Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, October 2000 - ongoing
At a Glance
Authors: John Kominoski, Rene Price, Daniel Childers
Time period: 2000-10-29 to 2023-12-31
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1094.19
Dataset id: PHY_Grahl_002
Kominoski, J., R. Price, D. Childers. 2024. Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), Florida, USA, October 2000 - ongoing. Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/4a088e016c4e6a4504a36c02aae799d0. Dataset accessed 2025-01-19.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. John Kominoski
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 US - Phone: 305-348-7117
- Email: jkominos@fiu.edu
- Name: Dr. Rene Price
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-3119
- Email: pricer@fiu.edu
- Name: Dr. Daniel Childers
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Arizona State University
PO Box 875502
Tempe, AZ 85287 USA - Phone: 480-965-2320
- Email: dan.childers@asu.edu
Dataset AbstractWater depth (from October 2000 to present) and water temperature (from September 2021 to present) are recorded at least hourly at SRS1c (not active), SRS1d, SRS2, SRS3, SRS4, SRS5, and SRS6. Water depth is measured with pressure water level loggers (Infinities USA or HOBO) that record water height relative to the local soil surface. Water temperature near soil surface is measured with HOBO loggers. Note by IM (2021): The water meters at some of the SRS sites have been moved over the years as boardwalks have been reconstructed. There is no set survey datum for these sites, so it is impossible to correct the data to an actual datum. For hydrologic applications, it may be better to use water level data from USGS stations.
Geographic CoverageBounding Coordinates
N: 25.755, S: 25.755, E: -80.574, W: -80.574
N: 25.746, S: 25.746, E: -80.654, W: -80.654
N: 25.55, S: 25.55, E: -80.785, W: -80.785
N: 25.468, S: 25.468, E: -80.853, W: -80.853
N: 25.41, S: 25.41, E: -80.964, W: -80.964
N: 25.377, S: 25.377, E: -81.032, W: -81.032
N: 25.365, S: 25.365, E: -81.078, W: -81.078
SRS1c, SRS1d, SRS2, SRS3, SRS4, SRS5, SRS6
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2000-10-29
End Date: 2023-12-31
Data Table: Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USAAttribute Name:SITENAMEAttribute Label:Site nameAttribute Definition:Name of LTER siteStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:SRS1c= FCE LTER Site SRS1c
Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:DateAttribute Label:DateAttribute Definition:Collection dateStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:WaterDepthAttribute Label:Mean daily water depthAttribute Definition:Mean daily water depthStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: centimeterPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:WaterTemperatureAttribute Label:Mean daily water temperatureAttribute Definition:Mean daily water temperatureStorage Type:floatMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:WaterDepthSensorAttribute Label:Water depth sensorAttribute Definition:Water depth sensor usedStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:NA (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:WaterTemperatureSensorAttribute Label:Water temperature sensorAttribute Definition:Water temperature sensor usedStorage Type:stringMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:NA (Value will never be recorded)
Data Table: Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA
MethodsMethod Step
Infinities pressure water level recorders or HOBO water level loggers and HOBO water temperature loggers are placed at each site. The recorders collect water level and water temperature readings at least every hour. The data are collected monthly, and all the readings from a day are averaged. From October 2000, water depths were recorded using Infinities Pressure water level loggers. In 2021, the Infinities pressure water level recorders from SRS 4, 5 & 6 were replaced by HOBO U20 Series Water level loggers. In September 2021, water temperature near soil surface was added as a new variable to the dataset, the data are collected using HOBO water temp Pro v2 loggers or HOBO U20 Series Water level loggers. In 2022, the Infinities pressure water level recorders from SRS 1d, 2 & 3 were replaced by HOBO U20 Series Water level loggers.
Submission notes:
At SRS1c for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 9-Sep-05, and 10-Nov-05. At SRS1d for the listed date, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 21-Jan-15.
At SRS2 for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 6-Jun-02, 16-Jul-02, 25-Sep-02, 26-Oct-02, 27-Oct-02, 7-Nov-02, 20-Feb-03, 1-Mar-04, 19-May-04, 20-May-04, 21-Sep-06, 19-Mar-07 and 19-Aug-07.
At SRS3 for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 12-Jun-01, 23-Jul-01, 14-Jul-02, 23-Sep-02, 11-Feb-03, 12-Feb-03, 19-Feb-03, 20-Feb-03, 6-Apr-06, 11-May-06 and 24-Apr-2011.
At SRS4 for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 25-Jul-01, 23-Sep-02, 25-Sep-02, 28-Sep-02, 29-Sep-02, 1-Oct-02 to 3-Oct-02, 23-Jan-03, 22-Apr-03, 11-May-03, 29-Mar-07 and 09-Dec-09.
At SRS5 for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 29-Dec-00, 25-Jul-01, 31-Jul-01, 21-Nov-02, 4-Dec-02, 5-Dec-02, 7-Dec-02 to 9-Dec-02, 20-Dec-02, 22-Dec-02 to 24-Dec-02, 31-Dec-02, 1-Jan-03, 3-Jan-03, 22-Apr-03, 11-May-03, 30-Jul-03, 31-Jul-03, 29-Jan-04, 30-Oct-05, 8-Jan-06, 30-Apr-06, 5-Dec-06, 8-Dec-06, 9-Dec-06, 10-Dec-06, 19-Dec-06, 29-Dec-06 to 31-Dec-06, 10-Jan-07, 15-Jan-07, 26-Jan-07, 30-Jan-07, 31-Jan-07, 5-Feb-07, 11-Feb-07 to 13-Feb-07, 16-Feb-07, 17-Feb-07, 19-Feb-07, 20-Feb-07, 21-Feb-07, 24-Feb-07 to 26-Feb-07, 4-Mar-07 to 7-Mar-07, 12-Mar-07 to 14-Mar-07, 19-Mar-07, 21-Mar-07 to 31-Mar-07, 8-Apr-07 to 10-Apr-07, 22-Apr-07 to 25-Apr-07, 8-May-07, 23-May-07 to 25-May-07, 31-May-07, 16-Nov-07, 18-Dec-07 to 20-Dec-07, 2-Jan-08 to 5-Jan-08, 15-Jan-08 to 17-Jan-08, 20-Jan-08, 21-Jan-08, 3-Feb-08, 4-Feb-08, 11-Feb-08, 12-Feb-08, 14-Feb-08, 15-Feb-08, 19-Feb-08, 20-Feb-08, 24-Feb-08 to 26-Feb-08, 28-Feb-08, 9-Mar-08, 17-Mar-08, 18-Mar-08, 16-Apr-08, 1-May-08, 26-May-08 to 29-May-08, 7-Jun-08, 8-Jun-08, 14-Jun-08, 9-Sep-08, 19-Nov-08, 23-Nov-08, 2-Dec-08 to 4-Dec-08, 8-Dec-08, 9-Dec-08, 13-Dec-08, 14-Dec-08, 22-Dec-08 to 31-Dec-08, 01-Jan-09 to 12-Jan-09, 14-Jan-09 to 19-Jan-09, 21-Jan-09 to 02-feb-09 and 04-Feb-09.
At SRS6 for the listed dates, 10% or more of the sample intervals used to calculate daily averages are missing: 24-Dec-00, 6-Feb-01, 7-Feb-01, 19-Feb-01, 30-Apr-01, 27-Aug-01, 17-Dec-01, 17-Jan-02, 26-Jan-02 to 29-Jan-02, 2-Apr-02, 13-May-02, 20-Nov-02, 29-Nov-02, 2-Dec-02 to 7-Dec-02, 9-Dec-02 to 12-Dec-02, 15-Dec-02 to 20-Dec-02, 22-Dec-02, 23-Dec-02, 29-Dec-02, 30-Dec-02, 7-Jan-03, 14-Jan-03, 16-Jan-03, 17-Jan-03, 21-Jan-03, 22-Jan-03, 25-Jan-03 to 6-Feb-03, 10-Feb-03, 13-Feb-03 to 15-Feb-03, 17-Feb-03, 18-Feb-03, 25-Feb-03 to 28-Feb-03, 1-Apr-03, 2-Apr-03, 22-Apr-03, 30-Jul-03, 31-Jul-03, 29-Nov-03, 7-Dec-03, 9-Dec-03, 21-Dec-03 to 25-Dec-03, 5-Jan-04, 12-Jan-04, 8-Feb-04, 17-Feb-04 to 19-Feb-04, 26-Mar-04, 28-Jun-04, 29-Jun-04, 12-Dec-04 to 16-Dec-04, 21-Dec-04, 22-Dec-04, 25-Dec-04, 27-Dec-04 to 29-Dec-04, 8-Jan-05 to 11-Jan-05, 17-Jan-05 to 20-Jan-05, 24-Jan-05, 25-Jan-05, 5-Feb-05, 6-Feb-05, 19-Feb-05, 20-Feb-05, 4-Mar-05, 9-Mar-05, 4-Apr-05, 17-Apr-05, 11-Oct-05, 8-Dec-05, 10-Jan-06 to 13-Jan-06, 19-Jan-06, 26-Jan-06 to 29-Jan-06, 7-Feb-06, 9-Feb-06, 10-Feb-06, 13-Feb-06 to 17-Feb-06, 22-Feb-06 to 25-Feb-06, 27-Feb-06, 28-Feb-06, 1-Mar-06, 8-Mar-06, 9-Mar-06, 28-Apr-06 to 30-Apr-06, 11-Jun-06, 5-Aug-06, 29-Aug-06 to 31-Aug-06, 4-Sep-06 to 13-Sep-06, 20-Sep-06, 22-Sep-06 to 25-Sep-06, 28-Sep-06, 2-Oct-06, 12-Oct-06, 13-Oct-06, 19-Oct-06 to 25-Oct-06, 28-Oct-06, 31-Oct-06 to 8-Nov-06, 26-Nov-06, 27-Nov-06, 1-Dec-06 to 11-Dec-06, 27-Mar-07, 12-Aug-09 and 02-Nov-09.
At SRS1d for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 09-Sep-2009, 14-Jan-2010, 04-Jan-2011, 21-Jan-2015, 08-Mar-2018 and 5-Nov-2022.
At SRS2 for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 12-May-2009, 24-Aug-2018, 08-Dec-2020 and 12-Oct-2022
At SRS3 for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 25-Mar-2003, 09-Sep-2009, 07-Set-2011, 01-Nov-2012, 11-Aug-2015 and 05-Nov-2022
At SRS4 for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 18-Feb-2003, 02-Nov-2009, 24-May-2010, 11-Feb-2014, 11-Feb-2016, 17-May-2016, 04-Aug-2020 and 21-Sep-2021.
At SRS5 for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 18-Feb-2003, 26-Jul-2010, 17-Oct-2012, 05-Sep-2013, 11-Mar-2019, 24-Sep-2019 and 07-Oct-2021.
At SRS6 for the listed dates, the water depth sensor changed position: 08-Dec-2005, 27-Mar-2007, 12-Oct-2009, 21-Dec-2010, 13-Aug-2014, 22-Oct-2018 and 19-Oct-2021.
At SRS1d for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 14-Dec-2011, 12-Apr-2012, 7-May-2012, 21-Jan-2015, 9-Apr-2015, 27-May-2015, 17-Sep-2015 and 19-Jun-2017.
At SRS2 for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 17-Dec-2012, 26-Jan-2017 and 22-Nov-2019.
At SRS3 for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 13-Jul-2011, 21-Dec-2011, 01-Feb-2012, 17-Dec-2012, 20-Jun-2013, 10-May-2016 and 01-Jul-2019.
At SRS4 for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 09-Dec-2009, 10-Apr-2012, 12-Nov-2013, 09-Sep-2014, 05-Jan-2016 and 12-Apr-2016,
At SRS5 for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 04-Feb-2009, 02-Nov-2009, 09-Sep-2014, 10-May-2017 and 05-Nov-2018.
At SRS6 for the listed dates, the Infinities USA water depth sensor was redeployed to match the water level at the site: 02-Nov-2009, 05-Nov-2018 and 10-Dec-2020.
Infinities USA, INC Ultrasonic water level recorders Model #220; Infinities USA, INC Pressure Water Level Data Logger; HOBO U20 Series Water Level Logger; HOBO U20L Series Water Level Logger; HOBO Water Temp Pro v2 logger; HOBO Waterproof Shutter U-DTW-1Quality Control
The data are downloaded from the loggers; they are checked for negatives (values given especially during dry season). Negatives that are found are converted to zeros. Next the data are checked for peaks and valleys (values that are found to be excessively high or low). Lastly the data are averaged per day. The next several formulas are used for these checks, averaging the data set, and anomaly investigation: [=IF({time}=0,AVERAGE({24 values}),"")], [=IF(COUNT({24 values})>=22,"",{date at zero time})], [=IF(COUNT(D8:D10)>=2,IF(OR(ABS(D8-D9)<2,ABS(D9-D10)<2,D9=""),""),"")], [=IF(ISNUMBER(D9),IF(D9<>0,"",IF(AND(ABS(D9-D8)<2,ABS(D9-D10)<2),"")),"")].
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
KeywordsFCE, FCE LTER, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, wetland inundation regimes, water, temperature, long term monitoring, hydrology, depth, disturbance, disturbance
Dataset Contact
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: https://fcelter.fiu.edu
Data Table and FormatData Table: Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USAEntity Name:PHY_Grahl_002.csvEntity Description:Water Depths and Water Temperatures near Soil Surface from Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, Florida, USAObject Name:PHY_Grahl_002.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:48916
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: https://fcelter.fiu.edu
Project permitsNational Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2001-SCI-0071
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2002-SCI-0070
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2003-SCI-0067
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2004-SCI-0070
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2005-SCI-0081
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2007-SCI-0065
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2009-SCI-0070
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2011-SCI-0071
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2013-SCI-0058
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2015-SCI-0062
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2017-SCI-0054
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2019-SCI-0055
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2022-SCI-0029
National Park Service scientific research and collecting permit EVER-2023-SCI-0011