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Abiotic monitoring of physical characteristics in porewaters and surface waters of mangrove forests from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), South Florida, USA, December 2000 - ongoing

At a Glance

Authors: Edward Castaneda, Victor Rivera-Monroy
Time period: to
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1169.11
Dataset id: PHY_deMutsert_001

How to cite:
Castaneda, E., V. Rivera-Monroy. 2023. Abiotic monitoring of physical characteristics in porewaters and surface waters of mangrove forests from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), South Florida, USA, December 2000 - ongoing. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2024-09-07.

Geographic Coverage

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Detailed Metadata

  • Dataset Creator(s)
    • Name: Dr. Edward Castaneda 
    • Position: LTER Project Collaborator
    • Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
    • Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Phone: (305) 348-7479 (VH 332)
    • Fax: (305) 348-4096
    • Email:
    • URL:

    • Name: Dr. Victor Rivera-Monroy 
    • Position: LTER Project Collaborator
    • Organization: Wetland Biogeochemistry Institute
    • Address: Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
      Louisiana State University
      3209 Energy, Coast, and Environment Building
      Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA
    • Phone: (225) 578-2773
    • Fax: (225) 578-6423
    • Email:
    • URL:

  • Dataset Abstract
    Data on porewater salinity, temperature, conductivity, pH and redox have been collected to help explain patterns found in porewater nutrient concentrations that were sampled in the same plots.
  • Geographic Coverage
    Study Extent Description
    The Study Extent of this dataset includes 4 FCE Shark River Slough and 3 Taylor Slough research sites within Everglades National Park, South Florida

    Bounding Coordinates
    FCE LTER Site SRS4
    N: 25.410, S: 25.410, E: -80.964, W: -80.964

    FCE LTER Site SRS5
    N: 25.377, S: 25.377, E: -81.032, W: -81.032

    FCE LTER Site SRS6
    N: 25.365, S: 25.365, E: -81.078, W: -81.078

    FCE LTER Site TS/Ph8
    N: 25.233, S: 25.233, E: -80.525, W: -80.525

    FCE LTER Site TS/Ph6b
    N: 25.216, S: 25.216, E: -80.651, W: -80.651

    FCE LTER Site TS/Ph7b
    N: 25.197, S: 25.197, E: -80.642, W: -80.642

    FCE LTER Site SRS7
    N: 25.353, S: 25.353, E: -81.114, W: -81.114

    FCE LTER Sites

  • Attributes
    • Data Table:   Abiotic monitoring of physical characteristics in porewaters and surface waters of mangrove forests from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from December 2000 to November 2021
      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Name of LTER site
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Collection date
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Wet for June-November and dry for December-May
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Plot ID number
      Attribute Definition:
      plot 1 or 2 within the site
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Subplot ID number
      Attribute Definition:
      subplot indicates which subdivision of the two plots
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      collection depth in the soil
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: centimeter
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      salinity of the porewater samples
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: PSU
      Precision: 0.1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      temperature of the surface water and the porewater samples
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: celsius
      Precision: 0.1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      conductivity of the porewater samples
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: milliSiemens
      Precision: 0.01
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999.00 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      pH of either the surface water or the wet soil when surface water was not present
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Precision: 0.01
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999.00 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      redox at three different depths in the soil
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: millivolt
      Precision: 0.1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999.0 (Value will never be recorded)

  • Methods
    Sampling Description
    Two plots established in each mangrove site and then subdivided into four subplots. In the middle of each subplot physical data were collected every 4-6 months over 20 years. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the six mangrove sites included in the study. two (20 x 20 m) plots per site in the mangrove forest are divided in four 10 x 10 m subplots, samples are taken in the middle of each subplot. All plots contain mangrove trees; plots are flooded semi-diurnally. Physical data are measured 2-3 times a year in the middle of each subplot where porewater samples for nutrient analyses are also obtained. 230 is added to the field redox reading to get redox potential (Hargis, Thomas G. and Robert R. Twilley. 1994. Multi-Depth Probes for Measuring Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Potential in Wetland Soils. Journal of Sedimentary Research A64: 684-685.)

    Method Step

    Physical data were measured in the field with a YSI, redox probes and a pH probe attached to a voltage meter.

    YSI 30

    Method Step

    Sampling Description Two plots established in each mangrove site and then subdivided into four subplots. In the middle of each subplot physical data were collected every 4-6 months over 20 years. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference between the six mangrove sites included in the study. two (20 x 20 m) plots per site in the mangrove forest are divided in four 10 x 10 m subplots, samples are taken in the middle of each subplot. All plots contain mangrove trees; plots are flooded semi-diurnally. Physical data are measured 2-3 times a year in the middle of each subplot where porewater samples for nutrient analyses are also obtained. 230 is added to the field redox reading to get redox potential (Hargis, Thomas G. and Robert R. Twilley. 1994. Multi-Depth Probes for Measuring Oxidation-Reduction (Redox) Potential in Wetland Soils. Journal of Sedimentary Research A64: 684-685.)

    Submission notes:
    Sampling on site TS/Ph8 has been cancelled since January 2007. Sampling on sites TS/Ph6 & 7 was resumed on May 2010.

    Method Step

    Quality Control Dataset QA/QC performed during analysis of samples; samples with 5% between lab replicates were redone; data is graphed to check for outliers and checked by second scientist

    Quality Control
    Dataset QA/QC performed during analysis of samples; samples with 5% between lab replicates were redone; data is graphed to check for outliers and checked by second scientist
  • Distribution and Intellectual Rights
    Online distribution
    Intellectual Rights
    This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.

  • Keywords
    inorganic nutrients, LTER, porewater, salinity, long term monitoring, temperature, FCE, LTER, FCE LTER, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Taylor Slough, nutrients, porewater, mangrove, porewater conductivity, pH, Soil Redox, mangroves, water
  • Dataset Contact
    • Name: Edward Castaneda 
    • Position: LTER Project Collaborator
    • Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
    • Address: Florida International University
      University Park
      OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Phone: (305) 348-7479 (VH 332)
    • Fax: 305-348-4096
    • Email:
    • URL:

    • Position: Information Manager
    • Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
    • Address: Florida International University
      11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Email:
    • URL:

  • Data Table and Format
    Data Table:  Abiotic monitoring of physical characteristics in porewaters and surface waters of mangrove forests from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from December 2000 to November 2021

    Entity Name:
    Entity Description:
    Abiotic monitoring of physical characteristics in porewaters and surface waters of mangrove forests from the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from December 2000 to November 2021
    Object Name:
    Number of Header Lines:
    Attribute Orientation:
    Field Delimiter:
    Number of Records: