Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), South Florida from May 2008 to 2017
At a Glance
Authors: Rene Price
Time period: 2008-05-29 to 2017-10-16
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1140.5
Dataset id: PHY_Price_003
Price, R.. 2020. Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE LTER), South Florida from May 2008 to 2017. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-03-13.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr Rene Price
- Position: Principal Investigator
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: 11200 SW 8th St. SERC OE-148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-3119
- Fax: 305-348-3877
- Email:
- URL:
Dataset AbstractA weather tower was constructed in Taylor River at TS-PH7b to collect meteorological data necessary for the estimation of Evapotranspiration estimates within the dwarf mangrove ecotone of FCE. This data set also includes surface water and soil temperature data that was used to investigate groundwater-surface water interactions at the site.
Geographic CoverageStudy Extent Description
The Study Extent of this dataset includes the TS/Ph7b Weather Tower, Everglades National Park, South Florida
Bounding Coordinates
Taylor River TSPh7b
N: 25.197, S: 25.197, E: -80.642, W: -80.642
Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Study Area: South Florida, Everglades National Park, and Florida Bay
N: 25.761, S: 24.913, E: -80.490, W: -81.078
Geographic DescriptionBounding CoordinatesTS/Ph7bN: 25.197, S: 25.197, E: -80.642, W: -80.642
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2008-05-29
End Date: 2017-10-16
Data Table: Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE), South FloridaAttribute Name:SITENAMEAttribute Label:sitenameAttribute Definition:Name of LTER siteStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:Name of LTER siteMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DateAttribute Label:dateAttribute Definition:Collection dateStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:TimeAttribute Label:timeAttribute Definition:Collection timeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Collection timeMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:WaterTempAttribute Label:WaterTempAttribute Definition:Water TemperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:SoilTempAttribute Label:SoilTempAttribute Definition:Soil TemperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:AirTempAttribute Label:AirTempAttribute Definition:air temperatureStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: celsiusPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:RelHumditiyAttribute Label:RelHumidityAttribute Definition:relative humidityStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: percentPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:WsAttribute Label:WsAttribute Definition:wind speedStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: metersPerSecondPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:WdirAttribute Label:WdirAttribute Definition:wind directionStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: degreePrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:PrecipitationAttribute Label:PrecipitationAttribute Definition:Rain amountStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: millimeterPrecision: 0.1
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.0 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:CM3Up_AvgAttribute Label:IncominsolarAttribute Definition:incoming solar radiation-short waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:CM3Dn_AvgAttribute Label:ReflectsolarAttribute Definition:reflected solar radiation-short waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:CG3Up_AvgAttribute Label:FarinfraredfromskyAttribute Definition:Far infrared radiation from the sky-long waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:CG3Dn_AvgAttribute Label:FarinfraredfromsoilAttribute Definition:Far infrared radiation from the soil surface-long waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:NetRs_AvgAttribute Label:NetshortwaveAttribute Definition:Net Solar Radiation-short waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:NetRl_AvgAttribute Label:NetlongwaveAttribute Definition:Net Far Infrared Radiation-long waveStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:AlbedoAttribute Label:AlbedoAttribute Definition:Albedo of solar radiationStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:UpTot_AvgAttribute Label:UpTotalAttribute Definition:incoming solar radiation + far infrared radiation from the skyStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:DnTot_AvgAttribute Label:DowntotalAttribute Definition:Refected solar radiation + far infrared radiation from the soil surfaceStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )Attribute Name:NetTot_AvgAttribute Label:NettotalAttribute Definition:Net total radiationStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: wattsPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 0.01
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00 (Value will never be recorded )
Data Table: Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE), South Florida
MethodsSampling Description
Instruments were monitored every minute with a Campbell Scientific CR3000 data logger with average readings recorded every 30 minutes.
Method Step
Instruments were monitored every minute with a Campbell Scientific CR3000 data logger with average readings recorded every 30 minutes.
Zapata-Rios, Xavier 2012. Estimates of groundwater discharge to a coastal wetland using multiple techniques: Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park. . Hydrogeology Journal, 20: 1651-1668.
Vaisala, Inc. HMP45C air temperature and relative humidity probe (shielded) RM Young 5103 wind monitor Kipp & Zonen CNR1 Net Radiometer Campbell Scientific 107 temperature probe Texas Electronics, Inc. TR-525M Rainfall Sensor
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Data Submission Date: 2020-02-06
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Keywordswetlands, weather, air temperature, albedo, soil temperature, solar radiation, precipitation, FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, flux tower, dwarf mangrove, Taylor River, temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, wind direction, radiation, solar radiation, wind
Dataset Contact
- Name: Rene Price
- Position: 11200 SW 8th St. SERC OE-148
- Organization: Florida International University
- Address: Miami
FL, 33199 USA 305-348-3119 - Phone: 305-348-3877
- Fax:
- Email: PI
- URL:
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Fax: 305-348-4096
- Email:
- URL:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE), South FloridaEntity Name:PHY_Price_003.txtEntity Description:Non-continuous TS/Ph7b Weather Tower Data, Everglades National Park (FCE), South FloridaObject Name:PHY_Price_003.txtNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:159788
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email:
- URL: