year later (March-April 2024). After collection, ingrowth cores were processed individually and initially rinsed with water through a 1-mm screen mesh to remove soil particles and peat moss material. Live roots were separated manually based on their buoyancy, turgor, and color (Castañeda-Moya et al. 2011; Cormier et al. 2015; Medina-Calderon et al. 2021). Live roots were further sorted into three size diameter classes including fine (<2 mm), small (2-5 mm), and coarse (5-20 mm). Roots greater than 20 mm in diameter were not included in this study due to sampling limitations (i.e., core area). All root samples were oven-dried at 60C to a constant mass and weighed. Root growth within each ingrowth core following one year of incubation was used to estimate annual root productivity (g m⁻² yr⁻¹) in the shallow root zone across all mangrove sites.
Castañeda-Moya, E., R.R. Twilley, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, B.D. Marx, C. Coronado-Molina, and S.M.L. Ewe. 2011. Patterns of root dynamics in mangrove forests along environmental gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades, USA. Ecosystems 14: 1178-1195.
Cormier, N., R.R. Twilley, C.K. Ewel, and K.W. Krauss. 2015. Fine root productivity varies along nitrogen and phosphorus gradients in high-rainfall mangrove forests of Micronesia. Hydrobiologia 750, 69-87.
Medina-Calderon, J.H., J.E. Mancera-Pineda, E. Castañeda-Moya, and V.H. Rivera-Monroy. 2021. Hydroperiod and salinity interactions control mangrove root dynamics in a karstic oceanic island in the Caribbean Sea (San Andres, Colombia). Frontiers in Marine Science 7: 598132.
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Keywordsroot productivity, riverine mangroves, scrub mangroves, FCE LTER, LTER, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, mangroves, primary production
Dataset Contact
- Name: Edward Castañeda-Moya
- Email:
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email:
- URL:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Root productivity of mangrove forests in the Florida Coastal EvergladesEntity Name:FCE1269_mangrove_root_productivityEntity Description:Root productivity of mangrove forests in the Florida Coastal EvergladesObject Name:FCE1269_mangrove_root_productivity.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:144
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email:
- URL:
Project permitsEVER-2022-SCI-0029