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Consumer Stocks: Physical Data from Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from February 1996 to April 2008

At a Glance

Authors: Joel Trexler
Time period: 1996-02-07 to 2008-04-10
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1063.5
Dataset id: LT_CD_Trexler_002

How to cite:
Trexler, J.. 2024. Consumer Stocks: Physical Data from Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida from February 1996 to April 2008. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-01-19.

Geographic Coverage

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Detailed Metadata

  • Dataset Abstract
    We hypothesize that standing crops of consumers reflect patterns of allochthonous nutrient transport along the estuarine interface at the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) LTER. Our goal is to investigate how variation in hydrology, water quality, and disturbance influence secondary production. This data set represents the physical data of the sampled plots.
  • Geographic Coverage
    Study Extent Description
    The Study Extent of this dataset includes the Shark River Slough and Taylor Slough FCE research areas within Everglades National Park, South Florida

    Bounding Coordinates
    Shark Slough_Site 06A
    N: 25.637, S: 25.637, E: -80.734, W: -80.734

    Shark Slough_Site 06B
    N: 25.633, S: 25.633, E: -80.722, W: -80.722

    Shark Slough_Site 06C
    N: 25.636, S: 25.636, E: -80.748, W: -80.748

    Shark Slough_Site 07A
    N: 25.559, S: 25.559, E: -80.779, W: -80.779

    Shark Slough_Site 07B
    N: 25.554, S: 25.554, E: -80.783, W: -80.783

    Shark Slough_Site 07C
    N: 25.563, S: 25.563, E: -80.776, W: -80.776

    Shark Slough_Site 08A
    N: 25.486, S: 25.486, E: -80.834, W: -80.834

    Shark Slough_Site 08B
    N: 25.492, S: 25.492, E: -80.830, W: -80.830

    Shark Slough_Site 08C
    N: 25.493, S: 25.493, E: -80.830, W: -80.830

    Shark Slough_Site 23A
    N: 25.688, S: 25.688, E: -80.618, W: -80.618

    Shark Slough_Site 23B
    N: 25.678, S: 25.678, E: -80.615, W: -80.615

    Shark Slough_Site 23C
    N: 25.675, S: 25.675, E: -80.617, W: -80.617

    Shark Slough_Site 37A
    N: 25.469, S: 25.469, E: -80.850, W: -80.850

    Shark Slough_Site 37B
    N: 25.467, S: 25.467, E: -80.855, W: -80.855

    Shark Slough_Site 37C
    N: 25.470, S: 25.470, E: -80.856, W: -80.856

    Shark Slough_Site 50A
    N: 25.691, S: 25.691, E: -80.760, W: -80.760

    Shark Slough_Site 50B
    N: 25.686, S: 25.686, E: -80.757, W: -80.757

    Shark Slough_Site 50C
    N: 25.685, S: 25.685, E: -80.762, W: -80.762

    Taylor Slough_Site CPA
    N: 25.322, S: 25.322, E: -80.644, W: -80.644

    Taylor Slough_Site CPB
    N: 25.323, S: 25.323, E: -80.641, W: -80.641

    Taylor Slough_Site CPC
    N: 25.325, S: 25.325, E: -80.642, W: -80.642

    Taylor Slough_Site MDA
    N: 25.318, S: 25.318, E: -80.635, W: -80.635

    Taylor Slough_Site MDB
    N: 25.334, S: 25.334, E: -80.640, W: -80.640

    Taylor Slough_Site MDC
    N: 25.270, S: 25.270, E: -80.681, W: -80.681

    Taylor Slough_Site MDD
    N: 25.265, S: 25.265, E: -80.673, W: -80.673

    Taylor Slough_Site MDE
    N: 25.270, S: 25.270, E: -80.683, W: -80.683

    Taylor Slough_Site TSA
    N: 25.262, S: 25.262, E: -80.666, W: -80.666

    Taylor Slough_Site TSB
    N: 25.275, S: 25.275, E: -80.687, W: -80.687

    Taylor Slough_Site TSC
    N: 25.230, S: 25.230, E: -80.704, W: -80.704

    Taylor Slough_Site TSD
    N: 25.236, S: 25.236, E: -80.704, W: -80.704

    Taylor Slough_Site TSE
    N: 25.237, S: 25.237, E: -80.718, W: -80.718

  • Attributes
    • Data Table:   Consumer Stocks: Physical Data from Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida
      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Sample Collection Date
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Sample Collection Area Descriptor
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Name of Collection Site
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Missing Value Code:

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Number of Throw Traps
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: dimensionless
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      percent cover
      Attribute Definition:
      Average Percent Plant Cover
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Precision: 0.1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Average Plant Height
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: centimeter
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      percent cover
      Attribute Definition:
      Average Percent Periphyton Cover
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: percent
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Average Periphyton Volume
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: milliliter
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Attribute Definition:
      Average Water Depth
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      Units: centimeter
      Precision: 1
      Number Type: real
      Missing Value Code:
      -9999 (Value will never be recorded)

      Attribute Name:
      Attribute Label:
      Data Notations
      Attribute Definition:
      Storage Type:
      Measurement Scale:
      HELCOP= Helicopter was used to access sites. Only five throws taken
      NODATA= No data were collected for this sample
      NODEPT= No depth data was recorded for the sample
      NOPTHT= No plant height was recorded for this sample
      NOPVOL= No Periphyton Volume was recorded for the sample
      NOPVPC= No periphyton volume or periphyton cover were recorded for the sample
      NPHPLC= No plant height or plant cover were recorded for the sample
      NPLTCV= No plant cover was recorded for the sample
      SITDRY= Site was visited but too dry to sample (depth <
      Missing Value Code:

  • Methods
    Sampling Description
    Contents of 1-m2 throwtraps at 6 FCE locations

    Method Step

    At each throwtrap, water depth and plant height were measured. Plant and periphyton cover of the throwtrap area were calculated, after which the periphyton volume was measured.

    Jordan, Coyne, and Trexler, Frank, Sean, and Joel C. 1997. Sampling fishes in heavily vegetated habitats: the effects of habitat structure on sampling characteristics of the 1-m2 throw trap. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 126: 1012-1020.

    Standard laboratory balances, micrometers, graduated cylinders, The throwtrap used to sample was 85cm (H) x 100cm (W) x 100cm (L) The perimeter of the trap was covered with 3/16 inch mesh.

    Quality Control
    All analyses completed with standards for precision and accuracy
  • Distribution and Intellectual Rights
    Online distribution
    Data Submission Date:  2008-10-06

    Intellectual Rights
    This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.

  • Keywords
    populations, FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, consumer dynamics, fishes, plant cover, Taylor Slough, Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, plants, consumers, periphyton cover, freshwater, estuarine, periphyton volume, water depth, periphyton
  • Dataset Contact
    • Name: Joel Trexler 
    • Position: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program Principal Investigator
    • Organization: Department of Biological Sciences
    • Address: Florida International University
      University Park
      OE 167
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Phone: 305-348-1966
    • Fax: 305-348-1986
    • Email:
    • URL:

    • Position: Information Manager
    • Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
    • Address: Florida International University
      11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
      Miami, FL 33199 USA
    • Email:
    • URL:

  • Data Table and Format
    Data Table:  Consumer Stocks: Physical Data from Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida

    Entity Name:
    Entity Description:
    Consumer Stocks: Physical Data from Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida
    Object Name:
    Number of Header Lines:
    Attribute Orientation:
    Field Delimiter:
    Number of Records: