Book ChaptersDavis, S.E., E. Castañeda-Moya, R. Boucek, R.M. Chambers, L. Collado-Vides, H.C. Fitz, J.D. Fuentes, E.E. Gaiser, M.R. Heithaus, J.S. Rehage, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, J.P. Sah, F.H. Sklar, and T. Troxler. 2019. Chapter 7: Exogenous Drivers - What has Disturbance Taught Us?, in Childers, D.L., E.E. Gaiser and L.A. Ogden (eds.) The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press : New York, New York.
Sklar, F.H., J.F. Meeder, T. Troxler, T.W. Dreschel, S.E. Davis, and P.L. Ruiz. 2019. Chapter 16 - The Everglades: At the Forefront of Transition, pp. 277-292 in Wolanski, E., J.W. Day, M. Elliott and R. Ramachandran (eds.) Coasts and Estuaries: The Future. Elsevier.
Sklar, F.H., J.M. Beerens, L.A. Brandt, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, T.A. Frankovich, C.J. Madden, A. Mclean, J.C. Trexler, and W. Wilcox. 2019. Chapter 8: Back to the Future - Rebuilding the Everglades, in Childers, D.L., E.E. Gaiser and L.A. Ogden (eds.) The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press : New York, New York.
Journal ArticlesLamb-Wotton, L., T. Troxler, C. Coronado-Molina, S.E. Davis, D. Gann, K. Ishtiaq, S.L. Malone, P.C. Olivas, D.T. Rudnick, and F.H. Sklar. 2024. Evaluating hydrogeomorphic condition across ecosystem states in a non-tidal, brackish peat marsh of the Florida Coastal Everglades, USA. Estuaries and Coasts DOI: 10.1007/s12237-024-01364-5.
Ishtiaq, K., T. Troxler, L. Lamb-Wotton, B.J. Wilson, S.P. Charles, S.E. Davis, J. Kominoski, D.T. Rudnick, and F.H. Sklar. 2022. Modeling net ecosystem carbon balance and loss in coastal wetlands exposed to sea-level rise and saltwater intrusion. Ecological Applications 32: e2702.
Servais, S., J. Kominoski, C. Coronado-Molina, L. Bauman, S.E. Davis, E.E. Gaiser, S.P. Kelly, C.J. Madden, V. Mazzei, D.T. Rudnick, F. Santamaria, F.H. Sklar, J. Stachelek, T. Troxler, and B.J. Wilson. 2020. Effects of saltwater pulses on soil microbial enzymes and organic matter breakdown in freshwater and brackish coastal wetlands. Estuaries and Coasts 43: 814–830.
Charles, S.P., J. Kominoski, T. Troxler, E.E. Gaiser, S. Servais, B.J. Wilson, S.E. Davis, F.H. Sklar, C. Coronado-Molina, C.J. Madden, S.P. Kelly, and D.T. Rudnick. 2019. Experimental saltwater intrusion drives rapid soil elevation and carbon loss in freshwater and brackish Everglades marshes. Estuaries and Coasts 42: 1868-1881.
Mazzei, V., E.E. Gaiser, J. Kominoski, B.J. Wilson, S. Servais, L. Bauman, S.E. Davis, S.P. Kelly, F.H. Sklar, D.T. Rudnick, J. Stachelek, and T. Troxler. 2018. Functional and compositional responses of periphyton mats to simulated saltwater intrusion in the southern Everglades. Estuaries and Coasts 41: 2105-2119.
Prieto Estrada, A.E., R.M. Price, L.J. Scinto, F.J-M.R. Maurrasse, T.W. Dreschel, F.H. Sklar, and E. Cline. 2018. Lithologic controls on hydrologic and geochemical processes in constructed Everglades tree islands. Chemical Geology DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.04.001.
Wilson, B.J., S. Servais, A.D. Gottlieb, J. Kominoski, M. Hu, S.E. Davis, E.E. Gaiser, F.H. Sklar, L. Bauman, S.P. Kelly, C.J. Madden, J.H. Richards, D.T. Rudnick, J. Stachelek, and T. Troxler. 2018. Salinity pulses interact with seasonal dry-down to increase ecosystem carbon loss in marshes of the Florida Everglades. Ecological Applications 28: 2092-2108.
Sullivan, P., R.M. Price, M. Wilson, S. Stoffella, J.P. Sah, L.J. Scinto, E. Cline, T.W. Dreschel, and F.H. Sklar. 2016. Trees: a powerful geomorphic agent governing the landscape evolution of a subtropical wetland. Biogeochemistry 128: 369-384.
Sullivan, P., E.E. Gaiser, D.D. Surratt, D.T. Rudnick, S.E. Davis, and F.H. Sklar. 2014. Wetland ecosystem response to hydrologic restoration and management: The Everglades and its urban-agricultural boundary (FL, USA). Wetlands 34: 1-8.
Sullivan, P., R.M. Price, F. Miralles-Wilhelm, M.S. Ross, L.J. Scinto, T.W. Dreschel, F.H. Sklar, and E. Cline. 2014. The role of recharge and evapotranspiration as hydraulic drivers of ion concentrations in shallow groundwater on Everglades tree islands, Florida (USA). Hydrological Processes 28: 293-304.
Moses, C., W.T. Anderson, C.J. Saunders, and F.H. Sklar. 2013. Regional climate gradients in precipitation and temperature in response to climate teleconnections in the Greater Everglades ecosystem of South Florida. Journal of Paleolimnology 49: 5-14.
Troxler, T. et al. 2013. Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: current status and needs for inter-site comparisons. Oceanography 26: 98-107.
Larsen, L., N. Aumen, C. Bernhardt, V. Engel, T. Givnish, S.E. Hagerthey, J. Harvey, L. Leonard, P. McCormick, C. McVoy, G.B. Noe, M. Nungesser, K. Rutchey, F.H. Sklar, T. Troxler, J.C. Volin, and D.A. Willard. 2011. Recent and historic drivers of landscape change in the Everglades ridge, slough, and tree island mosaic. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41: 344-381.
Sullivan, P., R.M. Price, M.S. Ross, L.J. Scinto, S. Stoffella, E. Cline, T.W. Dreschel, and F.H. Sklar. 2011. Hydrologic processes on tree islands in the Everglades (Florida, USA): tracking the effects of tree establishment and growth. Hydrogeology Journal 19: 367-378.
Wetzel, P., F.H. Sklar, C. Coronado-Molina, T. Troxler, S.L. Krupa, P. Sullivan, S.M.L. Ewe, R.M. Price, S. Newman, and W.H. Orem. 2011. Biogeochemical processes on tree islands in the Greater Everglades: Initiating a new paradigm. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 41: 670-701.
Childers, D.L., J.N. Boyer, S.E. Davis, C.J. Madden, D.T. Rudnick, and F.H. Sklar. 2006. Relating precipitation and water management to nutrient concentration patterns in the oligotrophic "upside down" estuaries of the Florida Everglades. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 602-616.
Wetzel, P., A.G. van der Valk, S. Newman, D.E. Gawlik, T. Troxler-Gann, C. Coronado-Molina, D.L. Childers, and F.H. Sklar. 2005. Maintaining tree islands in the Florida Everglades: nutrient redistribution is the key. Frontiers in Ecology 3: 370-376.
Davis, S.E., J.E. Cable, D.L. Childers, C. Coronado-Molina, J.W. Day, C.D. Hittle, C.J. Madden, D. Rudnick, E. Reyes, and F. Sklar. 2004. Importance of episodic storm events in controlling ecosystem structure and function in a gulf coast estuary. Journal of Coastal Research 20: 1198-1208.
Davis, S.E., D.L. Childers, J.W. Day, D.T. Rudnick, and F.H. Sklar. 2003. Factors affecting the concentration and flux of materials in two southern Everglades mangrove wetlands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 253: 85-96.