The dataset and model code pertinent to the Everglades Peat Elevation Model (EvPEM): The salinity and inundation mesocosm experiment in freshwater and brackish water sawgrass wetlands in Florida Coastal Everglades (2015-2017).
At a Glance
Authors: Tiffany Troxler, Khandker Ishtiaq, John Kominoski, Benjamin Wilson, Lukas Lamb-Wotton
Time period: 2015-01-01 to 2017-12-31
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1237.2
Troxler, T., K. Ishtiaq, J. Kominoski, B. Wilson, . Lukas Lamb-Wotton. 2022. The dataset and model code pertinent to the Everglades Peat Elevation Model (EvPEM): The salinity and inundation mesocosm experiment in freshwater and brackish water sawgrass wetlands in Florida Coastal Everglades (2015-2017). . Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-02-18.
Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.
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Belowground net primary productivity (root in-growth) (BNPP) data for the freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments
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Elevation Change
Peat elevation change data in cm for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.
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Decompostion Rates_Salinity-Inundation_Salinity-Exposed
Decomposition rates (per day) measured for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed experiments
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Decompostion_Salinity-Extended Exposed
Aboveground leaf and belowground root decomposition in gC/m2/year measured in the Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment
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EvPEM model Code. The details of the modeling framework is available in Ishtiaq et al., 2022.
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Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Tiffany Troxler
- Organization: Florida International University
- Email:
- Name: Khandker Ishtiaq
- Organization: Florida International University
- Email:
- Name: John Kominoski
- Organization: Florida International University
- Email:
- Name: Benjamin Wilson
- Organization: Florida International University
- Name: Lukas Lamb-Wotton
- Organization: Florida International University
Dataset AbstractThis is an assembled data and Everglades Peat Elevation Model (EvPEMv1.0) Stella code used to estimate and simulate net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) and peat elevation change in response to saltwater intrusion and level of inundations. Data from several studies were combined for the estimation of NECB, model parameterization, and calibration (Wilson, 2018; Wilson et al., 2018, 2019; Charles et al., 2019; Servais et al., 2020). The reported data includes aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), belowground net primary productivity (BNPP), peat elevation change, and decomposition rates that were collected from outdoor laboratory mesocosm experiments conducted at the Florida Bay Interagency Science Center in Key Largo, Florida during 2015-17. The plant-soil monoliths were obtained from a freshwater peat and a brackish water peat marsh located within the Florida Coastal Everglades and transported to the Key Largo facility for the experimental manipulations. In experiments focused on the brackish water marsh, three experiments were carried out reflecting the combined effect of salinity, inundation, and peat exposure to air. The brackish water experiments characterized submerged (SUB), exposed (EXP), and extended depth of exposure of peat surface (EXTEXP) conditions, as we varied water depth relative to the peat surface. Each experiment was subjected to two salinity manipulations: (1) ambient (~10 ppt) porewater salinity (AMB) and (2) elevated (~20 ppt) salinity (SALT). The experimental design included six (2 X 3) treatments: (1) submerged ambient salinity (AMB.SUB), (2) submerged elevated salinity (SALT.SUB.), (3) exposed ambient salinity (AMB.EXP), (4) exposed elevated salinity (SALT.EXP), (5) exposed with extended exposure/dry-down ambient salinity (AMB.EXTEXP), and (6) exposed with extended exposure/dry-down elevated salinity (SALT.EXTEXP). The water level was kept 4 cm above the peat surface for the brackish water SUB treatments. Exposure for the EXP treatment was 4 cm below the soil surface. In EXTEXP treatment, the exposure of the peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months in order to simulate drought, where the length of the dry-season was extended, relative to field conditions at the brackish water marsh. The EvPEMv1.0 code was exported from the Stella system dynamics software (version 1.9.2), and the detailed modeling framework of Stella can be found in Ishtiaq et al., 2022.
Geographic CoverageBounding Coordinates
The location of the Key Largo experimental facility
N: 25.08522, S: 25.08522, E: -80.45188, W: -80.45188
The freshwater marsh site
N: 25.435383, S: 25.435383, E: -80.780753, W: -80.780753
The brackishwater marsh site
N: 25.220483, S: 25.220483, E: -80.843558, W: -80.843558
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2015
End Date: 2017
Data Table: Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Attribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:FW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a freshwater sawgrass marsh for the experiment. BW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a brackishwater sawgrass marsh.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:BW= Brackishwater
FW= Freshwater
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ExperimentAttribute Label:ExperimentAttribute Definition:Ambient data (no salinity added and submerged peat) obtained from the Salinity-Inundation experiment for the freshwater marsh were used in this study to represent freshwater ambient condition. In experiments focused on the BW marsh, three experiments (Salinity-Inundation, Salinity-Exposed and Salinity-Extended Exposed) were carried out and used in this study reflecting the combined effect of porewater salinity (ambient and elevated porewater salinity), peat surface inundation (submergence), and peat exposure (exposed and extended exposed) to air.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Salinity-Exposed= Salinity-Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments with 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Salinity-Extended Exposed= Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months to simulate drought impact. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Salinity-Inundation= Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the BW site involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the water level was kept 4 cm above the brakishwater peat surface. Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) treatment where the freshwater peat surface was kept inundated under approximately one cm of water.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:NotationAttribute Label:NotationAttribute Definition:Notation used to refer the corresponding experiments and treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Amb.Exp= Ambient Exposed
Amb.ExtExp= Ambient Extended Exposed
Amb.Sub= Ambient Submerged
Salt.Exp= Salt Exposed
Salt.ExtExp= Salt Extended Exposed
Salt.Sub= Salt Submerged
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Label:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Definition:Indicates the varied levels of inundation/exposure of the pear surfaceStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Exposed= Treatment that involves 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Extended Exposed= Treatment where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Submerged= Treatment that is associated with the BW site involves 4 cm of submergence of the brackishwater peat above the peat surface. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves one cm of submergence of the freshwater peat above the peat surface.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Label:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Definition:Refers the different levels of porewater salinity treatmentsStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Ambient= Porewater salinity treatment that is associated with the BW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~10 ppt) of the brakishwater peat. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) of the freshwater peat.
Elevated= Porewater salinity treatment at the BW site involves elevated salinity (~20 ppt) manipulation of the brakishwater peat.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ANPP (gC/m2/year)Attribute Label:ANPP (gC/m2/year)Attribute Definition:Aboveground Net Primary Productivity in gC/m2/year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPerMeterSquaredPerYearNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Belowground net primary productivity (root in-growth) (BNPP) data for the freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experimentsAttribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:FW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a freshwater sawgrass marsh for the experiment. BW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a brackishwater sawgrass marsh.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:BW= Brackishwater
FW= Freshwater
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ExperimentAttribute Label:ExperimentAttribute Definition:Ambient data (no salinity added and submerged peat) obtained from the Salinity-Inundation experiment for the freshwater marsh were used in this study to represent freshwater ambient condition. In experiments focused on the BW marsh, three experiments (Salinity-Inundation, Salinity-Exposed and Salinity-Extended Exposed) were carried out and used in this study reflecting the combined effect of porewater salinity (ambient and elevated porewater salinity), peat surface inundation (submergence), and peat exposure (exposed and extended exposed) to air.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Salinity-Exposed= Salinity-Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments with 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Salinity-Extended Exposed= Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months to simulate drought impact. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Salinity-Inundation= Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the BW site involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the water level was kept 4 cm above the brakishwater peat surface. Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) treatment where the freshwater peat surface was kept inundated under approximately one cm of water.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:NotationAttribute Label:NotationAttribute Definition:Notation used to refer the corresponding experiments and treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Amb.Exp= Ambient Exposed
Amb.ExtExp= Ambient Extended Exposed
Amb.Sub= Ambient Submerged
Salt.Exp= Salt Exposed
Salt.ExtExp= Salt Extended Exposed
Salt.Sub= Salt Submerged
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Label:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Definition:Indicates the varied levels of inundation/exposure of the pear surface.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Exposed= Treatment that involves 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Extended Exposed= Treatment where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Submerged= Treatment that is associated with the BW site involves 4 cm of submergence of the brackishwater peat above the peat surface. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves one cm of submergence of the freshwater peat above the peat surface.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Label:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Definition:Refers the different levels of porewater salinity treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Ambient= Porewater salinity treatment that is associated with the BW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~10 ppt) of the brakishwater peat. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) of the freshwater peat.
Elevated= Porewater salinity treatment at the BW site involves elevated salinity (~20 ppt) manipulation of the brakishwater peat.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:BNPP (gC/m2/year)Attribute Label:BNPP (gC/m2/year)Attribute Definition:Belowground Net Primary Productivity (root in-growth) in gC/m2/year.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPerMeterSquaredPerYearNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Peat elevation change data in cm for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Attribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:FW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a freshwater sawgrass marsh for the experiment. BW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a brackishwater sawgrass marsh.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:BW= Brackishwater
FW= Freshwater
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ExperimentAttribute Label:ExperimentAttribute Definition:Ambient data (no salinity added and submerged peat) obtained from the Salinity-Inundation experiment for the freshwater marsh were used in this study to represent freshwater ambient condition. In experiments focused on the BW marsh, three experiments (Salinity-Inundation, Salinity-Exposed and Salinity-Extended Exposed) were carried out and used in this study reflecting the combined effect of porewater salinity (ambient and elevated porewater salinity), peat surface inundation (submergence), and peat exposure (exposed and extended exposed) to air.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Salinity-Exposed= Salinity-Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments with 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Salinity-Extended Exposed= Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months to simulate drought impact. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Salinity-Inundation= Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the BW site involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the water level was kept 4 cm above the brakishwater peat surface. Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) treatment where the freshwater peat surface was kept inundated under approximately one cm of water.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:NotationAttribute Label:NotationAttribute Definition:Notation used to refer the corresponding experiments and treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Amb.Exp= Ambient Exposed
Amb.ExtExp= Ambient Extended Exposed
Amb.Sub= Ambient Submerged
Salt.Exp= Salt Exposed
Salt.ExtExp= Salt Extended Exposed
Salt.Sub= Salt Submerged
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Label:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Definition:Indicates the varied levels of inundation/exposure of the pear surface.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Exposed= Treatment that involves 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Extended Exposed= Treatment where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Submerged= Treatment that is associated with the BW site involves 4 cm of submergence of the brackishwater peat above the peat surface. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves one cm of submergence of the freshwater peat above the peat surface.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Label:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Definition:Refers the different levels of porewater salinity treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Ambient= Porewater salinity treatment that is associated with the BW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~10 ppt) of the brakishwater peat. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) of the freshwater peat.
Elevated= Porewater salinity treatment at the BW site involves elevated salinity (~20 ppt) manipulation of the brakishwater peat.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Elevation Change (cm after 1 year of treatment)Attribute Label:Elevation Change (cm after 1 year of treatment)Attribute Definition:Measured changes in peat elevation for for different experiments and treatmentsStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: centimeterPerYearNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Decomposition rates (per day) measured for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed experimentsAttribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:FW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a freshwater sawgrass marsh for the experiment. BW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a brackishwater sawgrass marsh.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:BW= Brackishwater
FW= Freshwater
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ExperimentAttribute Label:ExperimentAttribute Definition:Ambient data (no salinity added and submerged peat) obtained from the Salinity-Inundation experiment for the freshwater marsh were used in this study to represent freshwater ambient condition. In experiments focused on the BW marsh, decomposition rates obtained from the Salinity-Exposed experiment are reported in this data file.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Salinity-Exposed= Salinity-Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments with 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Salinity-Inundation= Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the BW site involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the water level was kept 4 cm above the brakishwater peat surface. Salinity-Inundation experiment associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) treatment where the freshwater peat surface was kept inundated under approximately one cm of water.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:NotationAttribute Label:NotationAttribute Definition:Notation used to refer the corresponding experiments and treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Amb.Exp= Ambient Exposed
Amb.Sub= Ambient Submerged
Salt.Exp= Salt Exposed
Salt.Sub= Salt Submerged
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Label:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Definition:Indicates the varied levels of inundation/exposure of the pear surface.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Exposed= Treatment that involves 4 cm of peat exposure of a brackishwater peat.
Submerged= Treatment that is associated with the BW site involves 4 cm of submergence of the brackishwater peat above the peat surface. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves one cm of submergence of the freshwater peat above the peat surface.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Label:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Definition:Refers the different levels of porewater salinity treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Ambient= Porewater salinity treatment that is associated with the BW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~10 ppt) of the brakishwater peat. Treatment that is associated with the FW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~0.5 ppt) of the freshwater peat.
Elevated= Porewater salinity treatment at the BW site involves elevated salinity (~20 ppt) manipulation of the brakishwater peat.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Aboveground litter decompostion rateAttribute Label:Aboveground litter decompostion rateAttribute Definition:Aboveground litter decomposition rate (per day) for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed treatments. The rates were estimated by regressing the proportion of ash-free dry mass (AFDM) remaining with time assuming an exponential function.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: perDayNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:Belowground root decompostion rateAttribute Label:Belowground root decompostion rateAttribute Definition:Belowground root decomposition rates (per day) for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed treatments. The rates were estimated by regressing the proportion of ash-free dry mass (AFDM) remaining with time assuming an exponential function.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: perDayNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Aboveground leaf and belowground root decomposition in gC/m2/year measured in the Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment Attribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:BW represents the plant-soil monoliths that are collected from a brackishwater sawgrass marsh.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:BW= Brackishwater
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:ExperimentAttribute Label:ExperimentAttribute Definition:Salinity Extended Exposed experiment indicating the effect of porewater salinity (ambient vs elevated) for the extended exposure of the BW peat surface.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Salinity-Extended Exposed= Salinity-Extended Exposed experiment involves ambient (~10 ppt) and elevated (~20 ppt) porewater salinity treatments where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months to simulate drought impact. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:NotationAttribute Label:TreatmentAttribute Definition:Notation used to refer the corresponding experiments and treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Amb.ExtExp= Ambient Extended Exposed
Salt.ExtExp= Salt Extended Exposed
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Label:Inundation TreatmentAttribute Definition:Indicate the level of inundation/exposure of the peat surfaceStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Extended Exposed= Treatment where the exposure of the brackishwater peat surface varied from 0 to 20 cm for approximately 6 months. The length of the dry-season was extended here relative to field condition at the brackishwater marsh.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Label:Salinity TreatmentAttribute Definition:Refers the different levels of porewater salinity treatments.Storage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:Ambient = Porewater salinity treatment that is associated with the BW site involves ambient porewater salinity (~10 ppt) of the brakishwater peat.
Elevated= Porewater salinity treatment at the BW site involves elevated salinity (~20 ppt) manipulation of the brakishwater peat.
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:Root Decomposition (gC/m2/year)Attribute Label:Root Decomposition (gC/m2/year)Attribute Definition:Belowground root decomposition (gC/m2/year) for the Salinity- Extended Exposed treatments. The final remaining mass of the organic matter in the litter bag was measured after one year of measurements without the intermittent time-step measurements.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPerMeterSquaredPerYearNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:Leaf litter decomposition (gC/m2/year)Attribute Label:Leaf litter decomposition (gC/m2/year)Attribute Definition:Aboveground leaf decomposition (gC/m2/year) for the Salinity- Extended Exposed treatments. The final remaining mass of the organic matter in the litter bag was measured after one year of measurements without the intermittent time-step measurements.Storage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPerMeterSquaredPerYearNumber Type: realMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.
MethodsMethod Step
The method description and data related to this publication is available in following references:
Wilson, B. J., S. Servais, S. P. Charles, S. E. Davis, E. E. Gaiser, J. S. Kominoski, J. H. Richards, and T. G. Troxler. 2018. Declines in Plant Productivity Drive Carbon Loss from Brackish Coastal Wetland Mesocosms Exposed to Saltwater Intrusion. Estuaries and Coasts 41:2147-2158.
Wilson, B. J., S. Servais, S. P. Charles, V. Mazzei, E. E. Gaiser, J. S. Kominoski, J. H. Richards, and T. G. Troxler. 2019. Phosphorus alleviation of salinity stress: effects of saltwater intrusion on an Everglades freshwater peat marsh. Ecology 100.
Wilson, B. J. 2018. Drivers and mechanisms of peat collapse in coastal wetlands. Florida International University, FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations.
Charles, S. P., J. S. Kominoski, T. G. Troxler, E. E. Gaiser, S. Servais, B. J. Wilson, S. E. Davis, F. H. Sklar, C. Coronado-Molina, C. J. Madden, S. Kelly, and D. T. Rudnick. 2019. Experimental Saltwater Intrusion Drives Rapid Soil Elevation and Carbon Loss in Freshwater and Brackish Everglades Marshes. Estuaries and Coasts 42:1868-1881.
Lee, D., B.J. Wilson, S. Servais, V. Mazzei, and J. Kominoski. 2019. The Salinity and phosphorus mesocosm experiment in freshwater sawgrass wetlands: Determining the trajectory and capacity of freshwater wetland ecosystems to recover carbon losses from saltwater intrusion (FCE LTER), Florida, USA from 2015 to 2018 ver 2. Environmental Data Initiative. (Accessed 2022-02-18).
The EvPEMv1.0 modeling framework, parametrization, calibration, and applications are available in the following reference:
Ishtiaq, K.S., Troxler, T.G., Lamb-Wotton, L., Wilson, B,J., Charles, S.P., Davis, S.E., Kominoski, J.S., Rudnick, D.T., and Sklar, F.H. 2022. Modeling net ecosystem carbon balance and loss in coastal wetlands exposed to sea level rise and saltwater intrusion. Ecological Applications (in revision).
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Publications citing this datasetIshtiaq, Khandker S., Tiffany G. Troxler, Lukas Lamb‐Wotton, Benjamin J. Wilson, Sean P. Charles, Stephen E. Davis, John S. Kominoski, David T. Rudnick, and Fred H. Sklar 2024. Modeling net ecosystem carbon balance and loss in coastal wetlands exposed to sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion. Ecological Applications 32:
DOI : 10.1002/eap.2702
Keywordssaltwater intrusion, peat collapse , NECB, Modeling, Peatland, elevation change, decomposition , primary productivity
Dataset Contact
- Name: Kristin Vanderbilt
- Position: FCE LTER Information Manager
- Email:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Entity Name:ANPPEntity Description:Aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) data for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Object Name:ANPP.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:42
Data Table: Belowground net primary productivity (root in-growth) (BNPP) data for the freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experimentsEntity Name:BNPPEntity Description:Belowground net primary productivity (root in-growth) (BNPP) data for the freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experimentsObject Name:BNPP.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:42
Data Table: Peat elevation change data in cm for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Entity Name:Elevation ChangeEntity Description:Peat elevation change data in cm for the Freshwater (FW) and brackishwater (BW) salinity and inundation experiments.Object Name:Elevation Change.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:63
Data Table: Decomposition rates (per day) measured for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed experimentsEntity Name:Decompostion Rates_Salinity-Inundation_Salinity-ExposedEntity Description:Decomposition rates (per day) measured for the Salinity-Inundation and Salinity-Exposed experimentsObject Name:Decompostion Rates_Salinity-Inundation_Salinity-Exposed.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:29
Data Table: Aboveground leaf and belowground root decomposition in gC/m2/year measured in the Salinity-Extended Exposed experimentEntity Name:Decompostion_Salinity-Extended ExposedEntity Description:Aboveground leaf and belowground root decomposition in gC/m2/year measured in the Salinity-Extended Exposed experimentObject Name:Decompostion_Salinity-Extended Exposed.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:12
Award(s)Project award(s):Award title: The effects of projected sea-level rise on Everglades coastal ecosystems: Enhancing and continuing experiments to evaluate peat collapse and landscape vulnerability.
Funder name: Florida Sea Grant
Award number: R/C-S-86
Award title: FCE IV
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 1832229