Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, November 2004 - ongoing
At a Glance
Authors: Jennifer Rehage
Time period: 2004-11-15 to 2023-06-05
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1164.12
Dataset id: LT_TDCS_Rehage_001
Rehage, J.. 2023. Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, November 2004 - ongoing. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-02-18.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Jennifer Rehage
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
ECS 119
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-0181
- Email:
Dataset AbstractThis study examines temporal and spatial dynamics in the fish community of the oligohaline to mesohaline reaches of ecotonal creeks along the southwest region of Everglades National Park. Collections of fish in SW ENP during 2004 - 2014 across Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay. Sampling started in the wet season of 2004, and has been conducted three times per year at these approximate times: November (wet season); February (transition); and April (dry season). Electrofishing samples were processed in the field, and all species (except for non-natives) were returned live at the point of collection. In the Rookery Branch region, fish abundance varies markedly yearly and seasonally. Catches peak in the drier months, reflecting a pulse of movement by freshwater taxa into creeks as marshes upstream dry. The timing of this pulse is closely tied to the pattern of water recession in upstream marshes, and has important ramifications for wading bird prey availability.
Geographic CoverageStudy Extent Description
The Study Extent of this dataset includes areas near FCE Shark River Slough research sites (downstream of SRS 3 and upstream of SRS 4) from Rookery Branch within Everglades National Park, South Florida
Bounding Coordinates
Rookery Branch 7
N: 25.429, S: 25.429, E: -80.897, W: -80.897
Rookery Branch 8
N: 25.455, S: 25.455, E: -80.872, W: -80.872
Rookery Branch 9
N: 25.460, S: 25.460, E: -80.862, W: -80.862
Rookery Branch 10
N: 25.464, S: 25.464, E: -80.865, W: -80.865
Rookery Branch 11
N: 25.464, S: 25.464, E: -80.876, W: -80.876
Rookery Branch 12
N: 25.459, S: 25.459, E: -80.916, W: -80.916
Rookery Branch 13
N: 25.45, S: 25.45, E: -80.89, W: -80.89
Rookery Branch 14
N: 25.43, S: 25.43, E: -80.92, W: -80.92
Rookery Branch 15
N: 25.42, S: 25.42, E: -80.95, W: -80.95
Rookery Branch 16
N: 25.45, S: 25.45, E: -80.94, W: -80.94
N: 25.41, S: 25.41, E: -80.97, W: -80.97
N: 25.41, S: 25.41, E: -80.97, W: -80.97
N: 25.43, S: 25.43, E: -80.98, W: -80.98
N: 25.43, S: 25.43, E: -80.97, W: -80.97
SRS 3 and SRS 4
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2004-11-15
End Date: 2023-06-05
Data Table: Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE) Attribute Name:IDAttribute Label:Sampling IDAttribute Definition:Sampling IDStorage Type:nominalMeasurement Scale:Sampling IDMissing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:YearAttribute Label:YearAttribute Definition:long term sampling yearStorage Type:ordinalMeasurement Scale:long term sampling yearMissing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:DateAttribute Label:dateAttribute Definition:Collection DateStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:SeasonAttribute Label:seasonAttribute Definition:Everglades SeasonStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:WET= wet season
DRY = dry season
TRANS = Transitional season
Missing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:RiverAttribute Label:drainage siteAttribute Definition:drainage siteStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:drainage siteMissing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:CreekAttribute Label:drainage creekAttribute Definition:drainage creekStorage Type:codeMeasurement Scale:drainage creekMissing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:BoutAttribute Label:bout numberAttribute Definition:Electrofishing boutStorage Type:codeMeasurement Scale:Electrofishing boutMissing Value Code:NA (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:DistanceAttribute Label:DistanceAttribute Definition:Total distance shoreline coverd in sampleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: meterPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:DOMGLAttribute Label:dissolved oxygenAttribute Definition:Dissolved oxygenStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: milligramsPerLiterPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:SalinityAttribute Label:salinityAttribute Definition:SalinityStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: partsPerThousandPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:TempCAttribute Label:temperatureAttribute Definition:TemperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:CatchAttribute Label:Total CatchAttribute Definition:total number of fish caught per sampleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:CPUEAttribute Label:catch per unit effortAttribute Definition:number of fish caught per 100 metersStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: catchPerUnitEffortPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Marsh_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Golden_topminnowAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Golden_shinerAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Chain_pickerelAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Florida_garAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Grass_pickerelAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:SunfishesAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Largemouth_bassAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Lake_chubsuckerAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Seminole_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:HogchokerAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Tadpole_madtomAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:WarmouthAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:BluegillAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:RedearAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Spotted_sunfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Dollar_sunfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Bluespotted_sunfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:SnookAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:TarponAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Striped_mulletAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Gray_snapperAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:American_eelAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Mayan_cichlidAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:RedfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Coastal_shinerAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Blue_tilapiaAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:MosquitofishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Tidewater_mojarraAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Inland_silversideAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Jack_CrevalleAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Crested_gobyAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Peacock_eelAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Sheepshead_minnowAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Rainwater_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Pike_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Bluefin_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Brook_silversideAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Jewel_CichlidAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:PinfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:LadyfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Peacock_bassAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Atlantic_needlefishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Gulf_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Tidewater_silversideAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Spotted_seatroutAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Diamond_killifishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Gafftopsail_catfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Brown_HoploAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Mozambique_tilapiaAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:TimucuAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Code_gobyAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Yellow_bullheadAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Hardhead_catfishAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Brown_bullheadAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Bay_anchovyAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Taillight_shinerAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:BarracudaAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:OscarAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Pirate_perchAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:SnakeheadAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Redfin_pickerelAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)Attribute Name:Banded_TopminnowAttribute Label:species countAttribute Definition:number of species caughtStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPrecision: 1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value was not recorded)
Data Table: Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE)
MethodsSampling Description
Sampling is conducted at 15 mangrove creeks in two drainages: Rookery Branch and the North, Roberts, and Watson rivers. Electrofishing is used to target large-bodied predatory species. At each creek, we systematically sample, three 100 meter long sections of creek bank by electrofishing (0-100m, 200-300m, and 400-500m). Each electrofishing bout lasts five minutes (pedal time). Electrofishing is an effective method for sampling large fishes in freshwater habitats, and eletrofishing catch per unit effort (CPUE) provides a reliable index of fish abundance. For all bouts, electrofishing power is standardized to 1500 watts according to the ambient temperature and conductivity conditions. Because creek width is considerably greater than the electric field generated by the electrofisher, a left or right bank was randomly selected for each bout. Folling USGS-NAWQA guidelines, all electrofishing is conducted using intermittent application of electrical current to prevent fish from fleeing deep beneath the mangroves. All fish captured are placed in a holding tank, identified, measured (to the nearest 1-mm standard or total length), weighed (if necessary), and released after full recovery. Only non-indigenous species are saved and preserved in 10 percent formalin to be returned to the laboratory for processing. During each sampling event, we use a YSI 85 unit to record physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, specific conductance/salinity, and dissolved oxygen) at the beginning of each electrofishing bout. Water clarity and bottom type are measured with a measuring stick and turbidity with an electronic turbidity meter.
Method Step
Fish were collected via electrofishing methods,
Boucek, Ross E 2013-10-01. No free lunch: displaced marsh consumers regulate a prey subsidy to an estuarine consumer.. Oikos, 122(10): 1453-1464.
ProtocolProtocol Title: Electrofishing
Protocol Creator(s)- Name: Dr. Jennifer Rehage
Publication Date: 2004-01-01
Sampling is conducted at 15 mangrove creeks in two drainages: Rookery Branch and the North, Roberts, and Watson rivers. Electrofishing is used to target large-bodied predatory species. At each creek, we systematically sample, three 100 meter long sections of creek bank by electrofishing (0-100m, 200-300m, and 400-500m). Each electrofishing bout lasts five minutes (pedal time). Electrofishing is an effective method for sampling large fishes in freshwater habitats, and eletrofishing catch per unit effort (CPUE) provides a reliable index of fish abundance. For all bouts, electrofishing power is standardized to 1500 watts according to the ambient temperature and conductivity conditions. Because creek width is considerably greater than the electric field generated by the electrofisher, a left or right bank was randomly selected for each bout. Folling USGS-NAWQA guidelines, all electrofishing is conducted using intermittent application of electrical current to prevent fish from fleeing deep beneath the mangroves. All fish captured are placed in a holding tank, identified, measured (to the nearest 1-mm standard or total length), weighed (if necessary), and released after full recovery. We measure mass of those species for wich we do not have reliable length-mass regression equations with which to estimate mass-this procedure results in less handling of fishes and reduces stress on the specimens. Only non-indigenous species are saved and preserved in 10 percent formalin to be returned to the laboratory for processing. Although electrofishing typically targets large fish species, we routinely capture specimens as small as 5-cm standard length (SL). During each sampling event, we use a YSI 85 unit to record physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, specific conductance/salinity, and dissolved oxygen) at the beginning of each electrofishing bout. Water clarity and bottom type are measured with a measuring stick and turbidity with an electronic turbidity meter.
Sampling is conducted at 15 mangrove creeks in two drainages: Rookery Branch and the North, Roberts, and Watson rivers. Electrofishing is used to target large-bodied predatory species. At each creek, we systematically sample, three 100 meter long sections of creek bank by electrofishing (0-100m, 200-300m, and 400-500m). Each electrofishing bout lasts five minutes (pedal time). Electrofishing is an effective method for sampling large fishes in freshwater habitats, and eletrofishing catch per unit effort (CPUE) provides a reliable index of fish abundance. For all bouts, electrofishing power is standardized to 1500 watts according to the ambient temperature and conductivity conditions. Because creek width is considerably greater than the electric field generated by the electrofisher, a left or right bank was randomly selected for each bout. Folling USGS-NAWQA guidelines, all electrofishing is conducted using intermittent application of electrical current to prevent fish from fleeing deep beneath the mangroves. All fish captured are placed in a holding tank, identified, measured (to the nearest 1-mm standard or total length), weighed (if necessary), and released after full recovery. We measure mass of those species for wich we do not have reliable length-mass regression equations with which to estimate mass-this procedure results in less handling of fishes and reduces stress on the specimens. Only non-indigenous species are saved and preserved in 10 percent formalin to be returned to the laboratory for processing. Although electrofishing typically targets large fish species, we routinely capture specimens as small as 5-cm standard length (SL). During each sampling event, we use a YSI 85 unit to record physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, specific conductance/salinity, and dissolved oxygen) at the beginning of each electrofishing bout. Water clarity and bottom type are measured with a measuring stick and turbidity with an electronic turbidity meter.
Sampling is conducted at 15 mangrove creeks in two drainages: Rookery Branch and the North, Roberts, and Watson rivers. Electrofishing is used to target large-bodied predatory species. At each creek, we systematically sample, three 100 meter long sections of creek bank by electrofishing (0-100m, 200-300m, and 400-500m). Each electrofishing bout lasts five minutes (pedal time). Electrofishing is an effective method for sampling large fishes in freshwater habitats, and eletrofishing catch per unit effort (CPUE) provides a reliable index of fish abundance. For all bouts, electrofishing power is standardized to 1500 watts according to the ambient temperature and conductivity conditions. Because creek width is considerably greater than the electric field generated by the electrofisher, a left or right bank was randomly selected for each bout. Folling USGS-NAWQA guidelines, all electrofishing is conducted using intermittent application of electrical current to prevent fish from fleeing deep beneath the mangroves. All fish captured are placed in a holding tank, identified, measured (to the nearest 1-mm standard or total length), weighed (if necessary), and released after full recovery. We measure mass of those species for wich we do not have reliable length-mass regression equations with which to estimate mass-this procedure results in less handling of fishes and reduces stress on the specimens. Only non-indigenous species are saved and preserved in 10 percent formalin to be returned to the laboratory for processing. Although electrofishing typically targets large fish species, we routinely capture specimens as small as 5-cm standard length (SL). During each sampling event, we use a YSI 85 unit to record physico-chemical parameters (water temperature, specific conductance/salinity, and dissolved oxygen) at the beginning of each electrofishing bout. Water clarity and bottom type are measured with a measuring stick and turbidity with an electronic turbidity meter.
Electrofishing, fish capture
Procedural Steps
Apply electric current to sampling area
net immobilized fish
place fish into a water tank on boat
21' Aluminum boat fitted with a generator and other electrofishing equipment (see citation 28)Quality Control
All data from sampling, catch, and processing datasheets are entered in spreadsheet format using Microsoft Excel. Separate files are created and managed for two sampling methods (electrofishing and minnow trapping). Since analyses are multiyear, all years of data are combined into a single file, and as new data is gathered, it is added to a master datafile containing all previous years of data. Post data entry, data are verified and validated by a different technician from the technician that entered the data. Then, the data files are cleaned and formatted for statistical analyses.
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Data Submission Date: 2023-11-06
Intellectual Rights
These data are not collected with NSF funds. The researchers have no obligation to make them freely and publicly accessible. Access to the data may only be granted by the PI, Jennifer Rehage.
Publications citing this datasetKahmann, Grace, Jennifer S. Rehage, Jordan A. Massie, James A. Nelson, Rolando O. Santos, Natasha M. Viadero, W. Ryan James, Ross E. Boucek, Derek P. Crane, and Ryan J. Rezek 2024. Trophic niche of a nonnative invader and environmental drivers of its increasing populations in the coastal Everglades. Biol Invasions 26: 4245-4263.
Keywordsestuaries, producers, fishes, predators, populations, FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, consumer dynamics, Rookery Branch , Electrofishing , Everglades National Park, catches, consumers, freshwater , salinity, catch per unit effort, prey fish, predators, dissolved oxygen, water temperature, seasonality, species
Dataset Contact
- Name: Jennifer Rehage
- Position: Principal Investigator
- Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
ECS 337
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-0181
- Fax:
- Email: Lead Principal Investigator
- URL:
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email:
- URL:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE)Entity Name:LT_TDCS_Rehage_001.csvEntity Description:Seasonal Electrofishing Data from Rookery Branch and Tarpon Bay, Everglades National Park (FCE)Object Name:LT_TDCS_Rehage_001.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:4573
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email:
- URL:
Award(s)Project award(s):Award title: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research-the Coastal EvergladesRelated project award(s):
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 9910514
Award URL:
Award title: FCE LTER II: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 620409
Award URL:
Award title: FCE LTER III: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 1237517
Award URL:
Award title: LTER: Drivers of Abrupt Change in the Florida Coastal Everglades
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 1832229
Award URL:
Award title: LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 2025954
Award URL:
Project permitsEVR-2013-SCI-0019