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Standard Lengths and Mean Weights for Prey-base Fishes from Taylor River and Joe Bay Sites, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from January 2000 to April 2004

At a Glance

Authors: Jerry Lorenz
Time period: to
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1172.3
Dataset id: LT_CD_Lorenz_001

How to cite:
Lorenz, J.. 2017. Standard Lengths and Mean Weights for Prey-base Fishes from Taylor River and Joe Bay Sites, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from January 2000 to April 2004. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2024-12-22.

Geographic Coverage

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Detailed Metadata

  • Dataset Abstract
    Prey-base fishes. The small demersal fishes of the coastal wetlands are a keystone element in this ecosystem. They are the primary and secondary consumers of the plants mentioned above and they are the primary food resource for myriad piscine (e.g. game species of fish), reptilian (e.g. juvenile crocodiles) and avian (e.g. wading birds) predators. The community dynamics of these fishes are dictated by hydrologic and hydrographic parameters so they also respond predictably to water management practices. Because they are a bottle-neck in the food web, their abundance and availability dictate the success of higher trophic levels. Fish are sampled in June, September and monthly from November through April at five locations. A 9m2 drop trap designed specifically for this habitat are used to quantify fish use. Nine traps are used at each site.
  • Geographic Coverage
    Study Extent Description
    The Study Extent of this dataset includes the Audubon Society's Taylor River and Joe Bay research sites within Everglades National Park, South Florida

    Bounding Coordinates
    Data were collected on the Taylor River and north of Joe Bay, within Everglades National Park, South Florida
    N: 25.250, S: 25.220, E: -80.532, W: -80.650

    Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Study Area: South Florida, Everglades National Park, and Florida Bay
    N: 25.761, S: 24.913, E: -80.490, W: -81.078

    FCE LTER Sites
    Near TS/Ph6a and TS/Ph8

    All Sites
    Geographic Description
    Bounding Coordinates
    N: 25.250, S: 25.250, E: -80.532, W: -80.532
    N: 25.220, S: 25.220, E: -80.650, W: -80.650
  • Attributes
    • Data Table:   Standard Lengths and Mean Weights for Prey-base Fishes from Taylor River and Joe Bay Sites, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida
      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Collection Year
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Collection Year
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Collection Month
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Collection Month
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Name of Collection Site
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Name of Collection Site
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      ID Number
      Attribute Definition:
      Net ID Number
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Net ID Number
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Collection Depth Strata
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Collection Depth Strata
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      ID Number
      Attribute Definition:
      Collection Day Code
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Collection Day Code
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      ID Number
      Attribute Definition:
      Prey-Base Fish Species Code
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Prey-Base Fish Species Code
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Prey-Base Fish Standard Length
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: centimeter
      Precision: 0.01
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Mean _Weight
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Prey-Base Fish Mean Weight
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: gram
      Precision: 0.01
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

  • Methods
    Sampling Description
    Samples collected in June, Sep, and monthly from Nov-Apr. 9 traps collected per sample at each of two sites

    Method Step

    A 9 m2 drop net and removable walkways designed to quantify densities of small fishes in wetland habitats with low to moderate vegetation density. The method permits the collection of small, quantitative, discrete samples in ecologically sensitive areas by combining rapid net deployment from fixed sites with the carefully contained use of the fish toxicant rotenone. This method requires very little contact with the substrate, causes minimal alteration to the habitat being sampled, samples small fishes in an unbiased manner, and allows for differential sampling of microhabitats within a wetland. When used in dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) habitat in southern Everglades National Park and adjacent areas (September 1990 to March 1993), high recovery efficiencies were achieved (78-90percent) for five common species less than 110 mm in length. About 20,000 individuals of 26 species were captured. The most abundant fishes were sheepshead minnow Cyprinodon variegatus, goldspotted killifish Floridichthys carpio, rainwater killifish Lucania parva, sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna, and the exotic Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma urophthalmus. The 9 m2 drop net and associated removable walkways are versatile and can be used in a variety of wetland types, including both interior and coastal wetlands with either herbaceous or woody vegetation. Specimens were returned to the lab for identification and measuring weight and length.

    callipers electronic scale

    Quality Control
    Numerous checks by research personnel
  • Distribution and Intellectual Rights
    Online distribution
    Data Submission Date:  2005-09-13

    Intellectual Rights
    These data are classified as 'Type II' whereby original FCE LTER experimental data collected by individual FCE researchers to be released to restricted audiences according to terms specified by the owners of the data. Type II data are considered to be exceptional and should be rare in occurrence. The justification for exceptions must be well documented and approved by the lead PI and Site Data Manager. Some examples of Type II data restrictions may include: locations of rare or endangered species, data that are covered under prior licensing or copyright (e.g., SPOT satellite data), or covered by the Human Subjects Act, Student Dissertation data and those data related to the FCE LTER Program but not funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under LTER grant #DEB-9910514. Researchers that make use of Type II Data may be subject to additional restrictions to protect any applicable commercial or confidentiality interests. All publications based on this dataset must cite the data Contributor, the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Program and that this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DEB-1237517, #DBI-0620409, and #DEB-9910514. Additionally, two copies of the manuscript must be submitted to the Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Office, LTER Program Manager, Florida International University, Southeast Environmental Research Center, OE 148, University Park, Miami, Florida 33199. For a complete description of the FCE LTER Data Access Policy and Data User Agreement, please go to FCE Data Management Policy at and LTER Network Data Access Policy at

  • Keywords
    FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, National Audubon Society, Everglades National Park, Taylor River, Joe Bay, consumer dynamics, Taylor Slough, precipitation, temperature, pH, specific conductance, salinity, dissolved oxygen, water level, water column, fishes, prey-based fishes, species, wetlands, habitats, freshwater, abundance, water, ecosystems
  • Data Table and Format
    Data Table:  Standard Lengths and Mean Weights for Prey-base Fishes from Taylor River and Joe Bay Sites, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida

    Entity Name:
    Entity Description:
    Standard Lengths and Mean Weights for Prey-base Fishes from Taylor River and Joe Bay Sites, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida
    Object Name:
    Number of Header Lines:
    Attribute Orientation:
    Field Delimiter:
    Number of Records: