Annual Water Quality in Everglades National Park, Florida Bay, West Florida Shelf, and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida, USA: 1994-2019
At a Glance
Julian, P.. 2024. Annual Water Quality in Everglades National Park, Florida Bay, West Florida Shelf, and Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Florida, USA: 1994-2019. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-01-19.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr Paul Julian
- Position: Hydrologic Modeler
- Organization: Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
- Address: Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
PO Box 839
Sanibel, FL 33957 United States - Email:
Dataset AbstractAnnual (water year basis) geometric mean concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), soluble-reactive phosphorus (SRP), total nitrogen (TN), dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; calculated as nitrate + nitrite + ammonia), chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), and total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations across Everglades National Park (ENP), Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS), West Florida Shelf and Florida Bay. This dataset is composed of data from multiple sources including Florida Coastal Everglades, Florida International University Southeast Research Center (FIU SERC), South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA AOML). All values reported less than the laboratory minimum detection limit (MDL) were set to one-half the MDL. Annual geometric mean concentrations were computed for monitoring locations with greater than five years of data and four samples per year with a minimum of one sample in the wet and dry seasons. This dataset was created to evaluate long-term spatial and temporal trends in nutrients, chlorophyll-a, and total organic carbon at the landscape scale relative to freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Geographic CoverageBounding Coordinates
Everglades National Park, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and West Florida Shelf.
N: 25.904, S: 24.366, E: -80.038, W: -83.1
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 1994-05-01
End Date: 2019-04-30
Data Table: Annual (water year) geometric mean nutrient, chlorophyll-a and total organic carbon concentrationsAttribute Name:STATIONAttribute Label:STATIONAttribute Definition:monitoring location name/identifierStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:RegionAttribute Label:RegionAttribute Definition:generalized ecosystem regionStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Coastal_Mangroves= Coastal Mangrove fringe along the western coast of Everglades National Park
ENP= Freshwater portion of Everglades National Park
FLBay= Florida Bay
Keys= Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Shelf= West Florida Shelf, offshore of Everglades National Park, north of the Florida Keys archipelago
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:sourceAttribute Label:sourceAttribute Definition:original data sourceStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:LTER= Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
NOAA= National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA AOML)
SERC= Florida International University Southeast Research Center (FIU SERC)
WMD= South Florida Water Management District
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:WYAttribute Label:WYAttribute Definition:Florida water year (May - April)Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: YearNumber Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:TNAttribute Label:TNAttribute Definition:total nitrogen concentrationStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: milligramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:DINAttribute Label:DINAttribute Definition:dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration (nitrate+nitrite+ammonia)Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: milligramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:TPAttribute Label:TPAttribute Definition:total phosphorus concentrationStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: microgramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:SRPAttribute Label:SRPAttribute Definition:soluable reactive phosphorus concentrationStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: microgramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:ChlaAttribute Label:ChlaAttribute Definition:chlorophyll a concentrationStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: microgramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:TOCAttribute Label:TOCAttribute Definition:total organic carbon concentrationStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: milligramPerLiterNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)Attribute Name:SALINITYAttribute Label:SALINITYAttribute Definition:Concentration of salinityStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: PSUNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:NA (missing/no data)
Data Table: Annual (water year) geometric mean nutrient, chlorophyll-a and total organic carbon concentrations
MethodsMethod Step
Geometric mean nutrient, chlorophyll-a, and total organic carbon concentrations were estimated for monitoring locations across the study area to evaluate changes in long-term trends. Data were analyzed using Mann-Kendall trend analysis and the Thiel-Sen slope was estimated for each monitoring location with suitable data for each parameter. Spatial and temporal generalized additive models were developed for the region using total phosphorus and nitrogen to evaluate the change in bulk nutrients across space and time relative to discrete disturbance events.
Method Step
This method step describes provenance-based metadata as specified in the LTER EML Best Practices.
This provenance metadata does not contain entity specific information.
Data Source
Water Quality Data (Grab Samples) from the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), May 2001 - ongoing-
Data Source Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Evelyn Gaiser
- Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6145
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email:
- URL:
- Name: Dr. Daniel Childers
- Address: Arizona State University
PO Box 875402
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA - Phone: 480-965-2320
- Fax: 480-965-8087
- Email:
Online distribution
Organization name: Southeast Environmental Research Center
Method Step
This method step describes provenance-based metadata as specified in the LTER EML Best Practices.
This provenance metadata does not contain entity specific information.
Data Source
Water Quality Data (Grab Samples) from the Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), from May 2001 to Present-
Data Source Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Tiffany Troxler
- Position: Project Collaborator
- Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-1453
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email:
- URL:
- Name: Dr. Daniel Childers
- Position: Associate Director for Research| Professor
- Organization: Global Institute of Sustainability| School of Sustainability
- Address: Arizona State University
PO Box 875402
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA - Phone: 480-965-2320
- Fax: 480-965-8087
- Email:
Online distribution
Organization name: Southeast Environmental Research Center
Method Step
This method step describes provenance-based metadata as specified in the LTER EML Best Practices.
This provenance metadata does not contain entity specific information.
Data Source
Water Quality Data (Grab Samples) from the Taylor Slough, just outside Everglades National Park (FCE), for August 1998 to November 2006-
Data Source Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Tiffany Troxler
- Position: Project Collaborator
- Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-1453
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email:
- URL:
- Name: Dr. Daniel Childers
- Position: Associate Director for Research| Professor
- Organization: Global Institute of Sustainability| School of Sustainability
- Address: Arizona State University
PO Box 875402
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA - Phone: 480-965-2320
- Fax: 480-965-8087
- Email:
Online distribution
Organization name: Southeast Environmental Research Center
Method Step
This method step describes provenance-based metadata as specified in the LTER EML Best Practices.
This provenance metadata does not contain entity specific information.
Data Source
Water Quality Data (Grab Samples) from the Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from September 1999 to Present-
Data Source Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Tiffany Troxler
- Position: Project Collaborator
- Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-1453
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email:
- URL:
Online distribution
Organization name: Southeast Environmental Research Center
Data Source Creator(s)
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
KeywordsFCE LTER, Everglades National Park, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, water quality, water chemistry, nutrients, carbon, inorganic nutrients
Dataset Contact
- Name: Paul Julian
- Position: Hydrologic Modeler
- Organization: Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
- Address: Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
PO Box 839
Sanibel, FL 33957 United States - Email:
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email:
- URL:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Annual (water year) geometric mean nutrient, chlorophyll-a and total organic carbon concentrationsEntity Name:FCE1248_WYGeomeanEntity Description:Annual (water year) geometric mean nutrient, chlorophyll-a and total organic carbon concentrationsObject Name:FCE1248_WYGeomean.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:6036
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email:
- URL: