Temperatures,salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER) , from May 2005 to May 2014
At a Glance
Authors: Michael Heithaus, Philip Matich, Adam Rosenblatt
Time period: 2005-05-11 to 2014-05-18
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1058.7
Dataset id: LT_TDCS_Heithaus_003
Heithaus, M., P. Matich, A. Rosenblatt. 2019. Temperatures,salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER) , from May 2005 to May 2014. Environmental Data Initiative. https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/79e8ef59e5b93b2ff59321e0a93118ae. Dataset accessed 2025-01-19.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr Michael Heithaus
- Organization: Florida International University, BBC
- Address: 3000 NE 151 St
North Miami, FL 33181 USA - Phone: 305-919-5234
- Fax: 305-919-4030
- Email: heithaus@fiu.edu
- URL: http://www.fiu.edu/~heithaus/
- Name: Philip Matich
- Organization: Florida International University, BBC
- Address: 3000 NE 151 St
North Miami, FL 33181 USA - Phone: 305-919-4263
- Fax: 305-919-4030
- Email: pmati001@fiu.edu
- Name: Adam Rosenblatt
- Organization: Florida International University, BBC
- Address: 3000 NE 151 St
North Miami, FL 33181 USA - Phone: 305-919-4263
- Fax: 305-919-4030
- Email: arose007@fiu.edu
- URL: http://adam.rosenblatt.googlepages.com/home
Dataset AbstractThis dataset provides information on the environmental conditions in the Shark River Slough including dissolved oxygen, water temperature, and salinity. Data suggest that environmental parameters vary spatially and temporally within the system, especially during transition periods between the wet and dry seasons.
Geographic CoverageStudy Extent Description
The Study Extent of this dataset includes the FCE Shark River Slough research sites within Everglades National Park, South Florida
Bounding Coordinates
DR (Down River generally near SRS6)
N: 25.357, S: 25.328, E: -81.099, W: -81.160
N: 25.39, S: 25.37, E: -81.01, W: -81.04
TB (generally near SRS4)
N: 25.42, S: 25.41, E: -80.96, W: -80.99
UR (Up River, throughout Rookery Branch)
N: 25.45, S: 25.45, E: -80.87, W: -80.92
Geographic DescriptionBounding CoordinatesDR (Down River generally near SRS6)N: 25.357, S: 25.328, E: -81.099, W: -81.160SRS5N: 25.39, S: 25.37, E: -81.01, W: -81.04TB (generally near SRS4)N: 25.42, S: 25.41, E: -80.96, W: -80.99UR (Up River, throughout Rookery Branch)N: 25.45, S: 25.45, E: -80.87, W: -80.92
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2005-05-11
End Date: 2014-05-18
Data Table: Temperatures, salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National ParkAttribute Name:DateAttribute Label:dateAttribute Definition:Collection dateStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:YearAttribute Label:YearAttribute Definition:Year of Sample CollectionStorage Type:Measurement Scale:Year of Sample CollectionMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DayofYearAttribute Label:DayofYearAttribute Definition:Day of Year sample collectedStorage Type:Measurement Scale:Day of Year sample collectedMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:TimeAttribute Label:TimeAttribute Definition:Time of day sample collectedStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:LatitudeDDAttribute Label:Latitude_DDAttribute Definition:LatitudeStorage Type:coordinateMeasurement Scale:LatitudeMissing Value Code:-9999.000 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:LongitudeDDAttribute Label:Longitude_DDAttribute Definition:LongitudeStorage Type:coordinateMeasurement Scale:LongitudeMissing Value Code:-9999.000 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:WaterTempAttribute Label:temperatureAttribute Definition:water temperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Data not collected)Attribute Name:SalinityAttribute Label:SalinityAttribute Definition:water salinityStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: partsPerThousandPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Data not collected)Attribute Name:DOAttribute Label:Dissolved oxygenAttribute Definition:water dissolved oxygenStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: milligramsPerLiterPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:DO%Attribute Label:Dissolved Oxygen PercentageAttribute Definition:percent saturation of dissolved oxygenStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: percentPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:AirTempAttribute Label:temperatureAttribute Definition:air temperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Data not collected or unreliable)
Data Table: Temperatures, salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
MethodsSampling Description
Dissolved oxygen collected during sampling
Method Step
Dissolved oxygen collected during sampling
YSI85Method Step
Water Temperature collected during sampling
YSI85Method Step
Salinity collected during sampling
YSI85Quality Control
Data are checked against field notes and datasheets after entry. Data are visually inspected by graduate students and the PI to determine if any values are obviously in error.
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Data Submission Date: 2014-10-21
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Keywordssalinity, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, freshwater, inorganic nutrients, FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, FCE LTER, Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park, South Florida, water, long term
Dataset Contact
- Name: Dr Michael
- Position: Co- PI
- Organization: Heithaus
- Address: FIU, BBC, MSB 250J, 3000 NE 151st Street
North Miami, FL 33181 USA - Phone: 305-919-5234
- Fax: 305-919-4030
- Email: heithaus@fiu.edu
- URL: http://www2.fiu.edu/~heithaus/
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: http://fcelter.fiu.edu
Data Table and FormatData Table: Temperatures, salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National ParkEntity Name:LT_TDCS_Heithaus_003.txtEntity Description:Temperatures, salinities, and dissolved oxygen levels in the Shark River Slough, Everglades National ParkObject Name:LT_TDCS_Heithaus_003.txtNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:2856
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email: fcelter@fiu.edu
- URL: http://fcelter.fiu.edu