Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE) from September 2006 to September 2008
At a Glance
Authors: Evelyn Gaiser, Joel Trexler
Time period: 2006-09-11 to 2008-09-17
Package id: knb-lter-fce.1166.4
Dataset id: LT_TDCS_Gaiser_001
Gaiser, E., J. Trexler. 2024. Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE) from September 2006 to September 2008. Environmental Data Initiative. Dataset accessed 2025-02-18.
Geographic Coverage
Dataset Creator(s)
- Name: Dr. Evelyn Gaiser
- Position: Primary Investigator
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6145
- Email:
- URL:
- Name: Dr. Joel Trexler
- Position: Co-Primary Investigator
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER Program
- Address: 11200 S.W. 8th Street
Miami, Florida 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-1966
- Email:
Dataset AbstractThree 1m2 throwtrap sites were selected randomly within a few meters of the location. All fish and macroinvertebrates were sampled within each trap using a seine; the trap is determined to be clear of fish and macroinvertebrates once three empty seines are recovered. The count is reset whenever a fish or invertebrate is caught. Once the trap is determined to be clear, five sweeps are done using a couple of nets. The count resets whenever fish is caught, while an extra sweep is added whenever an invertebrate is captured. The trap is finally cleared once the fifth sweep doesn't capture any organisms. All captured organisms are anesthesized in a plastic cup filled with water and MS222; they are then preserved using a 10% formaldehyde solution for identification and archiving in the lab
Geographic CoverageStudy Extent Description
The Study Extent of this dataset includes research sites within Northeast Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park
Bounding Coordinates
N: 25.764, S: 25.764, E: -80.499, W: -80.499
N: 25.748, S: 25.748, E: -80.502, W: -80.502
N: 25.755, S: 25.755, E: -80.517, W: -80.517
N: 25.758, S: 25.758, E: -80.534, W: -80.534
N: 25.755, S: 25.755, E: -80.574, W: -80.574
N: 25.752, S: 25.752, E: -80.591, W: -80.591
N: 25.755, S: 25.755, E: -80.614, W: -80.614
N: 25.753, S: 25.753, E: -80.635, W: -80.635
N: 25.692, S: 25.692, E: -80.635, W: -80.635
N: 25.707, S: 25.707, E: -80.606, W: -80.606
N: 25.690, S: 25.690, E: -80.546, W: -80.546
N: 25.703, S: 25.703, E: -80.513, W: -80.513
N: 25.703, S: 25.703, E: -80.501, W: -80.501
N: 25.676, S: 25.676, E: -80.518, W: -80.518
N: 25.732, S: 25.732, E: -80.499, W: -80.499
N: 25.726, S: 25.726, E: -80.529, W: -80.529
N: 25.719, S: 25.719, E: -80.558, W: -80.558
N: 25.669, S: 25.669, E: -80.618, W: -80.618
N: 25.632, S: 25.632, E: -80.651, W: -80.651
N: 25.674, S: 25.674, E: -80.669, W: -80.669
N: 25.735, S: 25.735, E: -80.672, W: -80.672
N: 25.746, S: 25.746, E: -80.653, W: -80.653
N: 25.722, S: 25.722, E: -80.600, W: -80.600
N: 25.664, S: 25.664, E: -80.540, W: -80.540
N: 25.642, S: 25.642, E: -80.577, W: -80.577
N: 25.624, S: 25.624, E: -80.578, W: -80.578
N: 25.609, S: 25.609, E: -80.550, W: -80.550
N: 25.578, S: 25.578, E: -80.576, W: -80.576
N: 25.552, S: 25.552, E: -80.600, W: -80.600
N: 25.577, S: 25.577, E: -80.662, W: -80.662
Temporal CoverageStart Date: 2006-09-11
End Date: 2008-09-17
Data Table: Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE)Attribute Name:REGIONAttribute Label:RegionAttribute Definition:Project DescriptorStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:DateAttribute Label:Sample Collection DateAttribute Definition:Date sample was collectedStorage Type:datetimeMeasurement Scale:Missing Value Code:Attribute Name:PeriodAttribute Label:PeriodAttribute Definition:Interval within sampling yearStorage Type:ordinalMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:SiteAttribute Label:SiteAttribute Definition:Sampling SiteStorage Type:ordinalMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:REPAttribute Label:ReplicateAttribute Definition:Replicate ID Number (3 replicates taken per site)Storage Type:ordinalMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:APHSAYAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Aphrododerus sayanusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CICBIMAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Cichlasoma bimaculatumStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CICMANAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Cichlasoma managuenseStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CICSPPAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Cichlasoma spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CICUROAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Cichlasoma urophthalmusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CYPVARAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Cyprinodod variegatusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ELAEVEAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Elassoma evergladeiStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ENNGLOAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Enneacanthus gloriosusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ERISUCAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Erimyzon sucettaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:FUNCHRAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Fundulus chrysotusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:FUNCONAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Fundulus confluentusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:GAMHOLAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Gambusia holbrookiStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:HEMLETAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Hemichromis letourneauxiStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:HETFORAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Heterandria formosaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:JORFLOAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Jordanella floridaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LEPGULAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Lepomis gulosusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LEPMARAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Lepomis macrochirusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LEPPLAAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Lepomis platyrhincusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LEPPUNAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Lepomis punctatusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LUCGOOAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Lucania goodeiStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:NOTGYRAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Noturus gyrinusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OREAURAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Oreochromis aureusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:POELATAttribute Label:Fish densityAttribute Definition:Poecilia latipinnaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:UNIFISAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Number of unidentified fish per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:NOFISHAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Number of fish species per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:TOTFISHAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of fish per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:DRNFISAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:No data takenStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:FISH_COMMENTAttribute Label:NotesAttribute Definition:Fish commentStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:PROALLAttribute Label:Crayfish densityAttribute Definition:Procambarus alleniStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PROFALAttribute Label:Crayfish densityAttribute Definition:Procambarus fallaxStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PROSPPAttribute Label:Crayfish densityAttribute Definition:Procambrus speciesStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CRAYTOTAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of crayfish per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:NOCRAYAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of crayfish species per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CRAY_COMMENTAttribute Label:NotesAttribute Definition:Crayfish commentStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:ACARINAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Subclass AcarinaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ACRGRYAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Acris gryllusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ACRITPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Acris gryllus tadpoleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ANAJUNAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Anax juniusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:BELSPPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Belostoma spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:BRAGRAAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Brachymesia gravidaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CELEPOAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Celithemis eponinaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:COENAGAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Family CoenagrionidaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:COLEOAAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Order Coleoptera adultStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:COLEOPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Order ColeopteraStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CORINGAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Coryphaeschna ingensStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CORIXIAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Family CorixidaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CYBSPPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Cybister spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:EPHEMEAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Order EphemeropteraStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:ERYSIMAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Erythemis simplicicollisStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:GERRIDAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Family GerridaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:HAISPPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Haitia spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:HIRUDIAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Class HirudineaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:HYLATPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Hyla cineria tadpoleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LETSPPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Lethocerus spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:LIBNEEAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Libellula needhamiStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:NOTVIRAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Notophthalmus viridescensStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OLIGOCAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Class OligochaetaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PACLONAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Pachydiplax longipennisStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PALPALAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Palaemonetes paludosusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PELFEMAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Pelocoris femoratusStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:PLASPPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Planorbella spp.Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:POMPALAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Pomacea paludosaStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:RANATPAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Rana spp. tadpoleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:SPHAERAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Family SphaeriidaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:SPOLACAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Spongilla lacustrisStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:STRATIAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Family StratiomyidaeStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:TADPOLAttribute Label:Invertebrate densityAttribute Definition:Unidentified tadpoleStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:INVTOTAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of invertebrates per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:NOINVTAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of invertebrates species per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OVTSUMAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of other vertebrates per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OITSUMAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of other inverterbrates per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:MOLSUMAttribute Label:densityAttribute Definition:Total number of molluscs per m2Storage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: numberPerMeterSquaredPrecision: 1
Number Type: integerMissing Value Code:-9999 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:INVT_COMMENTAttribute Label:NotesAttribute Definition:Invertebrate commentStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:Attribute Name:FAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Fish biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:CAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Crayfish biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:SAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Shrimp biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:MAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Mollusc biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OIAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Other invertebrate biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:OVAttribute Label:massAttribute Definition:Other vertebrate biomassStorage Type:dataMeasurement Scale:Units: gramPrecision: .00001
Number Type: realMissing Value Code:-9999.00000 (Value will never be recorded)Attribute Name:WETWT_COMMENTAttribute Label:NotesAttribute Definition:Wet weight commentStorage Type:textMeasurement Scale:textMissing Value Code:
Data Table: Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE)
MethodsSampling Description
All fish and macroinvertebrates were sampled within each trap using a seine; the trap is determined to be clear of fish and macroinvertebrates once three empty seines are recovered. The count is reset whenever a fish or invertebrate is caught. Once the trap is determined to be clear, five sweeps are done using a couple of nets. The count resets whenever fish is caught, while an extra sweep is added whenever an invertebrate is captured. The trap is finally cleared once the fifth sweep doesn't capture any organisms. All captured organisms are anesthesized in a plastic cup filled with water and MS222; they are then preserved using a 10% formaldehyde solution until identification and archiving in the lab
Method Step
Water pH and temperature were collected in the field, and both filtered and unfiltered water samples were run for TP, TN and TC. Plant cover, composition and counts were also determined in the field. Periphyton assessment (biovolume, type, cover, composition) were done in situ, and samples were brought back for nutrient analysis (TP), diatom and soft count composition, chlorophyll a, and biomass.
Jordan, C. F. , S. Coyne, J. C. Trexler. 1997. Sampling fishes in heavily vegetated habitats: the effects of habitat structure on sampling characteristics of the 1-m2 throw trap.. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 126: 1012-1020.
A 1m2 mesh-sided throwtrap and seine, couple of sweep nets are used to harvest fish and macroinvertebrates.Quality Control
Field data are written in pencil on waterproof paper and photocopied upon return to the laboratory. They are then entered into the appropriate digital format. These data are reviewed in hard copy and digital format by the lab manager. Laboratory data are written in pencil on waterproof paper, photocopied prior to computer entry and then entered digitally in duplicate and cross-referenced to hard copy notes. Data outliers, determined by comparison to long-term variance in that parameter, are highlighted in resulting spreadsheets for examination by the principal investigator, who may discard the values.
Distribution and Intellectual RightsOnline distribution
Data Submission Date: 2009-09-21
Intellectual Rights
This information is released under the Creative Commons license - Attribution - CC BY ( The consumer of these data ("Data User" herein) is required to cite it appropriately in any publication that results from its use. The Data User should realize that these data may be actively used by others for ongoing research and that coordination may be necessary to prevent duplicate publication. The Data User is urged to contact the authors of these data if any questions about methodology or results occur. Where appropriate, the Data User is encouraged to consider collaboration or co-authorship with the authors. The Data User should realize that misinterpretation of data may occur if used out of context of the original study. While substantial efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of data and associated documentation, complete accuracy of data sets cannot be guaranteed. All data are made available "as is." The Data User should be aware, however, that data are updated periodically and it is the responsibility of the Data User to check for new versions of the data. The data authors and the repository where these data were obtained shall not be liable for damages resulting from any use or misinterpretation of the data. Thank you.
Keywordspopulations, FCE, Florida Coastal Everglades LTER, ecological research, long-term monitoring, Tamiami Trail, grand experiment, bridge, canal, periphyton, macrophytes, fish, consumers, food web, nutrients, soils, Shark River Slough, fish density, biomass, fish biomass, wet weight, invertebrate, invertebrate biomass, trapping, ecosystems, crayfishes, water, fishes
Dataset Contact
- Name: Evelyn Gaiser
- Position: Primary Investigator
- Organization: Southeast Environmental Research Center
- Address: Florida International University
University Park
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6145
- Email:
- URL:
- Position: Information Manager
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Email:
- URL:
Data Table and FormatData Table: Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE)Entity Name:LT_TDCS_Gaiser_001Entity Description:Fish and consumer data collected from Northeast Shark Slough, Everglades National Park (FCE)Object Name:LT_TDCS_Gaiser_001.csvNumber of Header Lines:1Attribute Orientation:columnField Delimiter:,Number of Records:390
Metadata Provider
- Organization: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER
- Address: Florida International University
11200 SW 8th Street, OE 148
Miami, FL 33199 USA - Phone: 305-348-6054
- Email:
- URL:
Award(s)Project award(s):Award title: Florida Coastal Everglades LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research-the Coastal EvergladesRelated project award(s):
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 9910514
Award URL:
Award title: FCE LTER II: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 620409
Award URL:
Award title: FCE LTER III: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystems Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 1237517
Award URL:
Award title: LTER: Drivers of Abrupt Change in the Florida Coastal Everglades
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 1832229
Award URL:
Award title: LTER: Coastal Oligotrophic Ecosystem Research
Funder name: National Science Foundation
Award number: 2025954
Award URL:
Project permitsEVER-2006-SCI-0048