Book ChaptersTroxler, T., G. Starr, J.N. Boyer, J.D. Fuentes, R. Jaffe, S.L. Malone, J.G. Barr, S.E. Davis, L. Collado-Vides, J.L. Breithaupt, A.K. Saha, R.M. Chambers, C.J. Madden, J.M. Smoak, J.W. Fourqurean, G. Koch, J. Kominoski, L.J. Scinto, S. Oberbauer, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castañeda-Moya, N.O. Schulte, S.P. Charles, J.H. Richards, D.T. Rudnick, and K.R.T. Whelan. 2019. Chapter 6: Carbon Cycles in the Florida Coastal Everglades Social-Ecological System across Scales, in Childers, D.L., E.E. Gaiser and L.A. Ogden (eds.) The Coastal Everglades: The Dynamics of Social-Ecological Transformation in the South Florida Landscape. Oxford University Press : New York, New York.
Journal ArticlesChavez, S., S. Wdowinski, D. Lagomasino, E. Castañeda-Moya, T.E. Fatoyinbo, R.P. Moyer, and J.M. Smoak. 2023. Estimating structural damage to mangrove forests using airborne Lidar imagery: Case study of damage induced by the 2017 Hurricane Irma to mangroves in the Florida Everglades, USA. Sensors 23: 6669.
He, D., S.N. Ladd, J. Park, J.P. Sachs, B.R.T. Simoneit, J.M. Smoak, and R. Jaffe. 2022. Carbon and hydrogen isotopes of taraxerol in mangrove leaves and sediment cores: implications for paleo-reconstructions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 324: 262-279.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, T.S. Bianchi, D. Vaughn, C.J. Sanders, K. Radabaugh, M.J. Osland, L.C. Feher, J. Lynch, D.R. Cahoon, G. Anderson, K.R.T. Whelan, B.E. Rosenheim, R.P. Moyer, and L.G. Chambers. 2020. Increasing rates of carbon burial in southwest Florida coastal wetlands. JGR Biogeosciences DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005349.
Breithaupt, J.L., N. Hurst, H.E. Steinmuller, E. Duga, J.M. Smoak, J. Kominoski, and L.G. Chambers. 2020. Comparing the biogeochemistry of storm surge sediments and pre-storm soils in coastal wetlands: Hurricane Irma and the Florida Everglades. Estuaries and Coasts 43: 1090–1103.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, C.J. Sanders, and T. Troxler. 2019. Spatial variability of organic carbon, CaCO3 and nutrient burial rates spanning a mangrove productivity gradient in the coastal Everglades. Ecosystems 22: 844-858.
Saderne, V., N.R. Geraldi, P.I. Macreadie, D.T. Maher, J.J. Middelburg, O. Serrano, H. Almahasheer, A. Arias-Ortiz, M. Cusack, B.D. Eyre, J.W. Fourqurean, H. Kennedy, D. Krause-Jensen, T. Kuwae, P.S. Lavery, C.E. Lovelock, N. Marba, P. Masque, M.A. Mateo, I. Mazarrasa, K.J. McGlathery, M.P.J. Oreska, C.J. Sanders, I.R. Santos, J.M. Smoak, T. Tanaya, K. Watanabe, and C.M. Duarte. 2019. Role of carbonate burial in Blue Carbon budgets. Nature Communications 10: 1106.
Tiling-Range, G., T.J. Smith, A.M. Foster, J.M. Smoak, and J.L. Breithaupt. 2019. Utilizing fossilized charcoal to augment the Everglades National Park Fire History Geodatabase. Journal of Environmental Management 249: 109360.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, R.H. Byrne, M.N. Waters, R.P. Moyer, and C.J. Sanders. 2018. Avoiding timescale bias in assessments of coastal wetland vertical change. Limnology and Oceanography 63: S477-S495.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, V.H. Rivera-Monroy, E. Castañeda-Moya, R.P. Moyer, M. Simard, and C.J. Sanders. 2017. Partitioning the relative contributions of organic matter and mineral sediment to accretion rates in carbonate platform mangrove soils. Marine Geology 390: 170-180.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, T.J. Smith, and C.J. Saunders. 2014. Temporal variability of carbon and nutrient burial, sediment accretion, and mass accumulation over the past century in a carbonate platform mangrove forest of the Florida Everglades. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119: 2032-2048.
Smoak, J.M., J.L. Breithaupt, T.J. Smith, and C.J. Sanders. 2013. Sediment accretion and organic carbon burial relative to sea-level rise and storm events in two mangrove forests in Everglades National Park. Catena 104: 58-66.
Troxler, T. et al. 2013. Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: current status and needs for inter-site comparisons. Oceanography 26: 98-107.
Waters, M.N., J.M. Smoak, and C.J. Saunders. 2013. Historic primary producer communities linked to water quality and hydrologic changes in the northern Everglades. Journal of Paleolimnology 49: 67-81.
Breithaupt, J.L., J.M. Smoak, T.J. Smith, C.J. Sanders, and A. Hoare. 2012. Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26: GB3011, 11 pp..