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Monthly fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components for Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Florida Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, April 2011 - ongoing

At a Glance

Authors: John Kominoski, Matthew Smith
Time period: 2011-01-01 to 2022-12-31
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1256.3
Dataset id: FCE1256

How to cite:
Kominoski, J., M. Smith. 2023. Monthly fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components for Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Florida Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, April 2011 - ongoing. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2024-07-27.

Geographic Coverage

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Detailed Metadata

  • Dataset Creator(s)
    • Name: Dr. John Kominoski 
    • Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
    • Address: Florida International University
      11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 United States
    • Phone: 305-348-7117
    • Email:

  • Dataset Abstract
    Dissolved organic matter plays an important role in biogeochemical processes in aquatic environments such as elemental cycling, microbial loop energetics, and the transport of materials across landscapes. Since most of N (> 90%) and P (around 90%) is in the organic form in the oligotrophic subtropical Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE), study of the source and dynamics of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the ecosystem is crucial for the better understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. FCE are composed of estuaries with distinct regions with different biogeochemical processes. Freshwater marsh primarily receives terrestrial input and local autochthonous vegetation production. Mangrove ecotone, nevertheless, is affected by the tidal contributions from Florida Bay and local mangrove production. Florida Bay (FB) is a wedge-shaped shallow oligotrophic estuary which lays south of the Everglades, the bottom of which is covered with a dense biomass of seagrass. The sources of both freshwater and nutrients in FCE are difficult to quantify, owing to the non-point source nature of runoff from the Everglades and the dendritic cross channels in the mangroves. Furthermore, the combination of multiple DOM sources (freshwater marsh vegetation, mangroves, phytoplankton, seagrass, etc.), and the potential seasonal variability of their relative contribution, along with the history of (photo)chemical and microbial diagenetic processing, and complex advective circulation, makes the study of DOM dynamics in FCE particularly difficult using standard schemes of estuarine ecology. Quantitative information of DOM is very useful to investigate the biogeochemical cycling of DOM to a certain degree, however, qualitative information is necessary to better understand the source and dynamics of DOM. Since fluorescence spectroscopic techniques are very sensitive, quick and simple, they have been applied to investigate the fate of DOM in estuaries. Here, we have quantified a series of six distinct signatures of DOM composition using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). These components comprise the majority of DOM source and composition across the Florida Coastal Everglades ecosystem. Data collection for this project began in April 2011 and is ongoing.

    Monthly fluorescence monitoring data in this data package supersede those in package knb-lter-fce.1234.1 ( Additional monthly monitoring fluorescence data (covering 2004-2014) from FCE are available in package knb-lter-fce.1174.7 ( but are not interoperable with fluorescence data provided in this package.
  • Geographic Coverage
    Bounding Coordinates
    N: 25.7463, S: 25.7463, E: -80.654, W: -80.654

    N: 25.54972811, S: 25.54972811, E: -80.78520692, W: -80.78520692

    N: 25.46820617, S: 25.46820617, E: -80.85327617, W: -80.85327617

    N: 25.40976421, S: 25.40976421, E: -80.96431016, W: -80.96431016

    N: 25.37702258, S: 25.37702258, E: -81.03234716, W: -81.03234716

    N: 25.36462994, S: 25.36462994, E: -81.07794623, W: -81.07794623

    N: 25.42388762, S: 25.42388762, E: -80.59029790000001, W: -80.59029790000001

    N: 25.40357188, S: 25.40357188, E: -80.60690341, W: -80.60690341

    N: 25.25240534, S: 25.25240534, E: -80.66271768, W: -80.66271768

    N: 25.21418102, S: 25.21418102, E: -80.6490792, W: -80.6490792

    N: 25.19080491, S: 25.19080491, E: -80.63910514, W: -80.63910514

    N: 25.17692874, S: 25.17692874, E: -80.48978207, W: -80.48978207

    N: 25.02476744, S: 25.02476744, E: -80.68097374, W: -80.68097374

    N: 24.91293492, S: 24.91293492, E: -80.93798347, W: -80.93798347

  • Attributes
    • Data Table:   Monthly fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components for Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Florida Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, 2011 - ongoing
      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Sample ID
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: decimal degrees
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (No data available)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: decimal degrees
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (No data available)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Transect Number
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      SRS= Shark River Slough
      TS= Taylor Slough
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Transect distance from ocean: marsh (3), mangrove (2), marine (1)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      1= Transect category (Marine) - distance from ocean
      2= Transect category (Mangrove) - distance from ocean
      3= Transect category (Marsh) - distance from ocean
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Mangrove= Mangrove Ecotype
      Marine= Marine Ecotype
      Marsh= Marsh Ecotype
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Site Number
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      NA (No data available)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Month of Collection
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (No data available)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Year of Collection
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (No data available)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence maximum
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 1
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 2
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 3
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 4
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 5
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Percent (%) of DOM sample contributed by Component 6
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Amount of dilution (using MilliQ water) of original sample
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Fluorescence Index at excitation 370 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Biological Index at excitation 310 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Humification Index at excitation 254 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Absorbance at 254 nm at 1 cm path length (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Dissolved organic carbon concentration
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: micromolePerLiter
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Dissolved organic carbon concentration
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: milligramPerLiter
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Specific UV Absorbance at 254 nm with 1 cm path length (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Slope of excitation from 274 to 295 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Slope of excitation from 350 to 400 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Slope ratio (division of slope of 275 to 295 nm by slope of 350 to 400 nm), unitless
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Ratio of the absorbance from 250 to 365 nm (unitless)
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: unitless
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:

  • Methods
    Method Step

    Sampling Description
    Water samples are collected monthly (ongoing since April 2011) from a total of 14 sampling stations located in the coastal estuaries of the southern tip of the Florida Peninsula, USA. These stations were established for an on-going water quality monitoring program ( Sampling stations can be largely grouped into 3 distinct districts based on the geomorphological features, that is, Florida Bay (FB, 3 sampling stations), Shark River Slough (SRS, 6 sampling stations), and Taylor Slough (TSPH, 8 sampling stations). Surface water samples were taken from the these stations. The samples were collected using pre-washed, brown Nalgen polyethylene bottles (Nalge Nunc International). Salinity of the water samples was measured in the field using an Orion salinity meter. The samples were stored on ice and returned to the laboratory within 8 h for analysis. Subsamples for spectroscopic analysis were filtered through precombusted Whatman GF/F glass fiber filters once received in the laboratory and analyzed immediately.

    Whatman 0.7um glass fiber filters, Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer, Jobin Yvon Horiba (France) Aqualog-2 fluorometer, Varian CARY 50 Bio UV visible spectrophotometer

    Method Step

    Laboratory Analysis Description
    Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations were analyzed by a high-temperature combustion method with a Shimadzu TOC-5000A TOC analyzer. In advance the analysis, samples were acidified with 3M HCl, and purged with N2 gas to remove inorganic C. Ancillary physical and chemical parameters were measured using standard methods as part of on-going estuarine water quality monitoring program Detailed methods will be found elsewhere. For escitation-emission matrix (EEM) measurements, fluorescences spectra were measured with a Jobin-Yvon-Horiba (France) Aqualog-2 fluorometer equipped with a 150-W continuous output xenon arc lamp under condition of 5.7-nm excitation and 2-nm emission slit widths and a 0.25 second response time. Forty-four emission scans were acquired at excitation wavelengths (lamda ex) between 240 and 455 nm at 5 nm intervals. Them emission wavelengths were scanned from lamda ex + 10 nm to lamda ex + 250 nm at 2 nm intervals (Coble et al., 1993 and Coble, 1996). All fluorescence spectra were acquired in ratio mode, whereby the sample (emission signal, S) and reference (excitation lamp output, R) signals were collected and the ratio (S/R) was calculated. The ratio mode eliminates the influence of possible fluctuation and wavelength dependency of excitation lamp output. Several post-acquisition steps were involved in the correction of the fluorescence spectra. First, an inner filter corrections was applied to the fluorescence data according to McKnight et al. (2001). After inner filter corrections the sample EEM underwent spectral subtraction of the Milli-Q water to remove most of the effects due to Raman scattering. Instrument bias related to wavelength dependent efficiencies of the specific instrument's optical components (gratings, mirrors, etc.) were then corrected by applying multiplication factors, supplied by the manufacturer, for both excitation and emission wavelengths for the range of observations. Finally, the fluorescence intensity values were converted to quinine sulfate unit (QSU;1QSU=1 ngL-1 of quinine sulfate monohydroxide) to facilitate inter-laboratory comparisons (Coble et al., 1993). From the 370 nm scan a fluorescence index (FI) was calculated (McKnight et al., 2001). The humification index (HIX) was quantified as the area under the emission curve between 435-480 nm divided by the area under the emission curve between 300-345 nm, for excitation at 254 nm (Zsolnay et al. 1999). The biological index (BIX), an indicator of the relative contribution of new autochthonous production to the DOM pool, was calculated as the emission at 380 nm divided by the emission at 430 nm, for excitation at 310 nm (Huguet et al. 2009). The slope ratio (SR), a measure of the average molecular weight, was calculated as the best-fir slope of the natural-log of abosorbance from 275 to 295 nm divided by the best-fit slope of the natural-log of absorbance from 350 to 400 nm (Helms et al. 2008). Milli-Q water was used as a reference for all fluorescence analysis. UV-visible measurements of the water samples were carried out with 1cm quartz UV-visible cells at room temperature (20 degrees C), using a Varian CARY 50 Bio UV-visible spectrophotometer. Milli-Q water was used as the reference.
    Quality Control:
    Fluorescence measurements are corrected for internal absorbance quenching. Fluorescence spectra are corrected for internal instrument configuration using excitation and emission correction factors. For DOC, Humic carbon and carbohydrate data, we create calibration curves with standards and then graph the data.
    Coble, P. G. (1996). Characterization of marine and terrestrial DOM in seawater using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. Marine chemistry, 51(4), 325-346.
    Coble, P. G., Schultz, C. A., & Mopper, K. (1993). Fluorescence contouring analysis of DOC intercalibration experiment samples: a comparison of techniques. Marine chemistry, 41(1-3), 173-178.
    Helms, J. R., Stubbins, A., Ritchie, J. D., Minor, E. C., Kieber, D. J., & Mopper, K. (2008). Absorption spectral slopes and slope ratios as indicators of molecular weight, source, and photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter. Limnology and oceanography, 53(3), 955-969.
    Huguet, A., Vacher, L., Relexans, S., Saubusse, S., Froidefond, J. M., & Parlanti, E. (2009). Properties of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Gironde Estuary. Organic Geochemistry, 40(6), 706-719.
    Coble, P. G. (1996). Characterization of marine and terrestrial DOM in seawater using excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. Marine chemistry, 51(4), 325-346.
    Coble, P. G., Schultz, C. A., & Mopper, K. (1993). Fluorescence contouring analysis of DOC intercalibration experiment samples: a comparison of techniques. Marine chemistry, 41(1-3), 173-178.
    Helms, J. R., Stubbins, A., Ritchie, J. D., Minor, E. C., Kieber, D. J., & Mopper, K. (2008). Absorption spectral slopes and slope ratios as indicators of molecular weight, source, and photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter. Limnology and oceanography, 53(3), 955-969.
    Huguet, A., Vacher, L., Relexans, S., Saubusse, S., Froidefond, J. M., & Parlanti, E. (2009). Properties of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the Gironde Estuary. Organic Geochemistry, 40(6), 706-719.

    Method Step

    PARAFAC Analysis Description
    Processing of absorbance and fluorescence data and parallel-factor analysis (PARAFAC) modeling were carried out using the DrEEM 3.0 toolbox in MATLAB R2022a (Murphy et al., 2013). First, we normalized EEMs by total sample fluorescence, and then we fit a PARAFAC model to n = 842 EEMs as described by Stedmon and Bro (2008). We validated the model using split-half validation, random initialization tests, and visual examination of the residuals.

    Murphy, K. R., Stedmon, C. A., Graeber, D., & Bro, R. (2013). Fluorescence spectroscopy and multi-way techniques. PARAFAC. Analytical methods, 5(23), 6557-6566.

    Stedmon, C. A., & Bro, R. (2008). Characterizing dissolved organic matter fluorescence with parallel factor analysis: a tutorial. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 6(11), 572-579.

    Method Step

    This method step describes provenance-based metadata as specified in the LTER EML Best Practices.

    Data Source
    Monthly monitoring fluorescence data for Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA (FCE LTER) for 2012 to Present
    • Data Source Creator(s)
      • Name: John Kominoski 
      • Position: Associate Professor
      • Organization: Florida International University
      • Address: 11200 SW 8th Street
        Miami, FL 33199 United States
      • Phone: 3053487117
      • Email:
      • URL:

      • Name: Dr. Daniel Childers 
      • Address: Arizona State University
        PO Box 875502
        Tempe, AZ 85287 USA
      • Phone: 480-965-2320
      • Email:

      • Name: Rafael Travieso 
      • Address: Florida International University
        11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
        Miami, FL 33199 USA
      • Phone: 305-348-7286
      • Email:
      • URL:

      • Name: Dr. Tiffany Troxler 
      • Position: Project Collaborator
      • Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
      • Address: Florida International University
        University Park
        OE 148
        Miami, FL 33199 USA
      • Phone: 305-348-1453
      • Fax: 305-348-4096
      • Email:
      • URL:

      • Name: Dr. Tiffany Troxler 
      • Position: Project Collaborator
      • Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
      • Address: Florida International University
        University Park
        OE 148
        Miami, FL 33199 USA
      • Phone: 305-348-1453
      • Fax: 305-348-4096
      • Email:
      • URL:

      • Name: Dr. Daniel Childers 
      • Position: Associate Director for Research| Professor
      • Organization: Global Institute of Sustainability| School of Sustainability
      • Address: Arizona State University
        PO Box 875502
        Tempe, AZ 85287 USA
      • Phone: 480-965-2320
      • Fax: 480-965-8087
      • Email:

      • Name: Dr. Henry Briceno 
      • Address: Florida International University
        11200 SW 8th Street
        OE 148
        Miami, FL 33199 USA
      • Phone: 305-348-1269
      • Fax: 305-348-4096
      • Email:

    Online distribution
    Organization name: Florida International University

  • Distribution and Intellectual Rights
    Online distribution
    Intellectual Rights
    This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.

  • Keywords
    FCE LTER, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, Dissolved Organic Matter, PARAFAC, Dissolved Organic Carbon, ecosystem, Fluorescence Index, Humification Index, Biological Index, Specific UV Absorbance, LTER, biogeochemistry, disturbance, organic matter
  • Dataset Contact
    • Position: Information Manager
    • Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
    • Address: Florida International University
      11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Email:

  • Data Table and Format
    Data Table:  Monthly fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components for Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Florida Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, 2011 - ongoing

    Entity Name:
    Entity Description:
    Monthly fluorescence parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) components for Shark River Slough, Taylor Slough, and Florida Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, 2011 - ongoing
    Object Name:
    Number of Header Lines:
    Attribute Orientation:
    Field Delimiter:
    Number of Records:

  • Metadata Provider
    • Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
    • Address: Florida International University
      11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Phone: 305-348-6054